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Posts posted by Thiagoma

  1. IMG-20200309-WA0010.jpg.dc2feec03f1286d630a9f7d253f61689.jpg


    This artwork bother me soooo much. 

    Here, Teclis have a smug face that gives him a imposing look and his legs and arms make for a really dinamic pose.

    The helmet doesnt have that cloth around the face and the moon looks thin and metalic.

    He looks like he is landing on the battlefield to cause havok.


    Aaaaand we get this wonky model.


    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
  2. 55 minutes ago, Zanzou said:

    @Thiagoma @Khaedhras

    I doubt it would be too difficult to whittle to a point with a hobby knife? Especially because these are seemingly elite so you won’t be doing 80 of them.

    We will have to wait and see how the sprue works, how easy it will be to cut it.

    That said if it all fail i have a bunch of Shadow Warriors/Dragon Princes/Phoenix Guard hats so in case it gets too messy i can just head swap.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    I had the same thought. Chameleon paints require an air brush last time I looked it up, but I found these things thanks to re-rolling 1's gaming channel.


    I really wish I had these for my eels, just to make them look unique compared to other eels. Still like the way my idoneth turned out, but I think these would have been good too. I am thinking on using these on my Lumineth's weapons just to add some variety or coolness. Heck, I could see the Light of Eltharion in these colors...


    Also, I like how the artwork makes the cow heads look a lot less silly. For some reason, the art makes the hammerers look really bloody awesome

    No need for airbrush, they work just fine with the brush.

  4. 6 minutes ago, SanguinaryAxiom said:

    Hello. Long time lurker, first time poster.

    I was trying to think of the best way to representing the color vibrancy of the faction. I was thinking some kaleidoscopic effect, where light is refracted over their armor.

    But this would be difficult to achieve on a mini.

    Do you guys think mother of pearl would look cool on these guys? It's the closest I could find to this effect.



    Chamaleon Paints example.

    • Like 2
  5. 6 minutes ago, Damosane said:

    That is most of the fun for me tbh, I already think those bull emblems modified on the shoulders with fur on the cape is gonna look amazing, basically AOS white lions, the big cows are gonna be tricky but i'm pretty convinced painting them like magical stone will solve the giant beastman vibe anyhow 

    My plan so far:

    Remove all Bull aspects. Teclis head swaped for a Idoneth aspect, no bull on top of hammer bros and i wanna check if i can get a Treelord head into the big Cow "fused" with the mountain. 

    That said: 

    If the remaining models have a cooler visual identity and spare helmets or so, something cool can come out of it. 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Rhetoric said:

    All the people raining hatred down on these models will be the first to buy them lol

    Yeah, you see it is tricky. I love elves and i want an elven army, but i cant help but not like most of the hats.

    I will have to convert and change a lot of things to my taste, so the preview tomorrow will give me an idea if the task will be doable or not. 

  7. 1 hour ago, GeneralZero said:

    Unfortunatly, according to "inside GW contact", the reveals of tomorrow have been lightened  due to change in the GW grand scheme (schedule). There will be some news to keep the major promises but not the biggest of the biggest as planed initially. Take care guys and enjoy your family time 😛

    I hope they finally finish with the Lumineth preview. 

    • Like 1

    I think the Cones and the Wings are way too iconic to be ignored. The wings made something impratical a great look and a sense of agility, movement and so on.


    I keep comming to this image, and thinking: Gw finally have the tecnology to make a model as cool as this artwork, but they didnt, and it is a bummer for High Elves fans.




    • Like 3
  9. 2 hours ago, Khaedhras said:

    Hi forum!

    I'm fairly new here. Even though I have been reading the forum for some weeks now, I just gathered the courage to become more active, introducing myself in the "new members" section and coming to post here straight away. 

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but I have reviewed both this conversation and the full Lumineth thread and have not seen this particular edit of the new aelf helmets. It is by no means an edition work of mine, but was rather created by somebody who kindly posted it in this reddit post (credit where is due).



    To my eyes, it is cleaner than the original version and keeps the aelf looks better than replacing the heads with the aurochs part.  I don't know how hard would it be to make the conversion, though...

    I'd love to hear your opinions on this one! :)

    I also saw tbis picture and loved it, but looking carrefully the oficial photo, it seens like the hats have no "tips" , but a rather large flat top without the bull thing. 

    Hopefully i am wrong because i also loved that picture.

  10. 50 minutes ago, Charleston said:


    I had an Idea how to make LRL Hammerers awesome and above you see some proof of concept. Same size, only the position is shifted. You can even easily spot the champ with the bracers on the Horn.


    Edit: Btw I could imagine that the upper Helmet and the Lower Helmet are seperate parts that are supposed to be glued together. In this case this conversion would be easier than to build the actual model

    I think the helmets will look a but odd without the bull part due to the tick connection to the upper part.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Zanzou said:

    Confused that you didn't see them specifically market these in a way that lead everyone to consider them the "new HE".  All of the reporting websites across the internet referred to them as the new high aelves, from their very first announcement video.

    The announcement video was of Teclis first of all, and it said the aelves he was bringing back were specifically the classic pointy aelves, and they showed old pictures of exactly what we could expect by the classic "pointy aelves" look.


    If you still don't think the internet was lead to believe this by GW's delivery, I doubt there is anything I could say to change your mind.

    It was incredible misleading. The first trailler suggested "classic models made modern" not "lol bull horns for all".

    I expected something like the new Chaos starter set where they redone classic models with modern tecnology. 

    Heck the High Elves never lived up to the high quality of their artwork ( the Aenerion piece with the Dragon is just amazing) and right now  GW have the means to produce that level of quality.


    People wouldnt be so upset if their marketing was done in other ways.  Idoneth was a new concept by Teclis and people accepted rather well. Same goes to Morathi. But Lumineth marketing led us to belive in a product that was not delivered, hence the backlash from some of the fans.

    • Like 6
    • Confused 2
  12. 5 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    Fair enough! I just see the lack of face  is that they are in shadow, and thus you cannot really see what's underneath. I think of them all, the stormcast ones would be my favorite, just because I like that style of helmet. I hope it's the right scale, but we will see eventually I believe.

    if not, then the top knots are probably the way I go if all else fails!

    The top knots could certainly fit the infantry and archers if you clip the tips off. The hammer soldiers look like a simple clipping (or not gluing the bull thingy) should make for cool helmets by thenselves

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