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Posts posted by Redking

  1. I did finally finish the last batch of 10 (no pic yet) to bring the first unit to 30.  However, I need a break from painting the Daughters.  Recently, a friend was really interested in my Kharadrons, which I really didn’t like the play style.  So, I picked up his 8e Ghoul army in trade.  A terrorgeist, 3 horrors, and 140 ghouls all in boxes that he has had for quite a while.  I also picked up Carrion Empires and while I don’t need any more ghouls, I will probably eventually pick up some Start Collectings.

    I figured out a paint scheme that I like.  Prime Corax White and shade Anthonian mixed with Lahmia.  Drybrush Reaper Master Series Bloodless Skin, then 50/50 Blooodless and Pallid Wych Flesh, and finally a light Pallid Wych on the face and upper parts.  Fur is Dryad Bark and bones Ushtabi.  Then a thinned Carroburg Crimson on the hands.

    The bases were the longest part with drysrushing the Agrellan Earth.  I need to find a grey crackle paint.


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  2. 3 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Great stuff! Are thes bases done with a flagstone roller like you said before? I never used one but this would be perfect for a project I’m planning. 

    Any tips on how to use and what you used? 

    Thanks.  They are the Shattered dominion Bases.  I airbrushed Stormvermin Fur and added some spots on Stegadonscale Green.  Shaded Nuln Oil.  Then drybrushed Dawnstone and Administratum Grey.

  3. This weekend was more building than painting.  I finished the highlights on my next batch of 10 Witch Aelves and I think the skin came out a little better.  I also built the Cauldron, but haven’t figure out how I want magnetize the Hag and Slaghter Priestess.  Their feet a really small.  I watched the video online and bought 3mmx2mm magnets, but their feet are really small...

    I’ll keep looking at it and figure something out.




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  4. Taking a break from the Stormcast again, but this time for AOS.  My wife got me 2 Daughters of Khaine Battleforces for Christmas (not quite as cool as the Warbringer Titan I wanted, but more affordable) and I found 40 Witch Elves online for cheap, so new army.  I picked up some bucklers on eBay because I like a little more durability’s and converted the Witches.

    Right now, I’m thinking 30 Witches, 20 Witches, and 10 Sisters for my Battleline since that is what I have.  Although, I only have 30 built and can switch it up if anyone has any suggestions.

    Here are the first 10 painted.


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  5. I haven’t posted in a bit, I’ve been working on 40k stuff mostly.  I do have a small update with a painted Tauralon.  I also painted 10 Sequitors and a Lord Arcanum on foot, but still need to get pictures.  That leaves a unit on Castigators, Evocators on Dracolines, and the Gryph Charger.  However, I recently picked up 40 Witch Aelves on the cheap and got 2 Battleforces for Christmas.  I believe my focus will probably change before I can finish the Stormcast.




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  6. Strange, it’s off the US site too.  Maybe they are repackaging it again or trying to move people to the texture paint.  Woodland Scenics has several grains of basing material.  Gale Force 9 and the Army Painter have alternatives, as well.  You could also go the Home Depot equivalent and pick up a big bag of playground sand.  That will last you a lifetime.

  7. 4 hours ago, svnvaldez said:

    If you buy 4 boyz kits $200 USD (80 bodies). You can build 8 stabbas (16 bodies), 2 units of 30 (60 bodies), and 4 warddoks like above (4 bodies). 

    Good call.  I’ve had some Bonesplitterz sitting on the shelf since Christmas that I wasn’t sure how I was going to build them.  This gives me a plan.  Thanks.

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  8. I was able to get a little painted this weekend.  Finished my Lord Arcanum, 2 Knight Incantors, and a unit of  Evocators.  I have a unit of Castigators, 2 Ballistas, and the Gryph Charger left.  Then I need to pick up a unit of Sequitors and a second unit of Evocators and I think I’m done.




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  9. They are the bases from the easy build kits.  I'll need to make some bases for the gryph charger and evocator dracolines.  I'm thinking about using a flagstone greenstuff roller and some astrogranite debris.  For bricks, I am going to get a rectangular hole punch and some craft foam.

