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Everything posted by BarakUrbaz

  1. I really doubt the Slaves are getting an Unnamed Circle character since Eternus is the leader of the Unnamed Circle and his lore implies that he has basically converted the entirety of it to Be'lakor worship.
  2. Darkoath have a similar boots with fur lining going on, but this looks a little too neat to be them in my opinion.
  3. I think the primary flaw with marketing Age of Sigmar is that its a setting that's hard to describe in a simple and quick way. Warhammer Fantasy is easy to grasp, its essentially "Renaissance Earth but with Fantasy races and everything's kind of ******". 40k as well, its "A tyrannical space empire of Catholic Space ****** fights against aliens and demons who are even more evil". Age of Sigmar? Best I can come up with is "Gods and their worshippers fight over control of 8 elemental planes except they aren't really the classical set of elements everyone knows.", and even that feels like its not really an accurate description of the setting.
  4. Keep in mind that Age of Sigmar has only been out for eight years at this point. Eight years into its lifespan, 40k was still in 2nd Edition. And eight years into Fantasy's lifespan, they were still in 3rd edition and armybooks weren't even a thing for it yet. The only licensed media for them were just a bunch of Hero Quest and Space Hulk video games. Well, in 1996 they made that Inquisitor film for Warhammer 40k, but that just looked like a Command and Conquer cutscene except with even less budget.
  5. I dunno what a Nighthaunt is even going to do with a potion like that. They could be getting some kind of hero that's a dead alchemist (like I guess Nagash is punishing them for selling snake oil or poisoning people when they were alive) but Nighthaunt isn't exactly a faction that's asking for more foot heroes.
  6. Gloomspite lore constantly brings up how they worship Mork and how the Bad Moon is tied to Gorkamorka. And the Sons of Behemat all respect Gorkamorka because he was the Big Heel (boss) of Behemat. There are even Beastsmasher Mega-Gargants driven so crazy by the Waaagh! energy that they believe themselves to be Gork and/or Mork.
  7. The Thrund Armoury Gholem Aether Rig (to give it its full name) isn't Titan sized. In Soulbound's rules it changes your size to Large, and the units given as examples of that size category are Dankhold Troggoths, Kurnoth Hunters, Gryph-chargers, and Rat Ogors. And the Cogmonculus already existed on tabletop, it was an artifact of power Endrinmasters on foot could use in their 1E and 2E books. Because they're not supposed to be combat units, they're supposed to be little robot assistants who mantain your equipment.
  8. I don't think age is an issue when you consider Skaven didn't debut in Age of Sigmar, they debuted in Warhammer Fantasy Battle.
  9. The problem with that logic is that they did redo several models for Tyranids and Necrons in 40k when they were the starter box factions.
  10. Keep in mind the rumors about Chorfs breaking the Allgate to Azyr for Archaon was from a rumor that claimed to predict the entirety of the 3E release schedule and was pretty much proven wrong pretty quickly. I mean, it literally said that Flesh Eater Courts won't get any updates because quote "They're NPC as ******, and their appeal is in their simplicity".
  11. You know that the Horus Heresy game system only exists because the novels sold so well? Its like damn near a quarter of Black Library's output.
  12. Its not Ushoran. The preview article of Ushoran literally describes how he looks like in the delusion. His crown is still made of bone, which this guy's isn't, and he wears an ermine cape, which this guy doesn't. Plus you'd figure a depiction of delusion Ushoran would incorporate his rather noticeable earrings and long hair.
  13. Flagellants are still part of Cities of Sigmar and they're probably more important to Age of Sigmar lore than they are to Warhammer Fantasy lore.
  14. Personally my count was 22. Maybe I was counting something other people weren't (Nagash, the Charnel Throne, or maybe Royal Beastflayers), or maybe I just made a miscount. If there was a single unit that was getting removed, honestly I'd say it would be the Crypt Ghast Courtier. It looks exactly the same as a Crypt Ghast, as opposed to the Crypt Haunter Courtiers and Crypt Infernal Courtiers who have their own little conversions to make them unique (Crypt Haunter having a Vargheist head while Crypt Infernal has the extra set of wings from the Vargheist champion). Plus, recently GW has been doing a thing where if a kit can make a single model into a hero they let you take a single instance of that unit under-strength as compensation, and it would probably be more elegant to have 2-man Crypt Horrors or Crypt Flayers instead of 19 man Ghouls.
  15. So the description for this item accidentally includes the description for the Flesh Eater Courts army box. I'll copy it here in case anybody is interested. Don't think it includes anything notable other than the amount of warscrolls. https://www.warhammer.com/en-NZ/shop/kill-team-tac-ops-mission-cards-eng-2023
  16. You know I think its likely that Ushoran just had the title of Mortarch from when he was still a champion of Nagash and just still kept onto it as part of his delusion. I really doubt he's gonna be called the Mortarch of Madness if he has a Mortarch title, he's probably going to call himself the Mortarch of Serenity or something else that would fit in with his uncorrupted self.
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