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Everything posted by Someravella

  1. I guess the krule with the flail of the new KB band will end up being a new unit too (with a more agressive role than gutrippaz).
  2. That's why I think it will be a battletome release + 2nd wave 🤞. Lorewise, it makes sense to have different greenskin cultures in Destruction.
  3. Nagash can cast and dispel 9 times in a battle round? What is he, a god? Thank godness he is has been robbed by a boy that do not want to leave his room and beaten by an aelf, which shows us that he is just a skeleton with a large hat.
  4. Shortest-life miniature in AoS: BoC beastlord.
  5. The prophecies of Doom...! So, does Rob gain "leaker points"?
  6. This army creation certifies Orruk soup; otherwise, what can the non-hero units KB be? Only gutrippaz and hobgrotz
  7. I hope LRL, Idoneth, and DoK are also souped as Aelven mobs.
  8. I understand that factions will be an integration of many multiple, different microfactions (KB and IJ for OW, for instance). A way to explore alternative concepts for the "traditional" armies of AoS, in the same way as the warbands in Warcry (the paradigmatic case is S2D and the Chaos bands).
  9. I think that FS and KO being souped with Grungni is practically the same situation as BS, IJ and KB being souped with Kragnos.
  10. Ok. Tomorrow I'll buy a box of multicomponent gutrippaz and will arm them wit hakkas. That's the signal I needed.
  11. We should do this: one post, one statement. Otherwise, we spend a lot of time playing "mastermind" with Whitefang's reactions. 🤣
  12. With this new edition, I've realised that I never saw the 3rd edition trailer before. The new one is much better.
  13. I think it is just a starting point for newcomers. Notice that the Era of the Beast is just a lore bit from Broken Realms (Kragnos escaped and... that's all)
  14. They can be a microarmy in DoK, such as KB in OW, Dark Oath in S2D, or CoS new wave.
  15. I remembered you and your quest on finding that model 😆 I have a problem with KB (and they are my AoS army...) why every non-monster KB look like a regular gutrippa? I think that, instead of Zagnog, I will buy the new UW band (they will cost similar, I believe).
  16. Certainly, there is a big difference between the price of the sprues in starter editions and the unit in a separate box. But I stick to my opinion. I remember when scalpers bought Cursed city boxes in Spain and sold the units/heroes separately; not to make people a favour, but for maximising the revenue they could make from the boxes (and, the were hoarding boxes for that purpose).
  17. I'm Spanish and I agree with you that it is scalping. 😆
  18. I think that is exactly the point (and I agree). Edit: Re-reading my comment, maybe someone can mistake my message. I meant that I agree that there are female characters do not exhibit feminine traits. I do not want waifus with chainmail bikinis.
  19. We already know that skaven are the next army to be revamped. But, what about the next one. Did we have to wait long until the 40k roadmap post leviathan?
  20. There are Wallapop users that are simply stores sending there... Maybe they have been informed about the release date of these products. Just guessing.
  21. I would like that destruction were a bit deeper though. Maybe they want to just protect their swamps because the humans are draining them to found their cities. Maybe they want to crush (Order's) enslaving institutions as a way to make any being free. Maybe because they are manipulated by Morgoth. In this regard, I want to read "The last ringbearer" to see how the orcs portray themselves in a war "goos vs evil". Unless you have been reforged too many times. Then, maybe you purge them.
  22. Maybe Vandus will become the daemon prince, champion of Khorne, instead of Khul...
  23. Yep, I should realise that I am not able to imbue a sarcastic tone to my messages on forums.
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