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Hammer of War

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Everything posted by Hammer of War

  1. So, I've been a DoK player for about 6 months now, and it's a great way to get that Dark Elf feel again. Been playing AoS since it was launched though. A big tournament is quickly approaching and I need to get my list stabilized. For some strange reason, the organizer insisted it was to be 1500 pts (3 battlelines) only, which is a shame since I already had good success with a 2K list. It will be based around randomly generated scenarios from the last 6 in the GHB (3 places of arcane power, relocating orb, etc), and it will have no realms of magic items or spells (which are considered unbalancing). My gaming area is mostly Death/Nighthaunt heavy, with some Seraphon, Chaos (Nurgle and Tzeentch mostly), Sylvaneth and Stormcast players also. I'm about the only guy using DoK. This means I see a lot of summoning, magic and hard hitting units, and a lot of mobility. Double dragon Sacrament lists, Nagash and friends lists, GUO immortal lists, Tzeentch magic heavy lists, etc. Now, I've been really struggling to find the right balance on this list. I'm fairly confident I want/have to have 2 hags minimum and 3 units of witches (I think they're overall better than SoS, so I own about 90 witches but only 10 SoS). Most of my witches are equipped with knifes, unfortunately. The rest of the list can vary wildly depending on which temple I choose and whether or not I include Morathi. Morathi has been, to my experience, the only real threat to things like Vhordrai or GUO's, and even Nagash, that tend to hide behind a gazilion conga-line expendable troops, handing out buffs and debuffs and reliably capturing and holding objectives (especially in the two scenarios that favour Wizards). However, it is also eating away points in such a way that the rest of the list becomes fairly slow (especially with Hagg Nar) when it comes to adapting to moving or changing objectives (as now seems to be the norm in most of these scenarios). If I want to include a cauldron, for example, I'm quickly running out of points! On the other hand, if I go for Khailebron, I lose a lot of staying power against stuff that is more mobile than me (double dragon, etc), especially If I don't get Morathi. I'm putting an example of three possible lists with and without Morathi (Hagg Nar), so you can provide feedback. I really need some feedback or else I'll go mad I currently own most of the DoK range: 1 cauldron, 1 shrine, 1 medusa on foot, 3 hags, 1 slaughter queen on foot, 1 morathi, about 90 witches, 10 SoS, 10 Blood Sisters and 10 Blood Stalkers, 1 Avatar on foot, 10 warlocks and 10 heartrenders. List 1 is based on the toughest characters we've got. It's meant to be resistent and hold objectives and to play with the Hero's with items and wizards scenario bonuses. List 2 is based on magic defense/offense (good VS Death and Nurgle) and spamming wizards (incantors, warlocks) for scenario bonuses. List 3 is based on getting some Idoneth Allies for speed and toughness. LIST 1 - Hagg Nar - 1500/1500 pts Morathi High Oracle of Khaine (480) - Lore of Shadows : Mindrazor Hag Queen on Cauldron Of Blood (300) - General - Command Trait : Devoted Desciples - Artefact : Amulet of Dark Fire - Prayer : Crimson Rejuvenation Hag Queen (60) - Prayer : Blessing of Khaine Hag Queen (60) - Prayer : Catechism of Murder 20 x Witch Aelves (200) -Pairs of Sacrificial Knives 20 x Witch Aelves (200) -Pairs of Sacrificial Knives 20 x Witch Aelves (200) -Pairs of Sacrificial Knives LIST 2 - Hagg Nar - 1490/1500 pts Slaughter Queen on Cauldron Of Blood (330) - General - Command Trait : Devoted Desciples - Artefact : Amulet of Dark Fire - Prayer : Crimson Rejuvenation Hag Queen (60) - Prayer : Blessing of Khaine Hag Queen (60) - Prayer : Catechism of Murder Knight-Incantor (140) - Allies Knight-Incantor (140) - Allies 20 x Witch Aelves (200) -Pairs of Sacrificial Knives 20 x Witch Aelves (200) -Pairs of Sacrificial Knives 20 x Witch Aelves (200) -Pairs of Sacrificial Knives 5 x Doomfire Warlocks (160) - Lore of Shadows : Mindrazor LIST 3 - Hagg Nar - 1490/1500 Slaughter Queen on Cauldron Of Blood (330) - General - Command Trait : Devoted Desciples - Artefact : Amulet of Dark Fire - Prayer : Crimson Rejuvenation Hag Queen (60) - Prayer : Blessing of Khaine Hag Queen (60) - Prayer : Catechism of Murder 20 x Witch Aelves (200) -Pairs of Sacrificial Knives 20 x Witch Aelves (200) -Pairs of Sacrificial Knives 20 x Witch Aelves (200) -Pairs of Sacrificial Knives 5 x Doomfire Warlocks (160) - Lore of Shadows : Mindrazor 6 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (280)
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