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Posts posted by Redking

  1. Next up are some Khorne Daemons.  When I got into AoS, I started with the starter and Khorne SC.  It has grown significantly and I finally got around to the Damon SC that has sat in the cabinet for 2 years.  I also added some flesh hounds from Wrath and Rapture.  Now, I just need to finish the other 2 halves of W&R.  The Bloodmaster was converted to a standing position from the Bloodthrone kit.




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  2. It’s been a while since I have posted, I have a few updates. My summer vacation is almost up and I have mostly been focusing on getting stuff painted that has been sitting around.  Although, I have found some time to start some new projects.  Let’s start with Nurgle.  I tried to get back into Fantasy 8e with the End Times because the models and rules were awesome.  Then by the time, I got my army ready to play, Fantasy died.  I was mad and didn’t try AoS for quite a while.  However, I did not get rid of my stuff like most people.

    When the Rotbringers book came out, I started rebasing my Nurgle daemons.  This summer, I got around to finishing the Glotkin, painting the Blightkings that sat in my cabinet for years, and painting a GUO that has sat around for a year.





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  3. You can also run Knights as battleline.  Blisterskin is flayers and Hollowmourne is horrors.  If you run Gristlegore, you can run terrorgeists and zombie dragons as battleline.  The only downside to starting FEC right now is you are not going to find a Carrion Empire box and the Archregent is way overpriced on eBay.  Someone on the painting thread did an awesome conversion, if you can find it.  You can pick up the horrors pretty cheap on eBay, plus the start collecting.

    Other elite army options are Stormcast and Fyreslayers.  Although, Fyreslayers can be a bit horde and expensive because you will probably want 30 Hearthguard Berserkers.  If you went Gitz, you could run Troggoths.  However, I don’t think it’s super competitive.  It is fun to play against.

    Also, can’t you run stormfiends as battleline in Skrye?  This instantly takes your existing army into something more elite.  Add in some jezzails, warp cannons, etc.  Low model count, lots of fire power, and keeps you from spreading out your dollars into multiple armies.

  4. You could try Black Templar over Leadbelcher.  Nuln Oil still has a little brown in it, so it will still look dirty.  If you are going for a clean black metal, mix the Templar 50/50 with Contrast Medium.  You can then wash in into the recesses or over areas you want more darkness.  Then edge with Ironbreaker and then Runefang.

    You could also use Iron Warriors, which was rereleased from Forgeworld.  It is a darker silver than Leadbelcher.

    For the glowing runes, watch the Archeon painting video.  Khorne Red, Trollslayer Orange, Fire Dragon Bright, Yriel Yellow, dot of white.  Thin the paints and go slowly.

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  5. If you have the Soul Wars box, Nighthaunts is pretty easy.  I tried the Warhammer TV monochrome method, but added a little color.  Pretty easy.  Fyreslayers are also really easy.  I painted a SC in three days.  With Contrast paints, I did the Magmadroth in about 6 hours.



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  6. Paint the base yellow, then drybrush orange, the black.  Paint the dirt Steel LegionDrab, the drybrush Tyrant Skull.  You can then selectively add some Fuegan Orange to bring back some of the molten look.  Use thin coats as a glaze.

    This should give you the desired effect.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Requizen said:

    Base set Nightvault or Shadespire? They're pretty similar but some different cards. You're a bit limited and will be more or less forced to play Objective focused, but Godsworn can do that at least ok.

    Assuming Nightvault, you could try something like this:



    Nightvault only, so far.  Thanks, I’ll give this a try.

  8. So, I just got back into the game.  Picked it up when it first came out, but couldn’t find any players.  Anyway, I have the base set and Godsworn Hunt.  Any decent ideas for a deck with just these to build from?


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