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Posts posted by Wraith01

  1. Yeah, they've won me over with their gladiatorial look.  I didn't care for them much when they got originally revealed.

    I'll probably pre-order the Splintered Fang and the Corvus Cabal next week. Then I'd end up with 4 Warbands counting the 2 from the Starter set, and I have Stormcast and Nighthaunt armies I could make Warbands to play with if I get the cards. 

  2. I like the fact AoS is fun to play in any configuration. 

    Depending on who I'm playing against the amount of rules tends to change. When I'm introducing the game to someone I tend to play with the original 4 page rules and either Start Collecting sets or just a few units; no extra abilities, spells or anything. If it's a casual game with someone that isn't very good we go to AoS 2.0 probably with everything from Battletomes if they have it. When it's against an experienced player we tend to use all the rules. But honestly in my local store no one cares for the terrain placement rules, we simply ignore those for a cool looking table. Which is funny cause we are looking forward to playing Warcry with the random terrain cards...

    • Like 1
  3. I've never had a problem with the double turn.

    It could be because AoS was my first tabletop game and it's the first ruleset I ever played with, so I didn't know anything else.

    After 3 years of wargaming and trying other game systems I still don't have a problem with it. I think it's part of AoS's identity and I actually enjoy the randomness... I also like the way Warlords of Erewhon handles it; the Bolt Action style where you could have a few turns without activating anything at all since you're blindly drawing dice out of a bag to determine who gets to go. 

    • Like 2
  4. I want more Warbands and roaming beasts!

    I'd love it if they follow the "Underworlds" structure and release all new warbands every year. They work on new sculpts for existing AoS factions instead of (or along with) letting us play with models we already have. I mean Chaos Marauders, Bloodreavers and Cairic Acolytes are no brainers for this setting.

    I also liked the addition of Leaders and Elites to Killteam and would like to see that ported over eventually. 

    • Like 2
  5. 6 hours ago, CJPT said:

    I came away with a good impression from the demo game I played in store this weekend. Figured it might be helpful to lay out some thoughts.

    The core game has a lot of Jervis Johnson to it. It's very much about movement and dice maths, with most of the complexity/skill coming from being able to recognise and capitalise on opportunities within a limited number of activations. Other than that, it's relatively rules-light compared to Necromunda or even Kill Team.

    It actually reminds me of Blood Bowl more than Mordheim in some ways. Warbands have particular tricks and strengths, but they all fit on a single card and they're fairly easy for both you and your opponent to wrap your head around. Very few 'actually,  I've got this special rule'-type surprises. The really important thing is understanding how to create an opening, exploit it, and defend your advantage - that might feel a little abstract, but fighting to claim and hold an objective in three turns of Warcry felt a lot like breaking open a defense and making a run to the endzone in BB.

    The initiative dice system and the wild dice are the standout bits of design, for me. They introduce lots of mindgames and make rolling for initiative a really interactive moment where neither player really 'wins', just tries to build an advantage across a few different axes. You can cede the initiative but stock up on doubles/triples/quads for big ability combos. You can do the opposite and play for the first activation. Neither is abstractly better - it's all situational and a judgement call, which is great. Way better than 'going first is always best'.

    A few other subtle rules are really important too - the 'disengage' action, for example, limits you to a 3" move ending more than 1" from any enemy models. This is a really big deal because it introduces the idea that all characters are equal when disengaging. It doesn't matter quite so much how speedy your Untamed Beasts are after I've tagged you with an Iron Legionnaire - I'm going to slow you down, at least for your first action in that activation. This encourages you to create traps and chokepoints, rather than just stand on the objective and wait for opponents to come piling in - again, similar to Blood Bowl.

    The 'wait' action is also cool. You effectively give up an action, but being able to shunt a fighter to the end of the activation queue while leaving your other options open denies your opponent information and can lead to some tense moments.

    One thing I'd add is that the various scenario generation cards and extra features seem absolutely essential. I suspect a lot of players will be tempted to ignore the terrain layout suggestions, weird deployment positions/timings, and Chaos Beasts - don't. The game seems to be at its best when there's a bunch of factors in play that neither player has total control over. My game involved deployment from every board edge, hidden objectives, including characters coming in later in the game, and a massive Raptoryx with 30 health rampaging around in the backfield. Extra mechanics like this are how you avoid the 'run into the middle and fight' issue. I suspect that some players will bore themselves by deciding to avoid what feel like 'optional' rules, but are actually essential.

