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Posts posted by Groomy

  1. On 1/3/2020 at 5:39 PM, FractalRain said:

    Hopefully the Open Day this Sat will give us some idea of release schedule for the new cards!  

    Or not...yet :(

    The crazy cat is coming which is awesome but I almost got too hopeful for KO cards. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, michu said:

    Well, Gotrek's rules in december WD have faction symbols for every faction in the AoS (except Sacrosanct chamber).

    Can't wait for Gotrek. The games might be slow but well, favorite characters are always favorite characters. 

  3. I love it very much to be honest. My last game was Bloodmarked and I've made my leader the target. I am already playing Hardcore (ToC rules) and was very happy when my leader was the only one who died.

    My entire warband watched in a semi circle as he charged into a bunch of SCE and found a few new holes in him after a bolter volleys but it still felt great. I knew he wasn't going to die and that I didn't have to roll for the wounds for my smaller guys. One would hate to have -1A for a Plains Runner :D 

    I think worrying for a leader would make me look for cheesy ways out of the game when now I know I can always have 1 guy who can charge in recklessly and give me the satisfaction of swinging a huge axe. I did lose a destiny level though. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. That'd be really nice. I still hope for centerpiece models like they did in the original Chaos Warbands. Those are gorgeous. Tyrants don't seem to have them but if I'm not mistaken we've seen 8/9 models. 

  5. Well, I’d feel off balance if he was wielding an axe and maybe even some lesser artifacts but most of them I can imagine fitting my cats. A custom magic chain mail or spiked somethings on him etc etc. Healing pots are a weird thing when I start imagining a cat drinking them but oh well. These are no ordinary cats. Glad it helps. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Vakarian said:

    Kind of a random question - can models with the beast runemark (like a Rocktusk Prowler in Untamed Beasts or Gryph-hound in Stormcast) receive lesser artifacts, artifacts of power, or command traits? 

    I thought I had read somewhere, back when the game first arrived, that they can’t. Now I can’t find that anywhere in the rules and am wondering if it was just something I assumed. It seems like they shouldn’t be able to, but I’m not sure where it is in the rules despite looking several times for it. 

    Long story short is I’m wondering if I could put an artifact or command trait on a Rocktusk Prowler, etc. Thanks! 

    The only thing I know they can't do is open doors. My Rocktusk is wearing a dragon tooth necklace which is an Artifact of Power and some perishable thingy that gives him +1T. I'm also gunning to make a Favored Warrior out of him and give him a Command Trait. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Vakarian said:

    Now that the Tome of Champions is out, any rumors or ideas when cards will drop for the 15 new warbands? I haven’t seen any hints but hoping it will be relatively soon. 

    Still waiting for them Tyrants, Scions, 3 monsters lawl

    Idk, I’m biased so hoping for dwarves then seraphon and skaven. 

  8. 8 hours ago, Moldek said:

    Actually I think you’re right, GW hate humans. There’s just no other explanation for the lack of normal humans. There’s been some kind of nefarious corruption inside their design studio, and every single employee is driven by a powerful, visceral hatred for the idea of releasing new order human models. This terrible curse takes precedence over any other desire, even thirst and hunger. They’re probably reading your posts right now, relishing in your desperation, groaning with pleasure at the idea of drinking your bitter tears... if only there was a cure!

    Also humans aren’t copyrightable. Another reason GW forms cults like “Haters Anonymous - Humans” or HAH for short. And that’s the gospel truth. See? They mock us!

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/10/2019 at 8:38 PM, Greasygeek said:

    I know. But wont it ****** the balance completely if you just put scenery on as you like?


    lmao! Warcry has no balance and that's the awesome beauty of it.

    On a more serious note, no, it won't change much given that Warcry is all about the random side of things and you can never know what's gonna happen. There is some balance but you really shouldn't think that playing on the same terrain setup will lead to the same games. Hell they might not even be similar games. 

    On 12/10/2019 at 9:02 PM, Sleboda said:

    Yes. While you can make the decision to ignore the cards, I, personally, believe that doing so comes with great risk to fairness.

