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Everything posted by BarakUrbaz

  1. Dogs of War were mercenary units that could be either taken in the dedicated Dogs of War army or as mercenaries hired by another army, Regiments of Renown were a specific kind of Dogs of War that essentially were a unique unit with special gimmicks (essentially the unit equivelant of a named character).
  2. I'm kinda concerned about how the new River Lumineth are gonna work with this system. They don't have a dedicated Rivermage yet, but it wouldn't really make sense for them to be unlocked for a Battalion with any other kind of Hero (except Teclis who unlocks everybody). It would be disappointing if they suck because they can effectively only be taken as Auxiliary choices most of the time.
  3. Personally if I were writing the Fyreslayers in the conception stage I'd write them as a bunch of traumatized survivors from various destroyed Duardin kingdoms who banded together and formed a society of berserkers dedicated to getting revenge on all the forces that ruined them. Like they were so traumatized by their loss their entire society essentially collectively swore the Slayer Oath. Then have some interesting stories come from how when the Stormcasts come and Order starts rebuilding they suddenly realize that they have actual hopes of rebuilding their society and their children actually can be raised to have normal lives instead of dedicating their lives to a bloody martyrdom against the forces of Chaos, with questions being asked if their severely broken society can ever go back to normal. But then again anyone can write anything they want if they're asked to reconceptualize a faction from the ground up. Honestly, I don't think "all Fyreslayers have to be half naked dwarfs" is really much of an impediment to giving them new units as people think. Like look at Stormcast, they're all giant dudes in bulky plate armour with masks on and they have a massive amount of unit variety.
  4. White Dwarf 500's cover is Grombrindal with Fyreslayers and Kharadron in the background.
  5. This is going in the Skarrenoffri Damakronn, a grudgesuit will be issued within the following shift of the Strahlstrom.
  6. To be fair, I completely forgot about the Orks and Custodes.
  7. I think'll they'll give some factions multiple warbands. Take for instance Votann from 40k, who got two seperate Kill Teams with the Hearthkyn Salvagers and Hernkyn Yaegirs.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sYBx1gH22o
  9. I'll directly copy the description from the Malign Sorcery book.
  10. They literally listed all the realms they represented in their original rules, and you got a lot wrong. Shackles are Shysih, Mirrors are Ulgu, Swords are Chamon, Cogs are Azyr, Geminids are Ulgu and Hysh, and Pendulum is non-aligned.
  11. I note that Warhammer Fantasy/The Old World has vortex spells that remain in play until dispelled (essentially endless spells without a model) and they don't cost points.
  12. They literally don't have spiders in ToW Orcs and Goblin army list and Lizardmen are a legacy faction, I dunno what you're looking at.
  13. Honestly, most people just genuinely don't really care about Beasts of Chaos as a faction other than a hard core of dedicated fans. And what would complaining about it really do? It takes GW a long time to react to this kind of thing, look how long it took them to do The Old World after how many people complained about ending Fantasy?
  14. I mean back in those days people were saying Fyreslayers and Kharadron would be merged instead.
  15. I know its incredibly unlikely but a Chorf reveal in the same style as the April Fools Votann reveal would be amazing.
  16. You know, does anybody else think that we're gonna get more Darkoath than what was revealed in the army set + Gunnar Brand? From what I remember, whenever GW does an army set they don't release all the models that come in that wave. FEC Army Set didn't have Ushoran, the Cardinal or the Executioner. Kroot Army Set didn't have the Trail Shaper, Lone Spear or the Kroot Hounds. I guess you can say that the Brand's Oathbound and Abraxia are two S2D kits that are probably going to be released at the same time as the army set, but still I think there could be a little more. One obvious thing that sticks out is there's no Darkoath wizard unit. For a long time they have had various shamans/witches in their side-game units, but never as an actual dedicated character. Theddra Skull-Scryer in the Godsworn Hunt Underworlds warband, Sarakkar Blackwing in the Gnarlspirit Pack Underworlds warband, and the God-Speaker in the Darkoath Savagers Warcry warband.
  17. Azyr isn't really delved into much, so I dunno. I remember this one novel that had a room that was a three dimensional map of the Mortal Realms; along the walls were Ghyran, Aqshy, Hysh, Ulgu, Chamon and Ghur, while on the roof was Azyr and on the floor Shyish. The idea being that Azyr hangs above all the other Realmspheres and Shyish hangs below. So they're kind of arranged like this, with each corner being a Mortal Realm:
  18. I already mentioned that Broken Realms short story, and I didn't want to mention non-battletome/campaign books because I figure they don't really factor into GW's planning. Of those, Chaos Duardin cameo in Scourge of Fate and the Warcry Anthology (The Iron Promise short story more specifically), and Soulbound: Era of the Beast speculates that Grungni may have come out of hiding due to the increasing activity of Hashut.
  19. Honestly, I haven't gone around counting every individual mention but I'm pretty sure that the Chaos Duardin have been teased a bunch more than Malerion's faction. From the top of my head: Chorf mentions: Appear in 2E Vostarg White Dwarf article where its implied one of the old Runesons of the Vostarg fell to worship of Hashut. Forge Anathema on Great Parch map. Zharr-Vyxa on Prime Innerlands map. Sons of Behemat 2E Battletome featuring Kraken-Eaters vs Chaos Siege Gargants at Zharr-Vyxa. Anguzkul-Grend in the Wrath of the Everchosen book. Horns of Hashut in Warcry. Trade with Hobgrots in Orruk Warclans battletome. Malerion Aelves mentions: Lumineth Battletome where a Zenith Aelementari gets captured by Shadow Daemons working for Malerion. Malign Portents short story where its implied Malerion is scheming against Sigmar. Broken Realms short story where Malerion and Tyrion are implied to be at odds. A few mentions of Malerion creating his own Aelves in Daughters of Khaine and Lumineth battletomes.
  20. They literally said the next post is tommorrow.
  21. The funny thing is that logically speaking the Hammers of Sigmar should have the biggest Ruination Chamber, due to them suffering the most from the Reforging Flaw due to being the first Stormhost to fight in the Mortal Realms and their refusal to retreat in battle.
  22. The Jezzails kill some Stormcast, its really obvious what with the lightning bolts zapping to the sky.
  23. So analyzing the vision from the short story: The phoenix chicks obviously represent Phonecium itself. I think the lizard actually represents Abraxia's reptilian mount. They did state in order to cure the Flesh Eater Delusion she has to conquer a "certain place", but didn't tell us where. Maybe she has to conquer Phoenicium in order to get like some Aelven magics or something.
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