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Posts posted by RyantheFett

  1. 2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Cities is basically the only place in AoS right now for "normal" humans. GW knows this and I think that is why they made such a big deal of the Cities update. I don't think that has to mean that dwarves and elves have no future in Cities, though. Because having them be part of the faction definitely tells us something important about how the Cities of Sigmar are different from, for example, the Empire and the Imperium of Man.

    I hope GW recognizes that having Cities be a coalition of humans, dwarves and elves was part of the appeal. And I hope it translates to "real" Cities elves and dwarves over time. Even though that will probably mean that a lot of warscrolls get lost once the models are updated.

    I would love GW to really go all in on the coalition of races, but everything done so far does not look good. From the new lore about the other races (especially the bit about the dark elves being getting kicked for their evil actions), much darker tone, the removal of two elf races without more then a few words, and even the new overall look it seems that GW pushed the faction closer to an Imperium 2.0.

    Love to be wrong and we get a dwarf and elf wave in the future, but I have slowly come to accept it will be years before we have a real answer either way.

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  2. 3 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    @RyantheFett could you expand on your rumor thread comment?

    i haven't heard anything much about the reception to new COS from creators/influencers, though I have noticed a lot of lamenting in individual comments.

    Sure! Here are the biggest ones I can think of off the top of my head (at work so did this in a rush.

    All of them mention the separating of the races, how much more love humans got, and how most likely these units will be gone in the future. A lot of the comments also mention that.

    They have another major reviewer, but felt that he went too out of the way to avoid talking about the subject. Have not finished his videos on Cities so maybe he does bring it up in the end, so he may get added to the list.


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  3. Those two death books may suffer from the same thing happening to 40k Eldar. They are soooooo good and have so many options that GW will just have to keep on smacking them down every change until we make it to 4th edition.

    Not sure how GW let some of that stuff get thought testing......

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    • Confused 1
  4. 1 minute ago, JackStreicher said:

    Wow, just wow.

    They changed the most fun spell in the game to be utter rubbish. (Spiritgale) -_-

    I hate such no sensical updates.

    Pretty sure that is a joke, but I still need to rant about this spell one last time lol!

    My bros favorite faction in the game is SBGL and plays that faction all the time. So I have seen that spell way to much.......

    That spell was one of the most toxic and uninteractive rules I have seen in the game. He would just hide the wizard in the corner and just drop 50 to 60 mortal wounds a game.

    Oh and you would think getting 9s would be rare, but nooooooooo. And don't get me started on zombies!!!!!

    They could not have nurfed that spell or faction hard enough.........

  5. 27 minutes ago, Daylight Sneak said:

    I don't quite understand the adamant obsession with racial unifications across the board, especially when they make little sense apart from maybe cutting down the amount of battletomes. In my opinion that is just ruination of identity for the entire premise of the setting from the GA: Order's point of view. There was talk about Duardin unification and souping a some years ago and now it's the same about the Aelves. To me it looks more or less like people just can't accept that Age of Sigmar isn't Warhammer Fantasy anymore.

    The most simple answer for GW doing this is that is how 40k works. 40k has strict factions separated by races and that has worked for years, and they just repeated that practice here. Makes no sense lore wise, but players have gotten over that with time.

    Shame really since Cities was such a cool and different faction, but will most likely continue down the road of being Imperial Guard 2.0.

    Glad that most websites and youtube/podcast called them out on this (expect 1), and hopefully GW will change their mind in the future.

    • Like 2
  6. 5 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I usually hear that the main issue with 40k is their balance. Some of them have weapons that can't do any damage, others armies can shoot without LoS, others have weird interactions and others just don't have enough tools to play.

    But I don't see anyone saying that the weapons keywords don't work, or the game has too much going on (bloat), or it's hard to understand how the games works.

    As someone who plays both games I would say that 40k is the easier game right now. AoS I feel has a lot of bloat in the wrong areas. Of course GW just stole the best ideas from AoS and put them into 40k so I would expect the same when 4th comes out next year.

