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Gaball Slaaneshi

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Everything posted by Gaball Slaaneshi

  1. Silent People are dead. So, can we see a confirmation that it's will be Silent People vs Skaven for the 4th starter ?
  2. Great Idea ! I want to see what looks Shyish, this realm is fascinating and we don't know so much about... Wait....
  3. That's it, I had an epiphany. We haven't had any news from Arkhan since his fight with Teclis, haven't we. What if Sigmar discreetly recovered Arkhan's soul/essence while Nagash was exhausted, and told him something like this: -So, you want Nagash and I to be friends again? -Yes? -Well, fix these guys for me with your witchcraft coming from Nagash and maybe we'll find a solution to resolve his ego problem. - Yes yes ! (Arkhan is secretly a Skaven and he's going to ****** everything up by putting warpstone in the stormcasts)
  4. Paint their skin in a human tone and convert their head. And tada, you have new stormcast berzerkers !
  5. It's true but you know.... It's only one time each three years. Let's them give us Stormcast and we won't see them until the end of the 4th edition. GW won't release a Stormcast Lieutnant each month.
  6. Or Stormcast become mad, don't workship Nagash but thinks that the death must be spread around the Realms for the Realm sake. A army that even Nagash can't control.
  7. So....they are just Ossiarch with Stormcast souls in their head. Nagash has try in Soul War, a Stormcast soul without Azyr and Sigmar is just...a soul that became a nighthaunt.
  8. May be Death will be the antogonist during the mid-edition. Skaven during 2024/2025/2026 Death 2026/2027
  9. I can see Sacrosanct return in 5th with the "Covenant Chamber". If GW want to open Chamber and remade older stormcast, so we have Covenant and Logister Chamber. I bet on Covenant. We shall see in 3 years. Ruination can be good if we can have better story and lore than virgin Death Companies.
  10. We must pray that Whitefang had not said everything about BoC. We must pray my friends. It's only when you see death that you begin to love your live.
  11. You are may be the Void entities, but I am a Chaos God ! Everything is excess and excess is everything.
  12. Baguette friend ! Khaos Project has said in december that Soulbound could be release that year. Wait and See I don't think so, Battle had three of RPG edition (the two importants were 1th and 2th) with a lot of supplements. If you read only the Army Book of Empire 8th, you will find nothing. Seriously. I think that AoS has most details in their battletome, most than battle in 8th.
  13. What if Whitefang support only the Troll with Catapult for MESBG ? The rumour that Whitefang support has two rumours : one for MESBG and one for us. So may be our BoC Friends can have a hope ?
  14. GW doing something of stupid is probably a Skaven Role Play, it's the only good theory about that, I don't want listen anything else. Yes-yes.
  15. Honestly, I hope that lightning gheist won't receive a Stormcast Dreadnought, In the french community, I fight for consider Stormcast like a thing which not just "Sigmarine". If GW do it, all my friends will laugh from me because "ah ah sigmarine !"
  16. AoS is obviously a bad universe with bad minis. TOW is the answer to the AoS's fail ! /s
  17. I don't understand, Whitefang has said that BoC will be cancel from AoS or it's just again a fear reasonless like Bonesplitterz ? I don't find clues about it;
  18. It's fun that it's because of French that we can see a Bretonnian novel. I see a link between us and bretonnian POUR LA DAME, (Or for Slaanesh)
  19. Or the tentacles ! However, I am happy that Drekki and Cado continue to receive new books by GW, they could be our new literary mascot (As Ciaphas Cain and Uriel Ventris for 40k)
  20. (Hello Nice to meet you, I have finally do a account for talk with you) It's seem terrible....where's my World of Legend ? I hoped a old book return 😢 That lie make me suffer but I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing.
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