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Posts posted by Thiagoma

  1. I was thinking about it:

    How many units are "mountain specific"?

    The Big Cow dual kit

    Wizard on the rock

    Hammer guys.


    The other units are "generic" and will be the Lumineth core. Considering only 3 of those kits are Montain and maybe the hammer unit will be a dual kit, it wouldnt take much to at least have 2 elements on this release.

    Curious about saturday.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Whitefang said:

    Lorewise people should think LRL this way:

    they are “High elf plus elemental path”

    instead of “high elf integrated with elemental path”

    Were they aosy high elf? Yes.

    But “something” happened.

    Then there came the elemental path. But this doesn’t mean the high elfy part is gone.

    Their relationship with nature and elements is very much like what happened in Princess Mononoke and ancient Chinese philosophy “be the one with the world/realm.”

    Do you belive we are gona see a second element in this release, or just a full montain range?

  3. 3 hours ago, Acid_Nine said:

    I made a post about this in the lumineth thread, looking at other head options, but it seemed largely ignored, I hope this has a better home here!


    I was looking through some bits online rather than doing homework, and I found some potential bits that could be fun replacements for the cow totems:

    some modification required, but a spartan helmet: https://www.shapeways.com/product/5NHR7LTSG/next-gen-spartans-helmets-x10-or-x20?optionId=149428714&li=marketplace  on second thought this is way too space mariney

    a stormcast conversion helmet, but could work pretty well: https://www.shapeways.com/product/UT2YDEP4E/heaven-sentinel-helmet-2-generation?optionId=112186590&li=marketplace

    Puppets war hoplite helmet: https://puppetswar.eu/models-and-bits-50/all-bits/heads/hoplite-helmets.html

    Puppets war sentinel helmet: https://puppetswar.eu/models-and-bits-50/all-bits/heads/hunter-helmets.html

    puppets war paladin helmet: https://puppetswar.eu/models-and-bits-50/all-bits/heads/paladin-helmets.html


    and finally, some top knots for those other conversions I saw people put up: https://puppetswar.eu/models-and-bits-50/fantasy/bits/topknots.html


    no clue what the scale would be because these are obviously space marine helmets, but it may be able to work better than the totem.

    I saw those and kinda like the greek ones but the fact that they got no "face" under the helmet didnt hit it for me.  The tops are interesting if you decide to clip the top of the helmets!

  4. From what i can gather from a lot of people on social medias, nos everyone is happy about the "exotic" headgear on the new Elves. Including me.


    So i decided to create this topic as an exercise on headswaps BASED ON WHAT WE SEEN SO FAR. (so far all we got is the Montain section of the army)


    The Heroes:


    Celennar -  Sphiranx. Still not sure about the size or fit to the head, but Free Guild griffon or Phoenix might apply.

    Teclis - Idoneth Aspects seen to have the correct helmet size.

    Light of Eltharion - I really love this model Helmet and have no suggestion of what to replace it, considering it is an empty helmet.  Perhaps a Stormcast Mask?

    Wizard on Stone (couldnt find his/her name!) - Any traditional old school helmet or face should do the trick. A Sister of the Watch face is a good call if you want it to be a she. Another cool option would be using the Phoenix Guard leader helmet and painting it on the same stone pattern as the rest of the model.

    Female Wind/River/Veil wizard - Same as above, but still soon to say considering that we do not have a good picture of her yet.


    The Troops!


    For all the troops, Phoenix Guard, Eternal Guard, Shadow Warrior/Sisters of the Watch and Dragon princes are great choices for conversions.


    Vanari Auralan Wardens (Spear guys) - Love the Leader Helmet but not to keen on the plumes of the others.  As usual, Phoenix Guard helmets could do the trick. If i pick the army, personally i will cut the plumes (or glue it) sideways to make mohawks out of then.

    Vanari Dawnriders  (Cavalry) - I love this helmets, but if you dont, Dragon Princes helmets are also pretty cool.

    Alarith Stoneguard  (hammer guys) - 2 ways to solve the issue : Remove the bull top (it will look just like a traditional High Elf helmet) or use the bull heads on the model as the helmets. Both should work. Another option can be Phoenix Guard or Eternal Guard.

    Auralan Sentinels  (archers) - Not the best, not the worse helmets imo. Given the mixed genders, Shadow warriors/Sisters of the watch can be an option.  Sisters of the Thorn/Wild Riders MAY fit but not sure about it.


    Annnd the Cow overlords...

    This is a hard one imo and i belive many people will come with good options. Sphiranx head is a candidate. I belive i would try the Treelord myself (considering the trees in the back i THINK it might look good.



    Now you guys, leave your feedback and ideas!

    • Like 4
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    • LOVE IT! 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    See, no offense, but when I see this crop of the Stoneguard, I have to ask why you wanted to play aelves, because those aren't aelves.  Those are cultured beatmen dressed like aelves.  And that's cool.  I like that concept, just not in the army that is supposed to be the successor to the Asur of Ulthuan.

    I'm starting to agree with the guys from Warhammer Weekly the more I ruminate on these guys.  At this point, I hope we don't get Tyrion in this army.  I hope he gets his own faction with dragons and phoenixes.

    Tom nailed exactly what i feel about it. 

    My hope is :

    1- Another faction for Tyrion

    2- a diferent visual identity per subfaction, like Akhelians and Namarti.

    The helmets are just terrible. 

