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Posts posted by LordSolarMach

  1. 29 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    GW has released Ogor models that follow the more traditional "pudge-y" look with the underworld warbands and Tyrant, and I think that a noticeable difference in size is fine, as long as they keep it consistent between the native ogors and the ones that are more integrated into other civilizations.

    Yeah, the look is great.

    I'm just... I guess pointing out that it is a change?

    The explanation that these cities Ogors don't eat as much doesn't quite (for me) explain how skinny they are, as Warhammer Ogres (and one assumes Ogors) had previously been defined as not having the same abdomen as a human being. If, instead of the "big belly" concept, Ogre Kingdoms had changed all of Warhammer's Ogres to have two heads (so that they can eat twice as much!), and now we got single headed cities Ogors... 

    I'd like them. I'd think they looked better. But it would be a change to what they were. And "they eat less" wouldn't quite work for me as an explanation for why they lack a second head.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Ledgington said:

    I  like the new model, and the one rule we've seen is nice and thematic. However, looking back at older models, most ogres/ogors associated with humans in Warhammer haven't had as exaggerated guts...


    The original Warhammer Fantasy Ogre was... just a big human. A bit beefier, a bit thicker of skull, but a human. Those seen up to 5th edition, those in Blood Bowl, Mordheim, etc.

    6th edition's Ogre Kingdoms changed that. It introduced the whole "gut" concept - not only Ogres being hefty boys, worshippers of a Great Maw, but changing the biology of an Ogre from "big human" to "literally has their vital organs down in their guts". Like... presumably a Warhammer Ogre's ribcage protects a massive, cavernous stomach, because their heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, and spleen are stated to be "far lower" than a man's. "Protected by a skein of muscle".

    It's also one of the reasons why the character Bragg the Gutsman was so terrifying to other Ogres - he's a dude that hooks and rips out peoples guts. And the guts are where Ogres have their important stuff.

    I think the only Ogre models associated with humans we got after OK's creation were the "new" Maneaters, and they all had big guts.


    Skinny Ogors are cool, and look great. It is a physiological change though (assuming that Ogors are intended to be the same as WHFB's). A skinny WHFB Ogre would be unhealthy.

    Of course, GW always plays fast and loose with things like this. Let's not forget that the original 6th edition Ogre Kingdoms release also gave Ogres weird grey skin, which was quickly gotten rid of.

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  3. To further the Ogor gut discussion, from the original 6th edition Ogre Kingdoms Army Book (pg 6):

    "...However, the most notable feature of the Ogre is his gut.

    The gut of the common Ogre is of utmost importance to its owner, socially, spiritually and physically. An Ogre with a large gut is seen as wealthy and strong, for he has obviously eaten well to ensure such impressive girth. The Ogre religion revolves around eating, and the gluttonous Butchers believe that they can commune with their primitive god through this simple act. Perhaps this is due to the fact that an Ogre's vital organs are situated far lower than a man's. These organs are protected by a thick interlocking skein of musculature, and can grind and crack with terrifying force, allowing the Ogre to digest almost anything he cares to toss into his cavernous maw..."

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  4. 2 hours ago, Jetlife said:

    I know we all have thought that we would move to Ulgu for next edition...

    It does feel a bit of a shame that the edition set in Ghur... hasn't really seemed to explore it very much? Warcry stretching its legs, and I suppose a new Destruction faction'ette in Kruleboyz...

    But the Dawnbringers narrative appears to already be moving to Aqshy and Ghyran two thirds of the way into the Era of the Beast.


    Can you imagine if we move to Ulgu, and a Clan Eshin refresh are more-or-less the only "shadow realm" thing that comes out?

  5. 1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

    ...They even say the name of the Kruleboyz and SE leaders names but I can't quite understand what the dev says. 

    Killaboss Dankfeer and Sigrun. (And Sigrun's right-hand-man appears to be named Iden.)

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  6. 1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Total War 40k would never work...  It would have to be a massive jumble of 3 different games in 1, and either way probably end up a disappointing mess. CA is struggling to get even the pseudo-earth of TWW3 up to par because of how massive Immortal Empires is.


