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Darth Alec

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Posts posted by Darth Alec

  1. The Grot stuff is interesting. But the Stormcast stuff is really as expected. GW has been going that way since the very first fluff pieces.


    It's going to to be super interesting to see how it pans out though. I expect that Stormhosts will have even more tangible differences, like chapters of Space Marines have now.

  2. We know that plastic moulds are super expensive. Hence the complete lack of "special" models in the last 10 years. No anniversary, limited run (Storm of Chaos), event-exclusive stuff, because GW proper wanted to go 100% plastic and limited runs can't support that. We have seen them change their minds here though, as there have been loads of them the last 2 years. Notably though, they're all in resin. Resin molds are super cheap comparitively.


    A Nurgle book would undoubtably include either Pestilens directly, or at the very least a Pestilens artifact/spell lore/command trait section.

    • Like 1
  3. I think the more interesting aspect here is GW's seeming commitment to the new army book style. This will be the second full book which is mostly rework of existing stuff. Updating older books to a new style. It tells me that they are very much enjoying the allegiance ability mechanic and that the new direction is working for them. You can practically feel the designers having fun when reading Tzeench/Stormcast. It's nailing the narrative and mechanical integration in a way that AoS couldn't at release, yet without restricting players from their Grand Alliance armies.


    Aelfs are obviously waiting for a proper model release, possibly the Adepticon reveal. So any updates there will have to wait.


    Death too seems to be waiting for something. Deathrattle could have been its own tome ala Bonesplitterz. Deathlords could have gotten an Archaon treatment (plus bonus formations).


    But it's not easy to speculate on GW's internal workings. The guys working there obviously can't comment on it. And you'd very quickly go from "informed speculation" to outright guesswork and wishlisting.

  4. GW right now:




    I'm not 100% sold on these guys, but I feel like the moment I see an actual model I'll love them. They feel like dwarfs made with a proper vision. Not just "steampunk dwarfs" or "classic dwarfs". It's a twisted, insane vision, but a vision non-the-less. And everything else they have announced seem like solid hits as well. GW is just doing the sort of stuff that none of the other miniature companies are doing right now. The rescue process of the "sinking ship" feels done. They aren't sinking any more. GW is back.

    • Like 9
  5. 31 minutes ago, Mortarch said:

    I think the issuance of the Stormcast book SANS any airships or flying contingent indicates that this (while it might be cool) is highly unlikely. Stormcast would be first inline for some "Sigmarite Storm Riders" and they would be included in a single SCE army book.. so if thats the direction they were going they would have delayed by a couple of weeks and moved up the announcement of flyers.

    Which could then have been followed by a Duardin VS someone else box set and the Duardin release.

    So yeah, think it may yet just be the Duardin "grounding" troops with the larger ships left in artwork and fluff as where the live rather than playable elements.. the same way Sigmars cities are just pictures and not massive "Sigholds"


    Stormcast flying chariots. LIke they're going all Thor on the Mortal Realms. Yes please.



  6. IIRC, several of the old school rumourmongers just lost interest in GW/Fantasy. The End Times and AoS killed the passion, so they haven't bothered with it for a while. I may be misremembering though.


    Tile is definitely Nagash' head. But whether it's a tile for a board game, new battlemat or just some new art I can't say. Would love a Shyish-themed 6x4 battlemat.

    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    This isn't true.  Devoted of Sigmar have not had a release either.  They seemed like a likely expansion until the new Stormcast release dropped.  We are ultimately waiting on their expansion (which I think the new Stormcast book was a missed opportunity with them).

    Ah, that is true. I had actually forgotten there was a human there at all. Definitely a possibility. But It seems the Devoted have been somewhat merged with the Order of Azyr, as they had fanatics in the City of Secrets. Freeguild are more heavily featured ATM.

    7 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    Aha! This is the inroad! 40K and AoS merge as the shattered Eldar leave the stars and settle in the Mortal Realms, led by T,T, & M.


    Eh... no. Let's not ;)

  8. I'll be a little controversial here; I hope none of the current Aelf models become a part of the new Aelf factions. We have the Azyr-aelfs (phoenix temple, swifthawk etc), who have interesting concepts that can be expanded. I'd much rather see the new factions be entirely new, unshackled to the old aesthetic.


    Thought of the day: The aelfs are now the only models from the Silver Tower set without a proper release. That means that they are either based on pre-existing designs, or will be the defining models for a new set.

    • Like 4
  9. You gave me a great idea. Use the drakes, but add the vampires from the Coven Throne kit for female Blood Knights. Hmmm....


    Anyways, looking forward to the finished unit. The black eyes do a lot of work for the unit. Maybe have some colour variation on the flesh? Like some parts are rotting faster than other parts.

    • Like 2
  10. Now this might just be me remembering the good old days... But we did literally hear this sort of commentary every time a new army book came out. It's nothing new, and shouldn't be unexpected by either the players of the armies or the people around them. Being annoyed that the stuff you liked changing is only natural. We all grumble a bit when our toys change :P


    Adjust, live and learn. The book looks amazing, and exactly what the doctor ordered for everyone who isn't playing Warrior Brotherhood.

    • Like 4
  11. IIRC, Forgeworld wasn't informed about the change to AoS until veeeeeeeeery late in the process. Hence the late warscrolls. It also means that the fantasy forge, which they had already scrapped, had to be rebuilt with a completely new aesthetic in mind. One that doesn't mesh with 30k or 40k-gritty-esque models.


    Combine that with GW's massive increase in quality since the End Times, Forgeworld is likely going to flounder for a while before they find their niche. Honestly, proper upgrade kits for models (Stormcast chambers, anyone?) might actually be the best way for them to approach this.


    Oh, and Forgeworld-made Tomb Kings ;)

    • Like 1
  12. 41 minutes ago, Riavan said:

    Someone told me on AOS reddit we are going to see a plastic guo release. Possibly one of you guys. I know we had a guy a few pages back saying nurgle was going to get a release of some sort.

    The current non fw model is so bad, makes sense.

    IIRC, the original plastic GUO turned into the Glottkin, so I'm a little sceptical. But it's hardly impossible. They're half way through already.

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