  10. My daughter decided she wanted to paint this summer, but I couldn’t convince her to go with AoS.  After looking through the 40k rulebook, she decided she wanted to paint “the pretty lady” (Ynarri).  I had a squad of Harlequins sitting in my cabinet from a trade a while ago, so I stripped them and she started the base coats.  She’s going with Black for the main color, with Baharoth Blue and Dechala Lilac quarters, and pink scarves and hair.  Ought to be good.  I’ll probably start her on Kill Team.



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  11. 39 minutes ago, Freejack02 said:

    Blades are better by default (by a small margin), but attack buffs let the mauls catch up. I don't think the difference is large enough to warrant conversions unless you really like the look, or really need that .1 average damage.

    No need to convert, the full kit box comes with swords.  I will keep the two units that I have with mauls and build the box with swords.  Thanks

  12. With Sequitors coming out tomorrow I’m wondering if it’s worth equipping a unit with tempest blades.  I have two 5 man from the starter and easy builds, so this would be either a 5 man or 10 with swords.  Any reason to take the redemption cache?  I’m thinking it’s too niche and a great hammer would be better.

  13. Little bit of an update.  I finished my Kill Team terrain and Drukharii, so today I worked on bases.  Primed black, sprayed Mechanicus Standard Grey, added some Stegadon Scale into the recesses, washed Nuln Oil and then I drybrushed Dawnstone, Administratum, and Ulthuan.  Now to paint the details.  I also drybrushed the Nominous Occulum.  I really hated assembling that and the Archway.  I actually used caulk to fill gaps.



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  14. What does everyone think about Nighthaunt Gloom for the trees.  It’s pretty heavy straight from the pot, but maybe thinned with Lahmia Medium?  Although, I’m thinking more of a dead tree look.  Dryad Bark, then drybrushed with some greys?

    I finished a unit of Castigators and started another unit of Sequitors.  Although, I’m going to need to take a break to finish my kill team terrain and Drukharii squad for Friday.




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  15. It’s going to look like I have way too much time on my hands, but it’s because I am a teacher.  So, summer time has also become project time.  Originally, I was going to build and paint a Dark Eldar army.  However, a friend really wanted one of my armies and traded me a couple of Knight Renegade boxes.  Then AoS 2 came out.  I was going to do the Nighthaunts and started planning a table to match them.  I picked up a nice death game mat from 2plus tough (https://twoplustough.com/collections/frontpage/products/deadlands-game-mat) and have been slowly working on terrain.

    Now I’m stuck.  I want to add some woods, but I’m not sure how to paint them.  The terrain is primed Stormvermin Fur, then I airbrushed Stegadon Scale in the recesses, cracks, and crevices.  I washed the whole thing Nuln Oil.  Finally I dry brushed with Dawnstone, Administratum Grey, and some light Ulthuan Grey in some areas.  The archway had Incubi Darkness airbrushed on the front details before drybrushing.  This is how I will do the bases of the woods, but I don’t know how I want to do the trees.  I don’t want a stark white, but I don’t think browns will work either.  Any thoughts?




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  16. Looks great.  The boils and pustules looks good (or gross, depending on how you look at it).  The only suggestion I could make would be to maybe paint the rim of the base.  It looks a little unfinished.  I hope you enjoy your game because I always enjoy looking at Nurgle stuff.

    • Thanks 1
  17. My daughter had a friend over, my son was being a mopey teenager in his room, and my wife didn’t have any chores for me, so I finished a squad.  I used a purity seal to cover the primes bad shoulder pad.  Please let em know if you have any suggestions or ideas before I continue.

    I’m not sure about the vials.  I think I may go back and hit them with Stormhost Silver and then use the blue soul stone technical.



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  18. My knight was at the stage of awaiting decals and I didn’t feel like doing that, so I threw a squad of sequitors on my painting table and laid down the base coats.  I’m going to have to do something with the should pad on my converted Prime because I really messed up the Stormcast emblem.  I’ll probably add a purity seal or something.



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