    In an interview (with Rookery Publications, around the 1:03 mark) Andy Hall was asked "Lore wise, the 40k universe is probably even broader than Warhammer Fantasy, but can the gameplay loop be adapted to Total War, do you reckon?"

    His response was "*shrugs* 'dunno... 'dunno."

    It was not quite a "no comment", and maybe I'm reading too much into it, but considering that he mostly gave thoughtful answers to other questions it seemed like a dodge.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

    I do hope they are planning on supporting these agents of the imperium as a fully fleshed out faction!

    At Warhammer Fest there was a picture of all the factions which were getting Indexes (and therefore, likely to get Codexes). "Agents of the Imperium" was one of them.

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  8. 8 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    ...Sylvaneth being Order makes sense. Theyre all about Life and Rebirth and the 'Natural Order' of life. 

    Difference of perspective then. The AoS version of Order seems to me to specifically be the imposed order of civilisation and society. Destroying it returns the world to the "natural order".

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  9. 2 hours ago, Draznak said:

    ...At the moment, I feel like COS reveals are on the same schedule as the Leagues of Votann last year : first mini reveal late March (COS foot soldier)/early April (hearthkyn warrior), second mini/unit at WarFest...

    On the other hand, GW announced at last year's Warhammer Fest that they were going to be doing Codex: World Eaters and Battletome: Cities of Sigmar, showing off renders for each (and saying that they'd continue to update us on their developments).

    As those "development diaries" are an exercise in marketing (they are not actually showing anything that's subject to change), I'd have expected them to be set to run for a roughly equal amount of time. Instead, World Eaters were early February, whereas CoS seem like they'll be over half a year later (September, probably).

  10. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:


    While they aren't purposely cross system like the tzaangors the new Beastman kit looks like it contains lots of kitbash options for BoC players. If you cut off the odd grenade here or there you could make a good alternative gor or Bestigor unit. 

    It also looks like they've done AoS players a solid by making the pistol holsters their own bit, so it really is just a couple grenades that need to be removed.

    In the "normal" sprues I count:

    • 10 bodies, with 10 right arm Hand Weapons and 10 left arm Auto Pistols
    • 15 faces, and 15 horn sets
    • 1 Two-Handed Weapon
    • 1 right arm Chainsword, 1 left arm Bolt Pistol, 1 left arm Plasma Pistol

    And in the "upgrade" sprue, additional bits to make the:

    • Shaman (Hooded head, left arm Staff, right arm Open Hand)
    • Gorehorn (Braying face, Gilded horns, right arm Axe, left arm Bionic Hand?)
    • Fluxbray (Mutated face, Incurved horns, right arm Knife, left arm Knife, other left arm Knife)
    • Mangler (Hooded head, right arm Claws, left arm Claws)
    • Toxhorn (Gas Mask head, right arm Plague-ish Knife, left arm Grenade, Belt Grenades)
    • Gnarlscar (Bionic Eye face, Semi-Broken horns, right arm Bionics)
    • Deathknell (Ridged face, Reinforced horns, right hand Rumour Engine Mallet, left hand Rumour Engine Gong)
    • Whippy Lad* (Studded Leather Mask head, right arm Whip)

    *I don't think they've revealed this operative's (assuredly very cool) name yet.

    • Like 3
  11. 5 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    I dunno, skin cloaks are fairly common across the Warhammer games. Fabius and the Dork elder archon wears a similar piece of clothing 

    The Chaos Space Marine's Master of Executions and Drukhari's Haemonculus as well.

    As others have said, a 'stitched together cloak made out of skin' is probably second to 'skulls' as far as the commonality of Warhammer accoutrements go.

    • Like 2
  12. I've always seen Nurgle's funny side as nihilistic gallows humour.

    The condemned man, having given up on the hope of rescue, succor, or pardon, cracking wise because there's no point in being serious any more. Those in laugh-or-cry situations, who are out of tears. Individuals so deep in despair that they've pushed through to the other side.

