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Posts posted by LordSolarMach

  1. 20 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    The last Destro unit for third edition is the Kruleboyz Underworlds warband that is rumored that It is gonna be released during winter. After that, Destro would wait until next edition

    Did I miss a rumour (or hint/statement) that the warband is Kruleboyz?

    (The roadmap says its Destruction, and in winter, but I don't recall any rumours about it.)

  2. 46 minutes ago, Souleater said:

    Not to get anyone’s hopes up but here in England thirteen is referred to as a Bakers Dozen.

    ...it's called "a baker's dozen" because it's thirteen. No one uses "a dozen" to mean thirteen.

    (IIRC it was illegal for loaves of bread to be under a certain weight, so to make sure that they didn't get in trouble when a baker sold a dozen loaves of bread they'd throw in an extra. To make sure they made weight. So people started referring to thirteen as a baker's dozen.)

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  3. There are some oddities in the Warmaster range... or, I guess it was a fluid time.

    For example: the Undead (and later Tomb King) Skeletons unit has big scythes, which doesn't really fit with what became the Tomb King aesthetic. (3rd edition's Undead did have a Grim Reapers unit that was just Skeletons with Scythes.)

    Or: the 4th edition WHFB Undead had Screaming Skull Catapults. The Warmaster Undead then had... Skull Chukkas, before the new Tomb Kings brought back the name Screaming Skull Catapult.

    (For reference: the 4th edition Undead book was 1994, 5th edition Vampire Counts was '99, Warmaster's Undead 2000, 6th edition Vampire Counts 2001, 6th edition Tomb Kings 2003, Warmaster Armies' Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts 2006.)

  4. 23 hours ago, LordSolarMach said:

    I guess, as an amendment to my previous post, that while the Warmaster "Undead Hero on Zombie Dragon" was initially released for an Undead faction, when they expanded the Warmaster range from its initial six armies* to fourteen** they did change the name to Tomb Kings, and kept the Zombie Dragon.

    As further amendment: I've done some more poking around, and the initial Undead list (in the rulebook) was definitely more proto-Tomb Kings, then 4th edition Undead leftovers.

    For example, despite still being called Undead the characters were Tomb Kings and Liche Priests. (Compared to the Necromancers, Vampire Counts, Liches, Wight Lords, Mummy Tomb Kings, and Wraiths of the old WHFB army.)

    The Warmaster rulebook also includes a piece of art of a bunch of Zombie Dragons hanging out in Khemri, as well as 4th edition style Carrion (which were ridden by Wraiths and had bat wings):




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  5. 11 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I find that weird as well. A dragon seems really random as a mount. They couldn't pull a Liche Priest on Bone Scarab or whatever out of their hat?

    I guess, as an amendment to my previous post, that while the Warmaster "Undead Hero on Zombie Dragon" was initially released for an Undead faction, when they expanded the Warmaster range from its initial six armies* to fourteen** they did change the name to Tomb Kings, and kept the Zombie Dragon.

    *Empire, Undead, Chaos, Orc, High Elf, Dwarf.

    **Empire, Tomb Kings, Chaos, Orc, High Elf, Dwarf, Skaven, Lizardmen, Bretonnia, Kislev, Dark Elf, Vampire Count, Daemon, Araby.


    But I agree: if you want to give the Tomb Kings a big mount (and don't want to put them on a Sphinx or fancy chariot) then the Khemric Titans already exist and look really neat.

    No need for a dragon, which is stepping firmly on the toes of Vampire Counts.

    (Maybe the source of the rumours mis-saw, and it's a giant Carrion?)

  6. Just now, Twisted Firaun said:

    I'm sorry, when and where did we get news about a Liche Priest riding a DRAGON?! 

    That's actually been kicking around for a bit.


    I find the "Liche on Dragon" rumour to be so... weird.

    People say that the Tomb Kings had a dragon in Warmaster, but they really didn't. It was The Undead that had a Hero on Zombie Dragon - yes, The Undead were nudged closer to what would become the Tomb Kings (due to Vampire Counts splitting off) but that Warmaster army pre-dated the 6th edition Tomb Kings WHFB release. It still had Wraiths and, well, Zombie Dragons.

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  7. 19 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    So when The emperor's children get released for 40k, will Fulgrim have 2 deamon models then?


    Might be a bad sign for Emperor's Children players.

    I know a lot were expecting a Codex in the next few years, but if a big plastic daemon Fulgrim is coming soon why make a resin version?

    (The model itself is absolutely stunning. Literal jaw-dropper.)


    Other thoughts:

    • Space Marines were... fine, but a bit boring. (40k and 30k)
    • Ironjawz look amazing. As someone who likes the old Black Orcs, the new 'Ardboyz still blew me away. Weirdboy Wrekkaz too - those masks are wonderful.
    • Trugg deserves his kingly title.
    • Gorgers are gorgeous.
    • Damsel is very pretty.
    • Bloodbowl Vamps are wonderful. 
    • Underworlds... doesn't hit for me.
  8. 5 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    I bet warcry will be the boxed set. There's 4 warbands coming in fall, and two are supposed to be from a box set right?

    At Warhammer Fest they said that the next "season" of Warcry wouldn't have the "vs boxsets" like Heart of Ghur - just individual releases.


