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Posts posted by Wraith01

  1. Those new models look awesome! I wonder if those are all the models we are getting in the starter set?

    6 Iron Golems from Chamon with a Raptorix 

    8 Untamed Beasts from Ghur with a "Goat-Lion thing"

    and a few Chaos Furies ...plus some terrain... Seams like a good deal (depending on the price, of course).

  2. Sadly, no new units. Therefore my Fyreslayers are staying as a Skirmish Warband. (I only have a Start Collecting kit, the Chosen Axes, a Doomseaker and a kit of Hearthguard that I just ordered when I got hyped with the announcement of new stuff coming.) I don't like repeating the same models over and over, specially with so few differentiation between them.

    Fyreslayers really need a few new units, specially cool new cavalry and behemoth (I'd personally like some females too).

    Though I will be buying the Forge and Endless Spells, just cause they look super cool!

    Might get the new book... but probably not.

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  3. On 9/22/2018 at 10:20 PM, Wraith01 said:

    Stormcast Eternals: 2000+p Warrior Chamber, 1500p Vanguard Chamber, 1500 Sacrosanct Chamber; I can move heroes and some units around to have 2000p of any chamber for a game. Basically each Start Collecting plus extra units and heroes. No Extremis stuff or huge models, but might get a Stardrake some day. 

    Blades of Khorne: 2000+p mortals + 30 Bloodletters; I'm getting a Bloodthirster for christmas. No cavalry because I don't like the cyberlook for my army. 

    Tzeentch Arcanites: 2000+p composed of the Start collecting demons of Tzeentch set, Silver Tower and the Change cult box + a Changeling. 

    NightHaunt: 1500+p; basically a unit of everything released so far except for Harridans and the Black Coach (though I really want one).

    Slaves to Darkness: 1000p The Start collecting set, a box of Marauders and Horseback Marauders plus the Darkoath Warchief and WarQueen. 


    Damn, that's a lot! Only the Stormcast Warrior Chamber and Khorne army are painted...


    I just added Karanak, 5 Flesh Hounds, 6 Skull Crushers, a Skull Canon, Bloodmaster and Skulltaker to my Khorne army.  Can't forget the Alar and Judgments of Khorne! Though, sadly, I still haven't bought the Bloodthirster and really want Skarbrand now. 


    I've also got the Fyreslayers start collecting and Warhammer Underworlds warband... I have most Underworld Warbands, even though I don't play that game.

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  4. 7 hours ago, stus67 said:

    How the heck can stormcast deal with khorne? Before the new book that just dropped my friend usually plays with a murderhost and wipes me turn 1. Now with the new book it seems like a large amount of their units just got stronger and in some cases cheaper, so I have no idea how to deal with them now.

    Dude, Khorne got nerfed! We have to wait and see what works but almost all their old buffs and stuff is gone or significantly reworked. 

    Anyway You've been dying to the old Khorne so you must not have had enough shooting and magic. Since Khorne didn't get the thing it needed most, speed, invest in spells and ranged units so you can kill them before they get to you. 

  5. I have enough models to reshuffle and make it work. I can't wait to get the book and read it all. 

    Nerfing Khorne could also have something to do with the overall narrative of AoS, Khorne has lost his grip on the Mortal Realms. 

    Nagash is the main bad guy right now and Slanesh is probably going to come back and probably ascend in power.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Rhargar said:

    Hello, i want to start with a Nighthaunt horde as my second army. So what is the best way to start? Should i buy the Nighthaunt part from the Soul wars box or is there a better way to proceed?

    I started with the Soul Wars Box and the Storm Strike box. The Grimghast Reapers box was a necessity. Then got the Underworld Warbands and whatever else I wanted to complete my army. So I do think Soul Wars is a great place to start. 

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