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The Lost Sigmarite

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Everything posted by The Lost Sigmarite

  1. Khul has been waiting for 3 editions to ascend to daemonhood. He has spilled a lot of blood for the blood god and claimed lots of skulls for the skull throne during that time, he has earned his fancy daemon prince model. If we get a new Vandus model I hope it's something different that what we have now. I want to see someone obsessed by vengeance when I see his resculpt. Not a noblebright SCE hero like his current model. I want to immediately feel "yeah, this person is deranged and I don't feel safe around this supposed good guy" when I see it.
  2. We got the confirmation of S2D thanks to a react by our lord and saviour, but is it the same case for Khul ?
  3. I was thinking exactly the same thing. With Krethusa, the DoK faction takes for the first time a look at another Elf divinity that isn't Khaine. Krethusa isn't a Daughter of Khaine anymore - she's an Ulgu Elf associated with Morai-Heg. That's a big deal for a faction whose whole identity was "worship of Khaine". It means new opportunities to expand the faction beyond "monstergirls in bikinis" towards something more associated with Ulgu in general... more a faction of Elves of shadows, which opens a possible way to Malerion, his Elves and a reunion in a single BT.
  4. I kinda want the dragon to be the animal of the Heaven temple. A seahorse or a kelpie would be nicer for the Water temple. But at the same time, it must look humanoid like the Mountain or Wind spirit... that's difficult to imagine.
  5. It's already more minis that what they released for Broken Realms and Arks of Omen.
  6. He talks about Slaanesh. Slaanesh is definitely (((coming))) 😈😁
  7. That's extremely cool. We're getting 2 more books than Broken Realms and 1 more than Arks of Omen. I hope book 5 as more minis than the Croneseer and Callis, Toll & crew. But it's already a good lineup if it's only that.
  8. Guess that "Morghast hero" based on a RE doesn't exist. This is what we get for trusting a rumour that wasn't confirmed by Whitefang.
  9. Even if AoS didn't take the spotlight (main events were definitely Kroot and Solar Auxilia) it was a nice reveal. The 2 Warcry bands are nice (and what a cheely box name GW. "Pyre and Flood" yeah I know a pun about famous fantasy words when I see one). Best part is, the Lumineth band opens the way for a "Ydrilan Spirit of the River" and a "Ydrilan Rivermage" later down the line... It's cool for DoK to get a named character that isn't Morathi. And it's not really a "Khainite" model per se... Are DoK turning into an Ulgu elves faction slowly ? Also FEEET FEEET FEEEEEET Callis and Toll are cool and it's great that they get some friends to tag along. Not a fan of the cat lady, looks a bit too much like a 40k Rogue Trader to me, rest are cool even the Sigmarine. Also, Dawnbringers 5 is not named about Chaos ? And it's more of an Order thing again ?
  10. Haha no worries, they're a tricky army to paint quickly, I surely know that.
  11. I hope so, even if I think AoS won't be the main event of the reveal. A bunch of AoS units and characters for a campaign are great, but on the other hand, plastic Solar Auxilia is a really big deal. Even if to be fair I always try to be positive about Warhammer reveals, and I'm very easily pleased by them, so even a hero and 2 Warcry bands is enough to make me happy.
  12. So you can later bring him back as a new centerpiece model to sell to players and collectors ? Clever, real clever...
  13. Yeah normally it's 2 warbands every trimester, last one we got 4 because it's an end of edition campaign, so it was a bit of an exceptionnal moment.
  14. Maybe they do something similar to Warclans. A BT that regroups all Ulgu Elves in a same book (which I'm for because better to buy one book than two), with 2 subfactions : DoK with Morathi and Umbral Elves with Malerion, that you can play separately. Gives you the option to play both separately. But also with a 3rd option similar to Big Waaagh! where you can merge the subfactions into one big faction that loses homogeneity but with a larger roster. Best of both worlds.
  15. Why do I think of Nurgle all of a sudden ? Edit : and also Fyreslayers lmao
  16. Hot take : DoK feels incomplete because when they release Malerion's shadow elves they're gonna merge them into one big faction of Ulgu elves.
  17. Idoneth release are just like the tide, there was high tide in 1st/2nd edition transition when the army launched, then ebbing tide during the rest of 2nd, then low tide in 3rd with just a foot hero. Now as more armies get their upgrades, means less competition for Idoneth for a place in the release schedule. The tide could be rising again.
  18. Totally not Mandrakes. Personally, I'm preparing myself to keep my AoS expectations for LVO as low as possible. That way, I won't be dissapointed. The centerpiece reveal of LVO is likely to be Solar Auxilia (but it could also be the new Legion command squad), we're at least getting a hero and 2 Warcry bands, I'm ok with that.
  19. I still have this set somewhere at home ! And I never understood why you guys said that RE looked like coral, until now !
  20. If Daemons get new sculpts it will probably be here in AoS, rather than 40k, because they're more a fantasy army. But I feel like they'll try to squeeze as much time as possible from the current daemon models before they do resculpts. Maybe in 2025/2026 who knows. Lesser daemons are from the late 00s, they probably have a few more years in front of them.
  21. My take for Dawnbringers 5 is that we are getting new plastic marauders alongside the mounted ones and the big Varanguard lady. It literally makes 0 sense of doing a Darkoath range refresh and not upgrade the marauders, especially if you upgrade the marauder horsemen in it. And it doubly feels weird when you see the amount of money and effort GW has invested in the StD range recently, for them to stop before the finish line for what is one of the oldest plastic kit still in sale.
  22. I should probably watch Valrak videos again to at least stay updated on basic 40k rumours...
  23. I do hope there's more for us than just a Morghast character and a teaser of book 5. Seems very light tbf. Also, expecting to see Kroots more than Custodes and Orks. There's been a rumour about plastic Mandrakes ?
  24. Only WFB characters I want to see redone for AoS are obviously Tyrion and Malekith/Malerion, maybe the End Times Mortarchs in the mid/long term future, and Morghur as a ascended minor Chaos deity.
  25. No way Queek comes back. Thorgrim laid the grudge smackdown on him in End Times (honestly one of the few good moments of End Times was seeing the Dwarfs open the vaults and reliquaries, get stacked with runic weapons and take the Skaven to poundtown). However, a spiritual successor to Queek in AoS, like a new Skaven warlord who's actually not a coward... Also thank the Horned Rat new Stormvermin seem to be a thing. I hope they redo the Plague Monks and Clanrats also.
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