    As for my predictions:

    • 40k: Space Marines
    • AoS: Ironjawz (Dawnbringers: Book II)
    • Underworlds: Nurgle and... Fyreslayers
    • Warcry: Maneaters
    • Horus Heresy: MkIII and Deredeo
    • The Old World: Bretonnian and Tomb King heroes... in plastic!
    • Blood Bowl: ...new Tzeentch team...
  9. 9 minutes ago, Elbaf said:

    Valrak did a rumor on AoS in his today's video, about christmas boxset rumor (mostly 40K but talked about aos for once)

    AoS could have Bonereaper box, Soulblight, a Chaos one/Be'Lakor theme ( without him but with Eternus ) and Seraphon

    we will have to wait and see, it could be interesting

    I wonder if the "Be'lakor themed" one will just be Eternus, or if it might include Legionaires and a Centaurion.

    • Like 2
  10. 6 hours ago, Elarin said:

    There are 4 new kits for Orruks coming in addition to the Maw-Grunta

    Not to reveal anything about your source, but if it is (say) a list of items for sale, is there a chance that the Maw-Grunta and (say) Zoggrok Anvilsmasha share a kit while having separate listings?

    In the same way that I can go on the GW site and buy a Megaboss on Maw-Krusha or buy Gordrakk, Fist of Gork. It's the same kit, but GW lists it twice.

  11. 7 hours ago, Chikout said:

    ...It does have new scenery but it doesn't match the rumour engine. As for the new warbands, they haven't said anything about scenery one way or the other...

    I could have sworn during the Warhammer Fest presentation they said that they weren't doing the "2 Warbands + Terrain" sets for Warcry anymore.


    Fake edit: while I couldn't find the original stream, this Goonhammer article from the time notes, "Following the new starter, Warcry will move to a release model based on releasing individual faction boxes, not big boxed sets."


    Of course, I suppose they could do new Warcry terrain sets via independent release. But they're not doing Heart of Ghur, Sundered Fate, Bloodhunt, Nightmare Quest type boxes with new terrain.

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  12. 15 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    My initial thought was Warcry terrain, since we know we're getting Season 2 soon and it's presumably still set in the Gnarlwood.

    15 hours ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

    Seems very Gnarlwood terrain to me, so probably Warcry terrain.

    Didn't they say that the next "season" of Warcry wasn't going to have the 'Two Warbands + Terrain' boxes, and were just going to be individual Warband releases instead?

  13. In regards to Mordheim being a more focussed game: while the half of the "rulebook" warbands were Empire (Reikland, Middenheim, and Marienburg Mercenaries, Witch Hunters, Sisters of Sigmar) they were alongside Chaos Cultists, Skaven, and Undead. A pretty good mix.

    And Town Crier pretty quickly added plenty of other diverse sorts - Dwarf Treasure Hunters, Kislevites, Carnival of Chaos, Pit Fighters, etc. etc.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    You guys know what’s funny about the new city of sigmar models?

    They would probably fit incredible wel into the old world as like an bretonnian army that found out how powerful blackpowder weapon can be, in a strategic way

    Yeah... Bretonnians who "found Sigmar" is the way I've been thinking about them for awhile now. Combined with some real David-Ghallagher-let-loose vibes.







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  15. 1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    ... or as the first Season 2 boxed set expansion (it isn't confirmed that Warcry is moving to stand alone warband releases). ...

    I distinctly recall them saying exactly that - as Lost Sigmarite said - the next season of Warcry was just going to be individual releases with no "versus + terrain boxes" like they've been doing for the last while (and in Kill Team).

  16. 59 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    I'd say the Imperial Nobility team is, well, Empire Nobility.

    Much more central Europe renaissance than Anglo or French medieval.

    More in mechanics than theme, I assume Nezzhil meant.

    Bretonnians (as created by Cyanide for the video game) had three positional players:

    • Linemen - cheap and bad, but with Fend
    • 0-4 Blitzers - solid, with Block, Catch, and Dauntless
    • 0-4 Blockers - solid, with Wrestle

    Imperial Nobility was then created for the current edition of Blood Bowl, with the roster of:

    • Retainer Linemen - cheap and bad, but with Fend
    • 0-2 Thrower - solid passer
    • 0-2 Noble Blitzer - solid, with Block and Catch
    • 0-4 Bodyguard - solid, with Stand Firm and Wrestle
    • 0-1 Ogre - Ogre

    So if you wanted to implement a Bretonnian team in Blood Bowl you couldn't just lift the video game's version, as Imperial Nobility kind of cribbed from them.


    On the other hand, as mentioned before, I forgot about High Elves. And they exist alongside Elven Union, despite being fairly similar (the former has a bit better Linemen and Throwers, and the latter has a bit better Catchers and Blitzers). 

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  17. 3 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Was there another Warcry leak? The only one I can think of was for the new SCE vs FEC box. The other pictures looked like a rebooted Underworlds starter; it was the vamp warband vs new SCE.

    The Crimson Court and Xandire's Truthseekers are existing warbands from Underworlds, but the starter was using them for Warcry.


    8 hours ago, madmac said:

    I don't pay much attention to Blood Bowl, but my understanding is that all the "expected" releases are filled now, right? Could mean that when the next BB news eventually comes it'll be something big, like an entirely new/remade team, or maybe a new edition even.

    As Clan's Cynic mentioned, Chaos Dwarfs are still without an updated team. The other two waiting with them are Khemri and Vampires. (Edit: oh, and Slann/Kislev Circus.)

    There's also the possibility of Slaanesh and Tzeentch teams (what with Khorne joining Nurgle this edition). Bretonnians could also do with a roster, though Imperial Nobility kind of stole most of their "thing".

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