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Posts posted by Thiagoma

  1. 3 minutes ago, Nos said:

    Darkoath and Moonclan are both new factions and there’s far more reason to believe they’re coming than there is aelves

    I see the Aelves microfaction reunification in a similar way they did with Beasts of Chaos. All we need a is a book really.,High Elfs got a lot of cool plastic models already.

  2. 12 hours ago, Hoseman said:


    Try not freak out, try not freak out!


    OMG i am freaking out, give me a High Aelves BT GW!! Let me gather my little guys so they can be together!

    Detail form the photo: Swordmasters are Eldritch Council and the other unit is Phoenix Guard from Phoenix Temple, so we got 2 subfactions on it.




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  3. 13 hours ago, Borjemann said:

    Anyone with a bit more experience playing Phoenix Temple, what are the preferred wizard allies? I'm thinking an Archmage on dragon or Aventis Firestrike would be decent picks.

    Loremaster,  Sisters of the Thorn,  Archmage, Archamge on Dragon,  Drakeseer are all viable options.

    For the archmage on Dragon make sure to get the book for 2 spells/round.

  4. My 2k List:

    Anoited on Flamespyre Phoenix (General)

    -Master of Defense

    -Ignax Scale

    Anoited on Frostheart Phoenix

    Anoited on Frostheart Phoenix

    Loremaster (ally)

    Phoenix Guard x20

    Phoenix Guard x20

    Phoenix Guard x10

    Sisters of the Thorn (ally)


    Wanted to depart a little from the Ice bird spam. Plan is to intimidate the enemy with a crazy durable fiery ****** while the other folks hold the objectives.

  5. 14 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    my guess: they could....but they wouldn't! (If I were GW CEO, I'd say a big NO (just business relative) )

    It is a bit naive to think that the story leads the business :P whereas it is completly the otherway around.

    They adapt the story to be sure the next development will be a success story in cash.

    In the actual development of AoS and 40K, the (business) battlefront is too large to expand some few sub factions. They need new scale cash now. Of course, from time to time, you'll got some new things and sub factions. But the mainstream is to make big things. The LoN has proved it right. Huge success, big return on investments (because the moulding already exist). The DoK proved it on the wrong side (little "success", read: dispointment in £££).

    That is why I think GW will do something like LoN for , for example, skaven and green skins. Moulds already exist. Just adapt a mega battletome, you'll get many sales of skaven (chaos oriented), grots, gobs, trolls, orcs. (all destruction oriented).. And then attach to this train  a new  wagon, a (sub)faction like they did with NH for LoN, you got a winner each year!

    As a DoK player, i am not sure if the faction failed or not, but if it did, it was by gw own hands. The battleline is just too damn expensive for a horde army.


    With that said the cauldron set keeps getting sold out all the time.

  6. 3 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    indeed.  There's also the strategy and project team.  There has to be a business case for whatever they do.  This was why they teased the cannonness - she was a toe in the water to see if there was interest beyond nostalgia for the Sisters. 

    It's been the thing also with Tomb Kings and Brets at head office.  If they were released, would people actually buy them and what would they do that an existing faction does not.   I know that every managers meeting someone throws these two dearly departed factions into the mix again, but the reality is that they have to make money to be written into the story line.

    There's always the detail that something just isn't right for the current story arc or aesthetic, so it all gets held back till the time is right.  We can be sure that the timelines and story arcs are at least a couple of years in advance in the planning stage, for example with the rumour of fulgrim in 40k making a return I think we will see slaanesh finally shake his bonds free.  there's lots of slaaneshi raindrops falling in the most recent fluff and art, so I'm sure that's not a million miles away.


    I am not sure about Bretonnia, but i think a lot of people would buy TK.


    I would be one of then. Settra is probably my favorite character in the Warhammer universe.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Gecktron said:

    There will be a Battletome for the Daughters of Khaine. A old faction that will continue to use old models. 

    Sure, GW may focus on new factions, but them revising old factions like the Phoenix Temple or the Swifthawk Agents has become more likely.

    All they need it to release a book to organize several factions, so you can mix Aelf without great disavantages.  High Aelf right now have several small factions, some that play well like Phoenix Temple or Order Draconis, but are very restricted because of battlelines.  A reorganization like they did with Undead would work wonders. High Aelf have a good pool of miniatures right now,  we just need to be able to group then up.

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