    Balance has been a huge issue for 40k and it has felt like the players were doing the beta test for GW. On the bright side 40k gets updates every 3 months so they are fixing many of the problems the game has right now (my Tau and Votann are good now!!!). Of course, AoS has some pretty bad balance issues as well with power creep, mortal wounds everywhere, and those death armies........

    11 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Btw, my main issue is that htere are some things that are weird. Free weapons seems good for games like AoS, that are sidegrades instead of just upgrades. But for a game that has a basic troop with 9 diferent weapons, it doesn't feel right and pretty sure it's not balanced enough. Same with a lot of stuff that it's just... weird.

    As a Tau player this has been a huge issue for 40k. Like I got my crisis suits that come with 7 different weapons, but since they are all the same price only one of them is taken every time!! Get the feeling that GW was lazy with a lot of the stuff especially with factions that would be getting a book soonish. Hopefully they avoid that with the new edition next year.

    • Like 5
  7. 1 hour ago, EntMan said:

    It could have been worse...


    Like for real tho what was the thought process behind this??? I was reading it when all the news broke about what they were cutting and could not continue it.....

    GW knew beforehand that they were gonna wipe this race from the game, most likely never mention it again, and stop selling the models! The release was also right before Cities rework so it easily could of been a book on the new human stuff or something lol.

  8. 29 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    I don’t think the 3rd one is Kroot- The Kroot rarely mark their stuff with symbols, and those don’t follow GW’s normal design for arrows either. Unless they’re both being fired at two overlapping angles by one weapon, most likely they’re in a holder, and arrows in a quiver (To the best of my knowledge and from what I saw on models) are stored with the fletchings outside the quiver and the point inside, meaning they’re most likely javelins or a similar projectile. 

    I believe that, between the Morghast wing in today’s rumor engine and those symbols being dead ringers for Ossiarch runes, these may be our first look at the next wave of Ossiarchs or their Warcry Warband, with the predicted ranged Mortek not being Mortek Bowmen, but instead Mortek/Kavalos Javelineers. 

    Like I said all of those could be for anyone of their games. They reuse symbols and gear a lot and it makes a lot of these almost impossible to figure out lol.

    The kroot do use those symbols on at least two of their weapons. The bowgun and the sword iirc, but I am pretty sure others have pointed out several factions in AoS use them as well so yaaaa.

    Safe bet its another Primaris lieutenant!!!!

    • Haha 1
  9. 6 hours ago, EntMan said:

    For 40k they'll be Spacecast Eternals for sure.

    But I'm also hoping for Kroot. There's a few Kroot rumour engines to be resolved, and they had a recentish Kill Team so that means new stuff is more likely to be main 40k.

    (Yes, I know I'm being unrealistic, but allow me hope)

    My guess is that they are most likely doing the same as AoS with only one or two units coming out with each new book.  Of course I would love more kroot (and other non tau races!!)

    As a lot of people pointed out the 3 or 4 rumor engines point towards kroot. Bit of a stretch, but could be a very large kroot hand with kroot like armor for the first. The others are pretty clear some type of kroot unit.

    Of course take it with some salt since GW likes to reuse a lot of their stuff.







    6 hours ago, Asbestress said:

    If (I'm 100% sure we will be getting at least a 2-3 kit Kroot release) we are getting both DA and Kroot, I could see DA coming early Spring and Kroot at the end just before CSM.




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  10. 2 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    On the one hand I get it, on the other its mostly because players don't play around the possibility or think of it at all. From their perspective they're playing a game and the double turn just "falls out of the sky" and hands them a loss. HeyWoah's video on this is really good.
    Sometimes, if you're behind you need to gamble on that 50% to turn the game around, but if you're just blindly throwing yourself into a position where a dice roll will lose you the game thats a skill issue. If it looks like its going to rain, and you go for a run you might get rained on.
    I'm not trying to be dismissive here, but we should really do a better job of explaining it to new players. For tons of outsiders double turns fall from the sky, and the nuance of controlling drops, or even stopping to consider that if you go second you can't get doubled, is lost.