    I can't feed back on the campaign side, obviously, save to say that I kinda appreciate that they're not going too deep on gear or character progression. I definitely miss some of the sense of customisation that you get from Necromunda or Mordheim, but I suspect that Warcry has a stronger cure rules that work because listbuilding is less of a factor in who wins. Likewise, this is probably how you get a lot of people interested in playing skirmish games - it's way more accessible, the penalties for losing or falling behind are less severe, and you're not constantly having to add to or replace models as loadouts shift.

    Sorry for the essay! Overall, a very positive first impression.

    Thanks for that. Great writeup.

    I'm really looking forward to getting to play the game myself.

  6. 19 hours ago, robinlvalentine said:

    Yeah Owen particularly really drags it down - obviously we each have our own tastes, but he barely seems interested in doing the review, let alone the game itself. Still, definitely made me ponder more than I had been on the possible negatives.

    Owen hated on AoS so much when launched. Yet, AoS got me into Wargaming 3 years ago. I even loved AoS pre-Generals Handbook. It was my introduction to the hobby. Warcry might be the same entry point into the hobby for other people.  I'm getting it because of the awesome models and terrain. Watching a few Battle Reports I'm really sold on the initiative roll that grants power ups and the double damage on crits. 

    • Like 1
  7. Thanks to the 4th ed WarHammer Fantasy Role-Play game  I've been thinking about some Old World stuff. I didn't know anything about the Warhammer Fantasy stuff since I got into Tabletop games with Age of Sigmar and hadn't bother to look much into the past lore, until now.

    So, Sigmar survived the End Times and went on to shape the Mortal Realms. But what about the rest of the Gods? What happened to them?

    I mean they are Gods, they can't really die... and others ascended to godhood. Morr wouldn't be happy to just let Nagash take his place. Same with Rhya and Allariel...

    Could they come back? Are they trapped somewhere? Did they splinter off to another Reality?

  8. 7 minutes ago, Zanzou said:

    Corporate business tactics 101. Drip-feed staggered releases are designed to  push people into buying every faction one at a time, as consumers don't like waiting to buy their warband of choice. Even releasing a starter set that includes 2 factions with the rulebook, dice, official terrain, etc is part of the strategy to get people to buy every warband, "forcing" people into iron golems/ untamed beasts even if their interest is splintered fang.  Heck, people will buy two boxes just to have the ability to customize their warband with the specialized options.

    If they released 6 warbands in separate boxes all at once, people could choose to get only their favourite warbands straight from launch, which would defeat their business plan.


    It's a Great business plan and works with how I get paid. :)

  9. The  Godsworn Hunt from Underworlds would make a great little Darkoath Warband to add to the game. Maybe add the WarChief and War Queen to have a couple extra bodies.

    Probably all the Underworld warbands could fit in... That would be really cool!

    • Like 1
  10. Corvus Cabal dudes are my favorites! Nothing can touch the winged dude and the boss lady they just look epic.

    I like the Untamed Beasts because they look like stone age barbarians. 

    The rest all have something I like but those 2 are my favorites. 

    Oh! I love the Furies!!! Wish they were a full warband...

  11. I've never played an RPG but I've been following all the news about this AoS RPG and well somehow ended up getting wrapped up into the Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play... So I just ordered the Rule-book, Starter set and Rough Nights.  Now I'm all sorts of interested in the Old World. 

    Will Probably end up playing Total War Warhammer too!


    Still hyped about Soulbound. Really looking forward to reading more about the Mortal Realms and playing as a Knight Questor. 

    • Like 3
    • LOVE IT! 2
  12. The Stormcast Eternals just look cool and are pretty powerful, also they have lots of units and heroes to choose from.

    Blades of Khorne are heavy metal incarnate. 

    Nighthaunt get to walk through obstacles, charge, retreat and do it again next turn; plus look really cool.

    Disciles of Tzeentch have it all, with shooting, magic, flying and the extra dice pool. 

    Slaves to Darkness I can mixing in with either my Khorne or Tzeentch for added variety and options.

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