  6. 52 minutes ago, azdimy said:

    Not surprised by some of the negative reactions of the new Aelves reveals considering previous articles including designer commentaries had emphasized on the classic esthetic of the Lumineth for weeks. I think the expectation was set for something renewed similar to the new units already revealed.  This reveal today has surprised everyone 

    To me the frustration comes from the fact that High Elves were sold and played for years, then removed. 

    Months later GW makes a trailer about " Pointy Elves" with pictures of classic models and artwork.  It said we had fish elves, tree elves and snake elves now it was time for Pointy ones.


    Aaaand we get Cow Elves. You bet i am frustrated in exchanging Lions, Phoenix, Eagles, Dragons and Griffons for cattle and giant horned hats.

    • Like 1
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  7. My depression has been keeping me away from painting. It is a condition i had before the quarentine and makes me really sleepy.

    (to make it clear, other than that i am fine)

    My current goal is to start small with a 5 unit of mounts of Saurus knights (i am still not sure about weapon builds and stuff from the new BT so the mounts are a safe thing to do without further research).

    • Like 3
  8. 10 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    If you like Warhammer weekly with Vince Venturella go and have a look their show where they responded to the announcement of the Old World. Pretty compelling reasons why a new game would need to have new models as that would be only viable business model. Books just don’t justify the expense of a new game.

    On the other side, assuming they keep the same model scale, would be interesting to see if there’s any crossover with existing AoS lines. To have a successful launch they would need a decent amount of armies playable from the beginning but FW usually have limited production, being more a niche line of models and games. Mixing with AoS would allow for a minor number of brand new armies, still I would say for a decent start at least 4. We know Kislev is coming and therefore at least Chaos in some form, maybe Warriors of Chaos? Daemons revisited? All bets are up but with so many AoS daemons already available and pretty darn good I think there’s already a good core.

    If I have to dream since I doubt AoS will ever have time to produce them, would be good to get all other Chaos Gods gors like the pestigor, etc. Obviously usable in both systems 


    Old World uses round bases on retangular/square inserts.

    Give then rules for AoS even if they are not "officially" into the setting.

    Would be the best of both Worlds (no pun intended)

    • Like 4
  9. 1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Indeed and the chains even gave Archaon a tough time when he was trying to free Slaanesh during the Wrath of the Everchosen campaign.

    IMO that was poorly written.

    "Oh look here is the Lumineth! Oh forget it, Mary Sue Archeon just walked in there and owned the probably most secure place in the Realm of Light offscreen!"


    "Super Mario Star invulnerable Archeon" is a pretty dull plot device.

  10. 4 hours ago, Redking said:

    You could try:

    Old One on Carnosaur

    Skink Starpriest (proxy until you buy)

    3x units of 5 Cold Ones

    unit of 10x Temple Guard



    Firelance Temple Host

    My Skinks are the Starpriests, edited the list.

    Using 3 Dinos would brake the 2 Behemoth limit tho (is an upgraded Vanguard).

    Would the Skinks be usefull on this list? (Maybe as extra bodies)

  11. I used to collect Lizardmen when i was a teen but never really liked the Seraphon Skink Spam any fun.

    With 2.0 i feel like dusting off my lizards but i am overwhelmed with the amount of choices, so i decided to call for help from the Old Bloods.

    I need ideas for 1500 pts ( 2 battlelines) with at least 2 big models (because dinossaurs) buying the least amount of models.

    Here is what i got:


    2 Skink StarPriest

    Carnossaur (no rider yet)

    Bastilodon (on sprue)




    30 Skinks

    15 Saurus Knights

    10 Saurus Guard

    10 Saurus Warriors

    3 Pterodactyl


    I was thinking Coalesced Koatl's Claw?


  12. 531381368_images(4).jpeg.2d0d8ffdb30b4a37a6a62ae78cbe55f2.jpeg

    I belive this guy was the last High Elf model.

    Imo he and the Dragon Noble were the coolest looking High Elves.

    Considering the Twins artwork on that "Aelves page" i was hoping to see a modern take on the winged helmets.

    The sculpts we got (with the exception of Teclis himself) look really good but i just cant stand the helmets.

    • Like 1
  13. 15 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:

    @Thiagoma You're certainly entitled to dislike the new design, but let's not pretend that the old High Elf helmets were remotely practical either! If WHFB were real, like 90% of High Elf casualties would be a result of snapped necks caused by a glancing blow to the helmet XD

    You are absolutly correct! 🤣


  14. I wanted High Elves sooo much and i am disapointed.  The whole "Pointy Elves" marketing led me to belive on tall winged helmets of old and man...


    The horns look ridiculous, the plumes on the infantry make no sense (hope they never fight with the wind behind then, lancers are gona eat those plumes) and archer helmets are meh.


    In the end of the day, the only units (so far) i actually loved 100% were the cavalry and Eltarion. The wizard is awesome until you look at the stupid horns.

    Unless there are alternative heads or another wave of better looking models, i am out. Not really in the mood to headswap half and army.

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Acid_Nine said:

    Man, The  faces on Lumineth are really hit or miss, aren't they? I was getting used to Teclis's face, and now we have two bloody aweful faces in The mountain mage and the Veil Woman. I have to say it kills my enthusiasm a bit, but it may just be the paint job. I think in my hands they would look better, but that may just be pride talking. Still, I have to examine the model more. I know there is a guy on a podcast that gave really sound advice. look at the pictures in black and white if you can.

    I think the veiled one will look good "zoomed out" but yeah, i share your felings. I hope ther eis a "Tyrion  half" to be revealed with a diferent look in the heads/helmet department

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