    At the very minimum, you should endeavour to follow the layout of the terrain on the card, including rough shape and size of all pieces. That said, you should be fine using a different specific piece of terrain.

    As an example of what I'm talking about, think about the spiked walls. They have rules that allow a player to toss models onto them from above, which helps lesser models harm better ones. If you don't position those near elevated terrain as shown on many cards, you remove a tactical option the rules otherwise would have given the players.

    Your scenario assumes a thought-out plan for each part of the scenery on each card. The fact that Egyptian Ruins set exists in Warcry demolishes that assumption into nothing more than wishful thinking. Reason being: No vertical play at all. Whatsoever. Nothing in that box can be treated as a 3" platform which removes falling and spiking people altogether. One may say that in combination with starter set terrain, the cards that combine those could be balanced but the starter set terrain isn't even sold fully anymore.  

    This is a misconception that the terrain cards affect your games that much. Just throw in a fitting location that includes all the game mechanics (>3", LOS, deadly etc) and hope that SCE will get a Dead of Night Twist :D   

  10. I miss both. I miss Dreadlord, Archaon, and a few others on foot and miss Thorgrim on Throne (read: centerpiece model) and the likes of him that can catch your eye on the table. 

    It probably would break a few things but given that the monsters already have a wound table making it weaker, I'd freaking love an opportunity to jump off of my dead "mount" and charge into a melee avenging it's death.

  11. 8 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

     but it does mean a bit more work

    Oh I think this is putting it lightly. A new faction is likely to be a whole lot of work for the lean teams making GW magic. 

    Humans do exist. They spread, they multiply and expand in the dark. Think Kharadron but less "awesome" more "cockroach". For better or worse we will see the cavemen, that AoS humans are today, spring out into something that will demand respect even from the likes of Sigmar. That's just the nature of it all. Hopefully they will posses or be possessed by all the same follies as real people.  That all those players locked in a nostalgia-cage can relate to these new factions better.  

  12. All of them. Played a couple dozen games and all of them I wanted/used the 2+ of something. I keep playing with adding the second something to my Untamed Beasts (3 cats, 6 runners, 2 First Fangs, 2 Beastspeakers, 3 Preytakers etc) who are my main guys and I'm very happy I got the second box of these guys. Same with other people I play with. 2 ogres, 2 big wing flapping dudes, 25 snakes, couple unmade someones etc etc. 

    You want a double box. You will likely miss the guys if you trade them away but I might not understand your last sentence fully. 

    P.S. This is coming from playing the campaign and being interested in narrative side of Warcry. I would assume that min-maxers would want to multiply strong units even more. 

    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Kamose said:

    Every once in a while GW just throws a little surprise into White Dwarf that makes me have to get it that month.  This is one of those times!  :D 

    Also a good reason to pick up Gotrek!

    I've been shamelessly praising GW all month :D 

  14. Same here. I've counted +5 warbands. Just didn't count where to find time for all of them :D

    Here's to hoping. I'd like a more "classic" dwarf faction be it even SCE looking dwarves. I'd like a bit more "warrior" range for elves and a lot of my friends just identify with reg people without steroids. 

  15. 15 minutes ago, gjnoronh said:




      I run what is as far as I know   the largest AoS tournament east of Adepticon and north of NOVA in the US.  That's been the case throughout the AoS era.  We had 72 registered and roughly 69 play this year.   I've been active on the Warhammer tournament scene prior to AoS regional and nationally for about 25 years.   

    Tournaments are generally great experiences in AoS  (and in WFB before it.)  Tournament players are   mostly there for fun times  meeting new people and challenging themselves.    I don't think the likelihood of getting a bad game is any higher then a random pick up match with a new opponent at your local store.  Tournaments means you meet new people - that is usually a great thing, but rarely a bad thing.  You kind of know whom to avoid in your local gaming store, you may not have that information or choice in a tournament situation.    There are almost certainly people willing to cheat at AoS but those players would probably be willing to cheat when you play them in a random store game as well.     It's worth noting  participant behavior may be effected positively in a tournament by the presence of disincentives for bad behavior like a code of conduct and/or formal sports scoring.  That's not available in a pick up game at your local  store. 

