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Everything posted by flying_dutchman

  1. I haven't followed gotrek in AOS at all. I'm not a big fan of the continuing stories from the world that was.
  2. Anyone one have a wishlist for Saturday. I'm hoping for a vulture lord and arkonsuts oath follow up
  3. I'd love some reprinted mto old terrain. I regret not getting the fortified manor or realmgates more recently.
  4. I'm going to assume the senator is also resin then
  5. They also claimed 43% of revenue as profit which is extremely high. They're expanding production but still not enough to meet increased demand.
  6. I'd love it in theory. But they can't even stock the current range. And multiple armies across both games need to be refreshed. Maybe if the shareholders were a little less greedy they could actually expand the company.
  7. No it's clearly a blood angels primaris lieutenant
  8. Yea they changed it up shortly after they switched to the 2 week preorder
  9. Chapter master valrak said January 19th I believe in one of his last videos.
  10. Almost every AOS army can do with a second wave.
  11. Theres gotta be something. They didn't update the roadmap at the worlds preveiw
  12. For the cost of the warscroll decks they should have plastic/metal tokens. I took hate cardboard tokens
  13. Pretty much. I know they've released some for other systems but the underworld warbands are the most common.
  14. I don't like gws colored minis. They feel ever so slight cheaper than the grey ones.
  15. I'ma go out and say it. I don't like ushoran. I don't know what I envisioned but he's not it. He feels right out of dark souls/bloodborne.
  16. I'd love some more obr but I'm biased. There's 2 res that are basically obr (the wing looks exactly like a morghast wing and the arrows seems like obr)
  17. Sure but that just makes it seem more like an fec supplement than a dawnbringers book
  18. I'm a little disappointed that dawnbringers 4 didn't get any models announced and probably won't have any.
  19. 10 pm for me. So not terrible but work will be tommorrow
  20. I'm trying out warcry ATM. I'm more a full scale player but my wife likes making gsg. But the full AOS is too much for her so I bought the warcry books.
  21. Ah I don't really follow underworlds. I never saw the draw of dice + deck
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