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Posts posted by VladdyDaddy

  1. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    for a Rant, I think comparatively to what 40K have gotten in recent preview show, the AoS reveal have been disappointing and lacking.

    like getting full-range releases for Eldar, CSM, Votann, Imperial Guard, and Worldeaters compare to a lot of small hero releases with only Sylvaneath, Nighthaunt, and Sons having anything worthwhile feel inequities and it is hard to not feel the limited resources where lopsidedly put into one system.

    tomes are nice and all but I do feel the majority of people in the hobby don't play or don't play enough to find the game engaging enough in the end. it also feels like the community is too driven up by rules and book releases when it doesn't feel like it is the most important side of the hobby


    The STD release we're getting is larger than most 40k releases, worldeaters is pitifully small for a 'full range' release, the recent sylvaneth update was about the same size.

    40k players felt how you're feeling in previous years - with things like nighthaunt, soulblight, sylvaneth, bonereapers etc. All coming with massive model ranges/refreshes.

    I'd imagine in the coming years we might see the focus switch back to AoS a little but, and looking at the road map it wouldn't surprise me if that switch was 2023.

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  2. There are two different types of bodyguard abilities, the old style and the new style.

    New style are ones like 'soul forged guardians' for praetors specifically mention negating wounds and therefore are 'ward rolls' and cannot be used in conjuction with wards.

    Then the 'old style' ones like belladammas 'first of the vyrkos' which doesn't negate wounds and are not considered 'wards'. There has been plenty of faqs and chances to update this, and they haven't. So my group presume this means they are supposed to be different. This is the same for your scenario with the immortis guard.

    The only thing is, both bonereapers, soulblight and a few others (saurus guard and their 'ward save' from banner etc.) Have a 'ward save' that triggers *when* allocating wounds to a unit, not *before*. However, the 'bodyguard' rule clearly states *before* allocating.

    Therefore, for belladamma and your scenario with the immortis, you would roll armour saves with the hero, then *before allocating* wounds, roll the 'bodyguard' ability, then the bodyguard unit would get their 'ward save' against the transferred wounds *when allocating* them. Belladamma/the bonereaper hero would also get their ward save against any wounds that were not transferred, as they clearly state *when allocating wounds* they get their 6+ ward, and *before allocating wounds* they get their bodyguard ability.

    Both FAQs reference rule negation specifically, which immortis guard don't do, and abilities that negate and dish back mortal wounds (archaons armour, nagashs armour etc.) Whereby if you roll a 6+ to save, you do a mortal back to the opponent which cannot be negated. The faqs are not talking about the old style bodyguard abilities.

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