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Everything posted by Dawnmane

  1. Yeah, he looks like a Duardin corsair or sailor, maybe?
  2. So now the big question is: What ELSE from the Silver Tower is coming back as part of a larger release (Apart from the rest of the Arcanites stuff)? The Aelves? As long as it's not the Grot Scutlings...
  3. Those swords! I just insta-converted to Arcanites.
  4. Has anyone heard if there will be a gift included in the December White Dwarf? Wasn't there supposed to be a gift for each of the first four issues?
  5. Yeah, as a kind of job application for GW it's pretty great. This SHOULD be a real upcoming product.
  6. http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2016/11/age-of-sigmar-hoax-alert.html
  7. I think that's fake. They spell Kairos "Fate Weaver" in the text below and "Fateweaver" everywhere else.
  8. But why? They've never done a single AOS release before, have they?
  9. Have anyone heard if the release of the Lord-Veritant means that new single releases for all the main factions are coming? If this is just an isolated release, then that would be quite a deviation from the way they have released AOS products so far. Could it mean balancing releases for the rest coming up (such as a ranged Ironjawz unit)? I don't mean that they have released for all factions every time up until now, but rather that any release has always been part of some sort of "wave".
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