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Baron I_oyd

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Everything posted by Baron I_oyd

  1. New Skaven models and dlc for Total war centering around best Nurgle character what a amazing week
  2. If they will get similar revamp like termagant ..I might buy 100 of them
  3. First Stormcast models out of stock online People are take the site with storm lmao
  4. Uh..it looks like scene from horror movie
  5. Wait when CoS wave 2 hits and other things this edition..its just start
  6. Yes...40K is aimed to be the big money maker
  7. Good evening everyone, I know most of you are still reeling from today's bad news. Unfortunately, there are more new leaks. I know a lot of you are playing Total War Warhammer 3. I can officially confirm that if the dlc sales don't double during this year, the current plan is to end the saga in late 2026 / early 2027 with a final dlc called The End Times which will bring the Supereme Lord Nagash and Gray Seer Thanquol with Verminlords in the final cataclysmic dlc for Total War Warhammer 3 At the end of 2027, Warhammer 40K will either be announced or released.
  8. They better be cooking up some insane new army, because we lost around like 100 models by this announcement
  9. I do have lot of friends who play Beast so feel bad for them
  10. We warn you multiple times..all of laughed about it ...vindication
  11. If you look at the Warhammer twitter poll from the official account, who do you pick and Skaven are winning with 80%..bruh Stormcast got cooked so hard
  12. Vote Skaven or I will find you and burn your armies, so that Dark Elf fan doesnt feel alone anymore
  13. Geniually ****** you James Workshop..just post one rat
  14. Hope you all like Conquest becuase thats what this is
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