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Posts posted by Feanor

  1. Hi guys I'm and old time skaven player and with the new battletome I'm in the list build mood

    What do you think about this list? 

    The grey seer will have the skavenbrew and the +1casting and unbinding 

    The main strategy is to buff the hell out of a monk unit (8attck per model reroll to hit and wound with all the prayers artifacts and CA) destroy everything is in his way meanwhile the catapults kills other targets 

    Other suggestion for list building? I have every model of the range and I'm ready to unleash a vermintide upon my enemies yes-yes


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  2. Hi guys! i'm starting a flesh eater courts army for the incoming release of the BT. 

    I have brought a Sart collecting boc and im waiting for my carrion empire to come. 

    Do you have any suggestion on what to build first in order to have something good? I like horros but also flying dudes are interesting and i hate having a set of three just splitted up for building a hero. 

    Also do you have any suggestion or ideas on flesh eater convertion? I would like to have some part of armour on my ghouls or even shields; what do you think? And if you have any picture show me for inspiration :)

  3. Into the skaven release again i think we will see new sculpt for eshin soon. There weren't showed in any photo or picture right now. Also the deathrunner from ST could be included in an eshin revamp. 

    Really hope GW will do something for night runners, they look awful and old 

    Night runners.jpg

    • Like 3
  4. 12 minutes ago, Elmir said:

    They managed to make lots of different variations of ghosts... I'm sure they can create a ton of different ghouls if they wanted to. 

    Hell, given how the FEC are heavily influenced by medieval courts, some believing Nagash is their God, some hating him for what he has done to the carrion king, they could really do a cool expansion of "religious zeal"... Turning the narrative more into a power of the church (ie Nagash) vs power of the state (represented by the abhorrents).  It would be a near perfect reflection of the madness of medieval power struggles by the juxtaposition  of worship of Nagash as god vs military power of the courts. Getting that narrative of the rogue king who defied Nagash while the mordants still worship him, could really highlight the somewhat complex relationship between Nagash and the ghouls.... No direct control, but some form of it through other means. 

    Priests, bisschops, archbisschops carried on bone palanquins by crypt horrors, ghouls dressed in ragged clothing as flagellants , ghouls running around with femurs turned into blowpipes as representation of archers, catapults made out of carcasses wheeled in by these decrepit creatures etc. Make it looks and play more like a twisted version of a holy siege crusade .

    Anyway, apologies for a bit of wish listing in the rumour thread. 

    Man this is awesome, if its not going to happen a release like that your suggestion could be an awesome themed army.  

    Also I think skaven will not have a huge realese but just new models for old units (skryre in particular) : they already have centerpiece models but maybe GW would expand the range and lore of eshin with some other realese in the far future. (tough as a skaven player for the last 10 years i would love a tons of new models but that is unrealistic) 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Choombatta said:

    I think they use this term as in "All under one roof".

    Oh god i feel so stupid right now hahahah


    7 minutes ago, ManlyMuppet88 said:

    That’s what I thought too but it looks like the first photo on the new Community article shows multiple. The ones holding lances.

    Same as above hahaha

  6. 9 minutes ago, sorokyl said:


    new fanatics would definitely break a pattern, as no plastic kits have ever really been replaced. highly doubt fanatics will be replaced but we shall see soon!

    Maybe new fanatics are just melee grots with a lot of shrooms that give debuffs

    Hype train for the reveal btw

  7. 2 hours ago, Vextol said:

    Fuethan actually makes eels worse so it's a good one to pick for eel-badness.

    Why fuetan makes them worse? 2 attacks on the warscroll benefit the reroll. 

    Btw i have 3 fat sharky bois and i love them but never really want to field them in a tournament( aside one for the batallion) : 

    Shark have 4 wound less 10 attacks less 2" slower and no great abilities (compared to the defensive eels) 

    I think they need a warscroll buff or like the small KO ship a decrease in point cost :/

    • Like 1
  8. You miss the fact that armies with a good save are nearly impossible to beat (eg. Stormcast with 2+ rerolling 1) and armies with a good shooting phase that can snipe yuur heroes and negate your buffs. 

    But penstilens are ****** (dont know why its censored ; nothing bad btw) fun to play and a good exercise to learn how throw dice really fast to speed up games

  9. 1 hour ago, Morovir said:

    I think that was supposed to be more of a Beastmen one than really a Skaven one.


    When I saw this i thoight that was some kind of checklist of current reworked armies (Beastman BT: Done. Tzaangor and tzeentch BT: Done. Skaven BT : not done bht rumors) or at least my heart thought so :(

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  10. 2 hours ago, Overread said:

    There's no pattern at all. Sometimes its really close, sometimes its months off and sometimes its not even hinting at anything to come at all. So there's no pattern to play with


    Alas I remeber the skaven one;

    Although the ratkin do not exist we all know yes-yes

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