    Jokes on you I am a trash player and will always gamble on that roll lol. Almost all the games I play make it to turn 3 and then we roll to see who wins the game. No point even playing at that point!

    I just don't really see the pros of keeping that rule, but it does seem to be something that GW will die on the hill for.

    I got two casual players in our group who I taught 40k 10ed to, and I doubt they would ever care enough about list building and drops to successfully counter the double turn. They just want to put unpainted models on the table and roll dice.

    Personally my bigger gripe is the MW spam and just how deadly everything the game is now. Figure 4th will tone that down enough that maybe something could survive the double turn beat down lol.

    Double turns seem more like a huge roadblock for new players to enter the game?

  11. 4 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    The new CoS is the first faction that can somewhat play actually tactically around DTs by using their orders and building actual traps.

    CoS has a lot of cool rules and ideas that I hope we see in other armies for 4th.

    At the same time they will also get destroyed in some match ups if they lose that role off. They work a bit too closely like LRL in that if they don't get that 5 ward bubble up then they are in trouble lol.

    Of course that is more about GW and balance/rules issues, but I have little fate that they will be able to find a good solution. The fact that they keep throwing rules at it implies that they know that it is a problem??

    • Like 2
  12. 42 minutes ago, Jymmy said:

    I feel tempted by Misthaven, as I love the ruffians and corsairs theme, the problem I have is that I have zero confidence now in what they will do with the old range, specially with the non human part. As it is, I don’t see myself buying dark aelves corsairs and kharividis when there is a high probability for them to dissapear in three years…

    Also, I had a small army of cities from Anvilgard, rip that project lol

    Do not buy into Cities for the dwarfs or dark elves!!!!!!! They are almost certainly gonna get removed for their own factions or The Old World sooner rather then later. Book already giving hints on dark elves being kicked from the Cities............. which is better then what happened to the wood elves lol.

    If you are okay with buying them now and then mixing/proxing them in future human units then go for it. I started a small Cities army a year ago as well so I feel that pain and also have to make that choice lol........

    And I would love to be wrong, but this army will most likely be Imperial Guard 2.0 sooner rather then later.

    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  13. 12 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

    I think whatever they do, they should do it with more courage. 

    I'm fine with shelving Bonesplitters & making Ironjaws & Kruleboys their own thing (Brutal but Kunnin' vs Kunnin' but Brutal).

    But I'd also be fine with an actual "Orruks Warclans" book that has *no* split anymore but rather the warlord decides the direction the army goes (again brutal but... etc. see above). So the warlord lets you chose a set of special rules that are then your army rules but you can actually mix and match your dudes as you see fit. That could leave some Bonesplitters in the book, albeit without a proper general. So no third army rules option.

    Personally I'd like them to take route number 2, but given how different Kruleboyz and Ironjaws look, I expect it to be route number one.

    Based off of what GW did with Cities I say they don't have much courage to just cut or split factions outright. It will be a slow death over many years and everyone will suffer.

    I would also have a lot more respect if they did just rip the band aid off quickly, but that does not seem to be the GW way lol.

    • Like 2
  14. After playing a lot of games in AoS I think the double turn it is more of a problem then it is worth. I find a lot of my games get decided by that dice roll since both sides play aggressive and bet everything on going first next turn. But it seems that has been a big split in the community over that feature for a long time. GW also seems to really want to buff going second to mixed results.

    Mortal wound spam is also just so boring for the game and has really gotten out of hand.

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  15. I always thought that AoS was the more causal game out of the two. Right now 40k is much easier game to play and I have taught two people who have enjoyed it. Not really sure if I could do the same with Sigmar right now. Will be interesting to see how much they strip out of in 4th and how much they copy from 40k.

