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Posts posted by Dave

  1. 4 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Wall fo text incoming!

    So, new FAQs!!! A lot of sutile things (or not) that may change how we play:

    So, from what I catch, it seems that our freindly non-KO DUARDIN units in Barak-Thryng are not gaining any Keyword, so no Grudges to settle for them:

    A bit sad. Gotrek will not be part of Barak-Thryng anymore (he is not from Cities of Sigmar nor Fyreslayers) but that's a minor hit.
    But we won another Battleline units: Vulkite Berzerks!!

    Hitchers can't jump with Alpha-Beast Pack nor Zilfin Footnote anymore (/sadface):

    That's a bit rare because we had a FAQ that allowed exactly this... whatever.

    No more Bound Endless Spells anymore. It's not something to take in consideration because but it was fun playing Bound Chronomatic Cogs. 

    Warp Lightning Vortex has a diferent set-up rule. Big Nerf in my opinion, but it is what it is:

    Btw, A LOT of rerolls were removed with this update. instead, everybody has +1 save or even ignore -1rend:

    A direct nerf to one of our most powerful weapons: Rend. 

    That's all that I got from my first read. So, what do you think? Anyone saw more tricks, nerfs, bufs,... ? How are your lists affeted by this new FAQs?

    Where did you find the FAQ bit? I’ve got the erratas but can’t see where the questions about coalition battle line are . Not doubting you it’s probably me being thick 😄

  2. 1 hour ago, Matt Large said:

    Just Chipping in with my first attemp at a list. Is 5 drops too high in a "competative" setting or just about right? 

    Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords - Mortal Realm: Chamon - Sky Port: Barak Zilfin

    LEADERS Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (220) - General - Command Trait : Tough as Old Boots - Artefact : Staff of Ocular Optimisation

    Aetheric Navigator (100)

    Aether-Khemist (90) - Artefact : Spell in a Bottle


    10 x Arkanaut Company (90) - 1 x Skypikes - 1 x Light Skyhooks - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns

    10 x Arkanaut Company (90) - 1 x Skypikes - 1 x Light Skyhooks - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns

    6 x Endrinriggers (200) - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns - 1 x Skyhooks

    5 x Grundstok Thunderers (120) - 1 x Decksweepers - 1 x Aethercannons - 1 x Grundstok Mortars

    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150) - Main Gun : Sky Cannon - Great Endrinwork: Coalbeard's Collapsible Compartments 

    BEHEMOTHS Arkanaut Ironclad (510) - Main Gun : Aethermatic Volley Cannon - Great Endrinworks : The Last Word

    Arkanaut Frigate (250) - Main Gun : Heavy Sky Cannon - Great Endrinworks : Prudency Chutes - Kharadron Overlords Battleline (Sky Port: Barak Zilfin)


    Iron Sky Command (130)


    Aethervoid Pendulum (50)

    You need an Admiral as well for the battalion unfortunately.

  3. Unfortunately you don’t have enough battleline as the gore gruntas don’t count . The list I’ve used with the beast hammer is similar but instead of the huskard I took a hunter as the general and a unit of frost sabres to get the battle line minimum. The beast hammer is great fun though!


    edit I also took 2 units of 4 Mournfang just because the hit well and stay around for a while

  4. 36 minutes ago, DocNacho said:

    You know... GW could have easily put summoning in for KO. Something to the tune of a reinforcement beacon that takes time to charge and depending on how long it goes, you earn points etc. Then you could spend them to bring in a new unit of some sort. Like, the navigator plotting a course for reinforcements. It would be very thematic as a new ship or troops descend to the battlefield via ropes or parachutes.

    I totally agree with this , it’s something I’ve thought since all the summoning was announced . You could’ve had tokens on the battlefield that you need to collect as your resource to summon 

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