     Most of my thoughts above are based on the experience of the majority of players I recognize that at the highest tables in a big event the angst might be higher.  But it's still the case most folks even at the top tables are there to have fun.  Have I had tense games where I think my opponent was being less sporting then I would be yes but pretty rarely.  Have I had games where I thought my opponent was cheating - possibly but really in all these years of play I can't recall a single time.   

     I'm in agreement however with Forrix that large prize cash prize pools  seem to bring out worse behavior in  competitive game systems.   


     We had roughly 340 games of AoS played at Da Boyz this year in the singles event alone.  We had two games where the TO staff or a player voiced a concern about possible sportsmanship issues.  In neither case did  the player who might be a victim of poor behavior from the opposite side of the table think it was a significant issue.   Now it's possible someone  had a worrisome game and didn't tell us but we haven't heard much.


    Nice to meet you! Will keep my eyes open for your events the next time I'll be stateside. Now I just need to Google where Nova and Adepticon are being held and shove a few pins into a map :)

  16. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    Generally speaking, yeah. 

    Don't get me wrong. There are many, many great people at tournaments. Most of them would not cheat. Most. 

    That said, the fires of competition can have a strongly negative effect on people, especially when prizes (products or cash) are on the line. If you think you might be able to walk away with significant winnings, the temptation to cheat goes way up.

    Then there are the people who may be awkward, or who don't win often, or who just plain don't think of cheating as a bad thing.  Various mindsets can influence the chances someone will cheat.

    Heck, in various American (and other?) sports there's an adage "If you're not cheating, you're not trying." So, it's ingrained in our competitive culture here.

    I love tournaments. I'm just a realist and expect there to be cheating.

    I have this less-than-a-dream-more-than-a-simple-wish to visit a large event like that but I was naive thinking I’d meet a billion new friends and have a blast playing cool games for a day or two. Even our local (small) group is visibly affected when minor prizes are on the line. And not in a good way. I hate to think what’s happening when something significant is being played for. 

  17. 8 minutes ago, smartazjb0y said:

    Haha I meant more like the AoS factions where the models already exist and it’s just the cards that they need to be played in Warcry. 

    I see now. Yes, I’m hoping for at least Tyrants, Ogroid, One-eyed Gorilla and batsh*t crazy Cat to be in this years Tome statswise. I mean, they are coming out entirely soon and not including them would make me saltyish and thinking that another book will be released in a month or two. 

    However there is precedent. Chimera wasn’t in MM which is sooooooo strange imo. 

  18. 12 minutes ago, smartazjb0y said:

    It seems the way going forward is to release new warbands with models, and cards throughout the year, and at the end of the year compile all of that into the annual tome. I kinda would've liked at least one new AoS warband in this year's tome, rather than it mostly being a compilation of all the past cards, but oh well. 

    When you say "new", do you mean other than Scions that are haunting us since core book?  :)

  19. Demons and mortals maybe? Gaunt Summoner and Thamaturg are in MM if I’m not mistaken. Sets us up for horrors, Tzangors (especially since beasts are all the rage now) and cultists. Maybe Chaos manta rays too. 

    But everything I’ve listed could easily go into one warband so I’m at a loss. 

  20. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    Exactly, the new rules are for existing models in GW's model range. So far they've not even hinted that other armies would get Warcry Warbands and it seems that GW is quite loud that they are not intending to even go down that pathway. Warcry Warbands and the new monsters are going to be the new "warcry new things" for at least the next year or two of GW's development plan. 


    The only downside is that it means for other armies variety is going to be more expensive, however at the same time it means that you can take a small number of your regular models and put them into Warcry very easily. 

    Could you expand on the “hinted” sentence? I’d really like to understand what you mean. 

    Its possible that the new warbands might be expensive to put together but isn’t it probable that we all will have the models from our favorite armies already to play Warcry the day the rules drop? At least I’m guessing that I have enough KO built and painted to field them day 1.

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