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Posts posted by Someravella

  1. 14 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Honestly it is the perfect setup for a definitive split between the green skins and Kragnos. Which would align with the launch of a new Destro faction for Kragnos and his Drogrukh. This would be also a super fit for the Era of the Beast, having a new destro faction as its conclusion.

    I would hate that, because there would be a dissonance between lore and KB models... I mean, many KB models have banners and idols after Kragnos. For instance, the banner of the gutrippaz has something that looks like Kragnos and its prison —which also has Gobsprakk—, the banner of the Killaboss on Gnashtoof is a mountain broken apart, and the Belchabanna also looks like Kragnos...

    • Like 2
  2. 28 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    What about the new end of ed faction being the Kragnos buddies?

    I want to know how will they resolve the issue between Kruleboyz worshipping Kragnos as the Earthquake god (at least, many of them... besides the fact that the faction waited until Kragnos freed himself to show itself) and


    the Mouth of Mork wanting to "get rid of Kragnos" and concealing that he knows where the other Drogrukh are.

    In addition, it feels that the role of monster hunters and poachers has gone from BS to KB... I hope that, if this continues, the spiritual aspect of KB is further explored (we already have monsters and warmachines).

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, michu said:

    This is old AoS 1.0 art. And those are Blood Reavers not Marauders.

    I know, it was a strange way to to say that I do not like this art, as I did not like the old marauders.

    Sometimes my sarcasm level is too stupid.

    Edit: WH40k leak in Bolter and chainsword.

  4. 57 minutes ago, Lord Kroak said:

    The presence of god characters is a major reason why the AoS lore doesn't appeal to me. From what I've read, it just feels like the only real characters in the setting are Sigmar, Nagash, etc, and everyone else is just their puppet.

    For instance, all the Stormcast characters seem to just be vessels of Sigmar's will, who do little more than follow his orders. And all the Ossiarch and Nighthaunt characters are little more than Nagash's puppets, who exist just to enact his plans. Meanwhile, the Soulblight vampires are all terrified of Nagash, so they too just mostly do what he says (but unwillingly). The absolute power of Nagash over all death deprives all the other death characters of their own opportunities to be actual characters.

    I think GW added god characters to the setting because at the time the Marvel Cinematic Universe was extremely popular, and they figured they could make the Mortal Realms appealing by adding superheroes and supervillains. But these kinds of uber-characters require a certain setting to work. When you shoehorn them into a high fantasy setting like AoS, all they do is steal the thunder from all the other characters and make the universe seem small.

    I'd love to see the gods taken down a peg, have Nagash lose some of his power over death, and have other death characters rebel against him. There could be a death civil war between pro-Nagash and anti-Nagash factions. That would create some much-needed conflict and depth to the setting, and allow non-god characters to develop their own goals, motivations, and agency, making the setting seem alive.


    For me, AoS has to be approached as a "Dark Souls" universe rather than a "The Lord of the Rings". There are a lot of myths, godbeasts, gods, and factions are like the bosses and the enemies of their areas.

    I don't care to explain that 😝

    • Like 14
  5. 2 hours ago, madmac said:

    I can't see us getting a new centaur race in the near future, but at least GW is seeding the possibility here. I think the short term consequences will more just be breaking up the Kragnos/KB alliance and likely even Kragnos being temporarily removed or incapacitated much like Nagash was as part of bringing the Age of Beasts to an end.

    Many KB have symbols after Kragnos (for instance, the boss on Gnashtoof, has an earthquake on the banner). And the KB emerged their swamps to follow him. So, it would be unexpected that them break their alliance...

    What do I do with his model if that happens?

  6. 24 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    All heroes on Sludgeraker or Corpse-rippa Vulchas are still not in the game. Pretty sure that they are DLC1 and 2

    I forgot the vulcha, but I really thought that the Sludgeraker was already there.

    Now I am impressed they did the KB faction with only a part of their not so large rooster. 🤣

    • Haha 2
  7. 37 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Would be reasonable to have some sort of lore event that change the core behaviour of the destruction factions? Like Gorka Morka turning the orcs into a constructuive civilization? I think is quite complicate to change something that is so big in the roots of the faction.

    I meant that they need a more complex reason than simply "break and destroy Order". They want to do that, but why? Kill "weak" gods as a ritual? Kill "Order" to free their "enslaved" beings? Kill other factions because their are expansionist and imperialist will transform their homeland at dome point?

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Mutton said:

    I'm a die-hard Destruction player, and I actually like Kragnos. He needs better lore than just "argh, me angry, me smash," but at least he's an attempt at something more creative for the Destro alliance. 

    Even I'm sick of seeing the exact same orcs/gobbos/giants/etc. we've been inundated with for decades.

    Kragnos 9/10, Lore 3/10.

    I do not like that the lore for Destruction factions in GW are often simplified to "we do not like civilisation and we only want to break things". Imo, they do not have a proper reason to be that way.

    At the end, Destruction consists of those mythological creatures that do not fit Death, Chaos or Order (orcs, trolls, ogres, goblins, etc.).

    • Like 3
  9. 21 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

    Mannok the breakaboss is now stand alone AoS at the same time they release the breaka tribes monsta killaz . Coincidence ? Does the monsta killaz will be battleline if general is a breakaboss ? 

    If I am not wrong, Mannok is a snatchaboss, not a breakaboss.

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