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The Lost Sigmarite

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Everything posted by The Lost Sigmarite

  1. Still waiting for 2+ Tough to do his resume videos of the campaign book… been waiting for a while and probably will be waiting still. Because I need to learn about the broader picture to understand the tidbits and lorebits from the Reddit thread. Anyone has done a comprehensive summary of book 4 or is it just details in spoiler threads ?
  2. In WFB too... in a TWW trailer you could see Gromby team up with Tyrion to take some Skaven to poundtown.
  3. I remember this lazy attempt at Grombrindal in AoS... thank God the game has moved away from recycling WFB minis as characters like that.
  4. Just found out this month's White Dwarf is issue 498. Issue 500 is in 2 months and I hope GW has something in store to celebrate. Maximum hopium : a miniature of the titular White Dwarf... we've been waiting for him in AoS for so long !
  5. Just a quick question : what’s your opinion on running units of 20 Steelhelms ?
  6. Talking about the elephant in the room as far as recurring WFB characters in AoS go : why doesn’t Grombrindal get an AoS mini when he gets a Black Library book ?
  7. I don't really have an opinion on the WFB X AoS connections - and wether they're good or not. All I know is that so far, I like the direction AoS is going. It feels less like a WIP universe and game than let's say, the beginning of this edition. I just trust GW and who knows what's gonna happen - I think either way it will be good !
  8. Dozzed off from this thread for a week or so, any new spicy rumours happened since then ?
  9. I forgot they have to remain within 12”… that’s a bummer. Blazing weapons Steelhelms ? This might be a nice surprise tech. No one would expect the screen unit to hit above their weight class. I don’t think this kills the Warforger. You can still spend the power of his crucible for the +1 save around 12” (free all out defense!) and transmutation of lead isn’t bad.
  10. Feeling like the best use of flaming weapons now is to cast it on a squad of Cavaliers before sending them into melee…
  11. The new Spearhead box is a good bundle to expand a Cities collection while saving some money, that's why I (and probably you too)'ll eventually buy it. Alongside the army box (if you could grab it but if you're here you probably did) it's one hell of a way to start or expand a collection. That's why I used its content, alongside the army box and a few other minis that I have (designed to be useful but also don't create a hole in your wallet when buying new plastic crack for the army) to create a "2000 pts budget list" that uses all the bundles available (and another idea to save money) to create a balanced 2000 pts list. Here goes : Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar - City: Vindicarum - Grand Strategy: Banners Held High - Triumphs: Inspired Leaders Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal (120) - General - Command Trait: Divine Champion - Artefact: Sigmarite Warhammer - Universal Prayer Scripture: Guidance Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy (90) Alchemite Warforger (110) - Lore of the Collegiate Arcane: Transmutation of Lead Gotrek Gurnisson (480) - Allies Battleline 10 x Freeguild Steelhelms (100) 10 x Freeguild Steelhelms (100) 10 x Freeguild Steelhelms (100) 20 x Freeguild Fusiliers (340) - Reinforced x 1 Units 5 x Freeguild Cavaliers (180) 5 x Freeguild Cavaliers (180) Artillery Ironweld Great Cannon (150) Total: 1950 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 1 / 4 Allies: 480 / 400 Wounds: 103 Drops: 11 The full army box and spearhead are used, the only minis not from boxes are the Fusiliers and Gotrek. And ofc, I can mix and match command traits/artifacts/subfactions... I was a bit uninspired so I picked rally in combat and made a mini beatstick out of the Cavalier Marshal, but I'm sure there's better ideas at 2k pts.
  12. It's bloody massive. Around the same size as Krondys/Karazai, I think even maybe a tiny bit bigger.
  13. I am still at building a 20 strong Fusiliers block and I felt this. I think it’s a great box to have some options to play at 1000 pts. You can experiment some new things with the cannon, Marshall + Cavaliers… Gonna grab it when I tech to 2000 pts, that’s certain. I might want to run 30 Steelhelms or 10 Cavaliers at this scale. Also, it’s 550 pts in a box, not bad at all. Combat Patrols can only dream of such value…
  14. We’re getting a starter box ! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/02/12/cities-of-sigmar-and-flesh-eater-courts-bolster-their-ranks-with-new-spearhead-boxes/ Thoughts ? Is it a good place to start a collection or grow one after getting the army box ? (Spoiler : I think it is).