    As for 40k, GW is pretty clear that their goal is causal play and they don't really care about the pro scene. I like a lot of the changes, with my only real complaint is that their balance is compete trash and we are still in the beta of the game.

    The Cities book could be a good way to see the future of the game:

    • The 3 inch rule is nice and I would not be surprised if that will happen to all the factions or even if you can put them in the unit themselves. Getting rid of aura abilities would be great since I play LRL, Stormcast, and maybe Cities......... I am tired of ward save bubbles............ so tired....
    • Removal of the magic phase and units having unique spells that happen all over the place. Sort of get hints of that with the new Stormcast units and I think it is a pretty good change in 40k.
    • Sub faction rules and restrictions being tripped down a lot.
    • Like 2
  16. 39 minutes ago, willange said:

    I just hope they don't simplify 4.0 like they did with 40k 10th ed.  I liked many of the 10th ed changes, but at the end of the day it went to far and I just can't get into it.  I would hate for AoS to lose that much depth.

    I always got the impression that AoS was meant to be the more casual/quicker game out of the two. It's just that Sigmar just happens to be the more complex game right now since it is at the end of its 3rd edition.

    I expect when 4th hits next year Sigmar will be super streamlined even more so then 40k is right now. We may see that in a lot of Cities rules that look very close to 40ks.

    • Like 1
  17. 18 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    I would love to see toughness and strength added to the warscroll stats. I don't know if this is easy to balance with how AoS works, but it would atleast give some extra immersion to the game.

    And more attention to character customization options. Now they feel a bit bland.

    I would love to see toughness and strength added to the game since it would add a bit more strategy. Would have to make more diverse list with anti infantry, anti elite, or anti monster options. Feels like the current system a little on the boring side.

    Of course that feels like a major change to the whole system and maybe too much?

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  18. 2 hours ago, Mikosan said:

    I agree with this.  For various life reasons, I haven't played as much this edition but when I do, I love the game as it currently is.  Some friends that play more are down on 3rd for its bloat but in my mind so much of that is the GHB layers.  The core rules, for my money are in a great place.  While I don't mind the seasonal changes a GHB brings, I'm not playing tons of games so maybe that has less effect for me.  

    At this stage of AoS, I really hope to not see drastic changes but I could be swayed on a shared start of round Hero Phase or more alternating activations as I think it could make the game even more engaging.  

    I am not at all sold on characters joining units.  I mean, why?  The new look out sir! rules seem to be enough protection for characters and having them join units feels like a step too far.  I used to hate untouchable characters on the corner of a huge block of infantry in Oldhammer and I really don't think I'd like it in AoS either.

    I think its safe to say the priority roll isn't going anywhere.  Three editions in and for better or worse, love it or hate it, the double turn is quintessential AoS.  Pretty sure GW views this a fundamental part of the system and as such it stays.

    I play both AoS and 40k and out of the two right now 40k is the easier/polished game to play. Personally, I find AoS has a lot of bloat in the wrong areas that just slow down the game and is a pain to run.

    Characters joining units are a pretty good change since they allow armies to finally spread out more and allow units to do their own thing. Don't have to castle anymore with aura abilities. New Cities has this issue with every human army having to stay in a bubble around the warforger and pontefiex.............

    The 3 inches away from a unit may be the middle ground Aos finds, but between a lot of the new rules and how a lot of how Cities work they do seem to be pushing in that direction.

    • Like 5
  19. 21 minutes ago, novakai said:

    It quite possible (given GW history) that 4.0 is a total reset of the game and battletomess and they are just letting the meta slide until then 

    Oh I 100% believe that. Between the new Stormcast units and all of Cities I am trying to figure out what new systems they will bring over.

    I'm guessing the heroes being 3 inches from the unit and the removal of the magic phase are pretty up there as being big changes to the system. Both feel very close to the 40k changes.