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  13. 13 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I think we'll still be in the Gnarlwood - or at least Ghur - just because there's still a year left of AoS being 'set' there. 

    Especially since the metaplot of finding the crashed Seraphon vessel doesn't seem to be resolved by Nightmare Quest's contents. (Or if it is, then just getting the lonely ziggurat is a bit of a shame).

    Yeah; fingers crossed that they're shifting the setting to be into the ruins of the crashed temple ship proper.

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  14. 20 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    That doesn't mean that Gork and Mork are separate, just that the Kruleboyz are worshipping an aspect of Gorkamorka

    That's what I mean though. The fact that there is a "Mork aspect" to worship that's not able to be confused with the "Gork aspect". Mork & Gork are definably different, instead of interchangeable. 

    You can't say that Kruleboyz "worship Mork (or is it Gork?)" because, no, it's definitely Mork.

  15. 39 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Kruleboyz worship both Kragnos & Mork. They’re biologically even classified as Morruks. 

    Side conversation: I'm not a fan of how Gork & Mork have been separated out into truly being different. The entire joke was that they're interchangeable. Gork was brutally cunning, while Mork was cunningly brutal. Or was it the other way around?

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  16. 22 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Could this one be related?


    I remember thinking that it was weird that it was "upside down", but 'Lost Sigmarite mentioned Tankbustas still being resin and... the current Tankbustas do have a guy with a similar exhaust pipe strapped to his back (as some loot). Maybe this is upside down for the same reason?

    • Like 2
  17. 2 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Slaneesh Vs Ogor Mawtribes.

    7 Mortal Slaneesh Warriors with a few Slaangors or other beasties.

    6 Ogor Maneaters decked out with gear from various Realms.

    My dream was new Maneaters vs a new Centigors dual kit (which could be built as a classic Undivided sort, or a HoS variant). Alas, 'twas too sweet a dream.

    • LOVE IT! 2
  18. 17 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

    Looks like 40k is going AoS for simplified rules and profiles

    Not as much as I think some were hoping.

    In fact, it looks like they've added a stat (OC, Objective Control). They've gone from.

    Models: M - WS - BS - S - T - W - A - Ld - Sv
    Weapons: Range - A - S - AP - D


    Models: M - T - Sv - W - Ld - OC*
    Weapons: Range - A - WS/BS - S - AP - D

  19. 16 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Time for some last minute guesses. Definitely the lion in the middle. No idea about the AoS stuff. ojaOl7WJZjsJ6jGk.png.a62c6cdf7194c71dd30d4e9a1aa75564.png

    Left to right guesses:

    • Kroxigor
    • Underworlds CoS?
    • Lion
    • Horus Heresy (Consul-Librarian? Would have said Esoterist, but that just came out). Oh, Kill Team Beastmen. Yeah, that's it.
    • New Terminators for 40k.
  20. 8 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    Huh, the concept art for the K’daai Destroyer in the dev blog is pretty different to (what I thought was) the K’Daai Destroyer in the original trailer. This one’s roughly anthropomorphic/genie-shaped whereas that was like the never-released bull-shaped meta monster.

    I haven’t been following the videos and such in detail though, maybe this is accounted for somewhere.

    I know the conversation has moved on somewhat (understandably so) but CA updated the blog to show the K'Daai Destroyer concept art:




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  21. 2 hours ago, Beliman said:

    And Forgeworld finally releases the K'dai Destroyer!


    I think the story goes that Forge World realised that it didn't actually look like a K'Daai Destroyer and retooled it into Skaarac The Bloodborn.


    The version in Total War seems to take some elements of that model and combines them with the look of the Destroyer from the art:



    (Though they've made it much bigger, unless that's Lustria's largest Stegadon that it's facing down.)

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  22. 4 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Not one Grotbag unit in the book. There are 2 Gitmob units and those dont have any synergy with all the other units at all. Grotbag does get mentioned along with Gitmob in context with Glareface Frazzlegit.

    I believe they were referring to the KO 'tome (as being a book for running Grotbag Scuttlers), not the GSG's.

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