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Everything posted by RollSixxess

  1. Based entirely on the tea leaves : BoC being ‘replaced’ by newer more ‘AoS’ Beastmen (Maybe finally do something with the Morghur is a god now thing?) in 4th and just having their old/current kits be then repurposed for TOW seems the most likely option doesn’t it?
  2. Remember that 40k’s latest ‘into the new edition’ campaign also didn’t really end with something relevant to the new edition’s ’big threat’ as it did with Broken Realms of Psychic Awakening. We’ve been aware of 5 books for a long time too - and a sixth book would need a lot of lead up time for that to have changed.
  3. Hot Take : the reason the KT Beastmen look so AOS is because they definitely started off life as AOS Beasts of Chaos before being changed for a 40K Kill Team - hence the very un-40K weapon choices for example - and give more evidence to BoC being squatted than BoC staying
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