  20. 12 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    I find this way to "help" underperforming armies really sad. You've a bad/outdated battletome, here, have some free points :/

    At this point I think several factions are just beyond simple fixes and GW is doing everything it can to 4.0.

    Would not be surprised if the win rates are a lot lower for some factions. Their 40k stats were pretty questionable.

  21. 5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I understood future Bretonnia as a funny way of saying FEC, but still I am not sure what is the second one 😁

    And don't forget metal. They said metal too, which is super odd.

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh makes sense, but ya what is the second one?

    The metal part I thought made sense at first since they would just be using all of the old metal, resin, and plastic models that they found in storage and selling them at crazy prices. One of the new knight models I am pretty sure is resin. So seeing the pegasus leak being new and in plastic just makes TOW even more of an enigma.

  22. 11 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Anyone know when GW is finally gonna capitulate to the leaks and preview the two future Bretonnia units we saw last week? 

    Two? I only saw the pegasus knight, what was the other one??!!?!

    Also makes me wonder how large that starter set will be as well as why some new units are resin while others are plastic?

  23. 1 hour ago, Asbestress said:

    I know it's baseless wishlisting, but I wrote up a list for a wave 2 based off of Lumineth (mainly number of kits/subfactions/keywords) like a week ago in sleepless delirium, so might as well post it.

      Hide contents
    • New Steam Tank replacement/"Smaller" COGFORT
    • Collegiate Arcane Arch-Mage on Luminark of Hysh/Celestial Hurricanum / Named Mage (since we probably won't have the kit transfer to Old World might as well fully AoS-ify it)
    • Freeguild Fusil-Wagon (Fusiliers on War Wagon 😛)
    • Freeguild Captain (More melee/damage focused character than Marshal)
    • Freeguild Knights (Arch-Knight from Command Corps/Cavaliers, but without the Arch part: elite infantry)
    • Greatfire Flamecaster (Fire mage)
    • Liferite Vinemage (Life mage)
    • Fusil-Major with Range-Squire (Since the ogor one has a separate Fusil-Major keyword, might as well use it)
    • Dispossessed Stonelayers (Dwarfs with big steam-fists, based off of new Artefact) OR dedicated City Aelves unit
    • Black Ark Corsairs (because Sigmar knows what they're gonna do with the elves)  OR dedicated City Aelves hero


    • New Steam Tank replacement/"Smaller" COGFORT
    • BIG War Altar
    • Freeguild Fusil-Wagon (Fusiliers on War Wagon 😛)
    • Freeguild Captain (More melee/damage focused character than Marshal)
    • Freeguild Knights (Arch-Knight from Command Corps/Cavaliers, but without the Arch part: elite infantry)
    • Warrior Priest
    • Flagellants remake
    • Fusil-Major with Range-Squire (Since the ogor one has a separate Fusil-Major keyword, might as well use it)
    • Dispossessed Stonelayers (Dwarfs with big steam-fists, based off of new Artefact) OR dedicated City Aelves unit
    • Black Ark Corsairs remake (because Sigmar knows what they're gonna do with the elves) OR dedicated City Aelves hero


    Most of that I would also bet on getting into Cities. They did a lot of 1 for 1 replacements so we have at least of an idea of what to expect.

    Also looking at this list got me wondering what is the over/under of them giving Cities a dwarf or elf unit after they remove all the old models?

    Makes me think Age of Sigmar will once again repeat 40k. Just like Tau fans, City players will be trying to get different races in their faction lol.

  24. 46 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Maybe they are counting for CoS refresh what we would see in upcoming waves. That would make sense for the wording "biggest project ever"

    Looking at the book the Cos refresh has at least another wave missing. The rest of the human stuff, like the mages and tank, still got to get removed. Also the fact the faction is still missing some hard hitting human models is a good sign.

    And maybe it is just me, but the book does feel like it there to hold us until 4th ed.

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