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Everything posted by Dragon-knight77

  1. Man Gw is begging for people to make Talhia to a breakout charcter. They artifically trying to make a Ursarkar E. Creed and shove in everyone face actually saying he single handling build the modern Crusade when she was completely against it To put CoS into a top they have stop making their settlments fodder for the big bad and subplot
  2. take a closer look and you can see that Skavenblight is not only bleeding into Aqshy and Ghyran but also Chamon
  3. They too are on the cusp of losing themselves to the curse of Reforging, but their resolve is unshakeable – said to be a gift from the death god Morrda. In truth, their Gryph-stalker mounts can mark people for death, draining their life force and transferring it to their rider in an act unsettlingly akin to necromantic hexes. oh look like we even delving into Morr lore pun intent with the connection of other gods in Sigmar pantheon. cool to see if they play around with that in other models stuff like Mirmidh/Myrmidia & Father of Blades
  4. Oh Ejecutor has gone Terrain-mad time to send in the Lord-Terminos honestly im really please with both sides like the only dud i can see is the Liberators & no helm option for the lord Verdite but like latter is like a non-issue really
  5. Even within the sombre Ruination chambers, the Lord-Terminos is a figure apart. Armed with a massive blade terminos, they range the battlefield to execute the enemies of Sigmar with swift, sure strikes. These lonesome individuals are also responsible for the rites of the Last Threshold, taking the heads of soul-stricken Stormcast Eternals who voluntarily enter oblivion. They are accompanied by Memorian squires, who recount their battle honours and keep them tethered to the present. now that some tasty lore. They now got to do the Lighting ghiest with how much they teasing this leap into past the Threshold
  6. the lore section is very promising with how much they talk about it so we won't be stiffed like how 10th edition was oh it seem we still got so @SG Warhound potato cam unsolved
  7. Badass this my favorite They look great kind wish they had helmets but i think it come down to alt build when the website update
  8. Box content, explaining index, roadmap, Spearhead, tease of big things to come
  9. Well it going to be 8:00 PM here so it kind of perfect for me don't know about you Brits Also last chance for predictions for the road map: 5 faction post Skaven and Stormcast. Those they don't count checking the list i noticeable ones that i haven't recorded is @Garrac @KingBrodd @Baron Klatz @Twisted Firaun @Asbestress if you guys want to throw your guess and anyone else
  10. Ogres have a divide between the kingdom rulers who are your more Fire & Iron ogres then you have your more Frost & fur nomadic ogres both are fat bois end of the day with gorger are skinny due to that being their cursed What you think is Cities Ogres who are not part of the Mawtribes they're a subspecies born from their "domestication/symbiosis" with the humans
  11. Oh it seem they're doing a remake of the old classic Gray seer model Leave it to AoS to love it pre-6 edition call back
  12. Final predictions SKAVEN 1x Clawlord on giant rat 1x Greyseer 1x Warlock enigneer (Jezzails varient) 20× Clanrats 10x Stormvermin 3x Jezzail 2 Rat ogres with Packmaster STORMCAST ETERNALS 1x Lord Vigilor on Gryph-Stalker 3x Lord Reclusian 10x Liberators 3x Reclusians with Memorians 3x Prosecutors 1x Knight heraldor 1x Lord veritant with Azyrite husky 1x Executioner (cover art guy) 🔒 my answer
  13. That seem like a good list would add one or two more units in the SCE list like a knight hero and a shooting unit of psuodo-judicator
  14. The SEC promo which unfortunately is just the Lord Vigilant on Gryph-stalker
  15. so correct my numbers so far what we got in the box is possibly 10 Liberators 3 Prosecutors 3 Reculsians with Memorians 1 Lord vigilant on Gryph-stalker 1 Lord-Veritant with Azyrite Husky 20 clan rats 3 Jezzails 1-2 Rat ogres with Packmaster 1 Warlock engineer (sniper varient) 1 Rattling cannoade 1 Clawlord on Giant Rat some Terrain, Cardboard mat & dice this along with some more heroes and units like Stormvermin & Executioner that pretty hefty box
  16. If so i could see it be a Lord veritant and the Azyrite husky we saw to give it a more "witch hunter" vibe
  17. So they are doing a Knight arcanum-esq hero a staff + sword But with a better look you can see the left pauldron is lower then the right beacuse he has some sort of robe over him like the Lord imperitor
  18. I mean they always defined the reasoning and method of how some of the faction are present in every realm and in most continents from Garriorns, established portals & migration paths but like whatever Gardus model isn't being retired that and they made a lore point that he want to be the last HK to done the Thunderstrike to ensure everyone of his brothers and sisters cross the not-Rubicon safely first
  19. Ok can agree to call this breed the Azyrite husky Yeah Enslavers were non-chaos warp spawns (like spectral hounds and Vampyre) that ended the War in Heaven due to their mass migration. By 40k time their became a endangered species due to losing compatition to demons for souls Cool lore that recently being brought back so it nice to see them get a model
  20. Yeah there a considerable amount of wreslers that like Warhammer like i know Samoa Jones got into the hobby like a year or two ago
  21. Now who a fluffy boy 😍 They made gryphound cooler nice
  22. But Vedra bro ....she like uber cool and like AoS break out character haven't you notice how EVERY character talk about how so complex and tatical Genius she is you have a a high intellect of media literacy to under the complexity of this character /s Yeah let be know that I'll die on this hill but Talhia Vedra is becoming the moat annoying and boring character AoS made almost borderline OC with how badly GW really want this character to stick. She an intersting concept no doubt and the manticore model is great but when it almost a edition and i haven't even got a single name of her opponent it come off crazy lady yell at cloud and GW asking me to clap for her to do so But i leave that rant there but when it comes to why some it feel like a lot of the 2 edtion charcter feel like an after though Maybe it because 3 edition went bit too "mudcore" it feel like they really didn't want to actually do much with it more high fantasy characters instead needing to always have to tell the narrative through a "grounded average joe" in fear of being too 1e. Even when it came down to the Dawnbringer series a lot of it was kind of a snooze-fest as the human wandering around stumbling around more intersting plots going on in the background before leaving. Stuff like Ionus Cryptborn solo a khorne warband or Belthanos hunt ogres in the rib cage of a giant god is the coolest thing but it not the main plot it what-his-face wandering around aimlessly before getting killed off beacuse we can't have manticore lady commit any flaws and crazy cult lady take control scheme a scheme we have no idea or indication what even about (especially when he debunk the liche theory immediately) Even Ushron plot line introduce by the human randomly bumbing into his castle before leaving and going "that was weird"
  23. forgot Gitmob/Goblin wave & the "Big a thing that will challenge logic" but that pretty much it
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