  15. There was some great takes about BoC on the rumour thread this weekend, I feel worth talking about because they made me change my mind. Mainly this one : "Beasts of Chaos may be going out, but Beastmen will remain". I love this, because it means that even if the ability to play a full BM army with its own BT will go (maybe), your Beastmen minis won't be homeless and won't suddenly stop to exist in the lore and tabletop. Beastmen won't stop existing in the Mortal Realms overnight if BoC goes out (if it ever does), they will absolutely find their way probably inside StD. Just like how they broke Chaos Daemons for AoS and gave them to the 4 monotheist god factions - and the demons of Undivided (Belakor, Furies) ended up in StD. For me, there's two possibilities : Current BoC ranges goes to TOW and GW replaces them with a 100% AoS Beastman army with its own BT. Current BoC ranges goes to TOW and GW moves the Beastmen from their own army to a StD subfaction. Which as a subfaction would mean less models would need to be made and the support of the rest of a range for extra listbuilding options. It would feel strange for GW to revert to ye olden times of 90s WFB when Beastmen and Chaos were a common army, but as long as we're not in the head of the studio heads at Lenton (wish I was), we have to keep all options on the table.
  16. Hammerhal Herald will tell us that Hammerhal is in no way under threat by a Chaos army and that you shouldn't worry about the sketchy rumours of what's happening in Cinderfall.
  17. This. This right here. Even if the name of their army changes, even if you wouldn't be able to play a full Beastman army with its own BT - they'll always be there. Even if that means being a subfaction in StD.
  18. Honest Wargamer has a terrible rumour record. For example, all his Cities rumours were fake. And the other guy just repeats what Whitefang says (granted he’s a new addition to the forum). If CSM are getting Beastmen, I don’t see them disappearing from the setting were they originated from : fantasy. Maybe the name of BoC will change, and the lore move away from the ungors/gors/monsters divide into something more AoS, but I feel like we’ll always have Beastmen somewhere. Even if that means they merge into StD.
  19. I just wanted to say that Whitefang, even if he has a good track record, is not always 100% correct, has in the past given rumours that didn’t happen, and that TGA shouldn’t take his cryptic comments as if they were the gospel. It’s not a good idea to blindly follow rumours without question.
  20. Whitefang told us about a spider Incarnate "connected to Gallet" and KB cavalry (hobgrots on gnashtoofs) were coming... I'm still waiting for those to be revealed by GW.
  21. They'll find a way to recycle that spider incarnate mini. Even if I do think they're in a tricky spot because they "revealed" it via a rumour engine, so they can't just sweep it under the rug and say it never happened. Plastic kits are too expensive for that anyways. It'll probably resurface in GSG in a few years as a Spiderfang monster or something.
  22. The whole discussion about the dissapearance of BoC from AoS really reminds me of AoS1 and the 1st half of AoS2. Back then there was a lot of talk about Slaanesh getting squatted from AoS : it was "too adult, too dangerous for GW's image to have a god of decadence if they were trying to bring in young players", it was the only Chaos God without a BT, it hadn't received any mini since WFB, everyone saw its capture by the elf gods as the sign they were planning to get rid of him/her/them. Like 1st step "Slaanesh is captured", 2nd step "Wow Slaanesh is gone ! Too bad !". And it was also linking up to the Ynnari plotline at that time in 40k. Anyways, guess who ended getting not one but two waves of minis in the 2nd half of AoS2 ? This whole discussion about Beasts' squatting in AoS3 is just to me a repeat of the discussion of Slaanesh's squatting in AoS1. Different arguments, same tune and vibe. Beastmen have been around since the inception of Warhammer, do you really think they're going away now ? Here's what I think of "GW will squat BoC in AoS4" : They've done plastic Sisters, brought back Genestealer Cults, brought back Squats, brought back the Old World with Bretonnians and Tomb Kings, they're bringing back Chorfs... GW is in an era of rebuilding stuff, not cutting stuff up.
  23. Too bad because even if half their kits aren't bad (Stardrake, Aquilor, Palladors are all holding up well) I think they deserve some rework. The Dracothian Guard needs to merge its 4 warscrolls into one (every SCE player only plays Fulminators anyway) and new models because wow, their poses are extremely static for a cavalry unit. And the Hunters and Raptors could use more than "AoS1 SCE with fur and animal helmets". Hell even give the Stardrake an upgrade sprue for a Thunderstrike rider.
  24. I'm all for it because SCE without golden plate armour ? Sign me up. One of the reasons Ionus was a breath of fresh air was to see a dude that wore black with bones and skulls next to the studio's SCE army where all the others are golden. I wanna see some shirtless gigachad SCE berserkers so the army can have a more varied palette - they would denote well next to virtually all SCE units (yeah even the Sacrosanct ones with their togas).
  25. I follow some blogs about AoS tournaments and Beasts always seem to pop up there. The BoC playerbase is much bigger than what this thread would make me believe... which is why I'm doubtful they're getting squatted. More like they're getting reinvented, just like CoS did. I used to play old Cities with leftover WFB models, didn't stop me from ditching them and buying the new ones last year. Think it's gonna be the same for Beasts.
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