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Posts posted by RyantheFett

  1. 12 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    My guess for the bretonnian box 

    New lord on pegasus

    16 knights of the realm

    20 new knights on foot

    3 pegasus knights

    40 peasants 

    Also guessing around the £150 - £175 mark 

    Think they will use the old 4 reveals in the past reveal. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/10/14/warhammer-day-preview-the-kingdom-of-bretonnia-revealed/

    Hope I am wrong, but I don't think they will put the new knights in that kit.

    • Like 1
  2. So that means the 4 in the Bretonnia box should be the Men-at-Arms, archers, Knights of the Realm, and Pegasus Knights? Would explain the Warhammer Day Preview and match pretty well with what we got in Tomb Kings.

    Also means the 4 returning models for Tomb Kings are in there. Which means we only have 3 or 4 left to get revealed. One new duel unit and a few more resin heroes.

    • Like 2
  3. 32 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Very true, thankfully, but I'd love to see all other factions getting properly "established" before SCE get the next big wave. The problem is definitely not on SM levels but it would be so cool to have all major factions have a nice selection of cool stuff before they redo one. SCE already have too many units for their own good, I hope the next update will at least sharpen their roster and once the SCE are done they'll ****** off with them for a long time (as nice as recent releases for them have been) and focus on the factions that got next to nothing finally. I'm far from a SCE hater, even if my post suggests it,I just wanna see the missing factions get stuff. I feel bad for those players at this point. It's been many years and they got almost nothing.

    My favorite interaction was when I told a friend I am using these Vigilors as Judicators and Liberators as Sequitors. He had a blank expression, said he had no idea what I was talking about, and how they all looked the same.

    It was at that point that I felt that SCE have way too much stuff that should be combined, other factions should get some more love,............................... and to proxy a lot more lol!

    • Like 3
  4. 2 hours ago, MitGas said:

    I mean, I know SC are GW‘s chosen but it would be so much cooler if literally any other faction got such a big update instead of them… Malerion, Beasts, whatever. I really liked the new SC in the last box but it would be way better to focus on other factions at this point. Once all factions got a decent release, they can go full Spees Mahreen with SCE for all I care. I know, I know, I‘m being unrealistic but I thrive on hope after all!

    And yet AoS is 10x better than 40k when it comes to giving love to all the factions. Like even the other human factions are treated as an afterthought most of the time.

    10ed seems to have gotten a bit better by copying the AoS approach of every faction at least gets one thing when their book comes out.

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  5. 1 hour ago, EntMan said:

    Does 40k have rules for human auxiliaries in Tau armies? (using Imp Guard models I'd assume)

    Lol nope. Think a few editions ago, but don't quote me on that.

    Same like Cities losing their ability to take other Order factions in their new book. Get it from a balance side for both games, but still sort of sucks that both factions lose some of their flavor.

  6. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    I think Brets won't have any more minis revealed before the launch. If I am not remembering wrong when they got their range reveleaded the article said that was all.


    1 hour ago, Sir Grimm said:

    That is correct, but they specifically said the launch range. Maybe we get something close after launch? Doesn't that seem possible? I still can't digest the fact that they are intending on rereleasing Bretonnia without the Grail Knights, the King and the Green Knight. And the whole Army Book having only one named character - it being the Prophetess out of all. Seems strange to me if I am being perfectly honest. 

    Found the article and the exact wording is:

    "Alongside these new and returning kits which form the bulk (or entirety) of your force, there will also be a selection of returning metal heroes and specialist units that will be available to order direct from games-workshop.com. "

    So I am guessing Grail Knights, Questing knights, and the Green Knight will most likely be options, but just the really old stuff with no updates.

    The Duke on Pegasus may take the place of the King, but ya a lot of questions for stuff that will be coming out soon.

    • Like 2
  7. Just now, CommissarRotke said:

    Tau being allowed to be Less Bad makes the setting work better: holding up a mirror to the grim darkness hits far better than bumbling about in the dark. if Tau suck just as much, it destroys their original flavor of "tiny new empire wanting to make more friends has no idea the innumerable horrors that await it." their change always felt like a lazy copout. yet another Evil Empire except the mind control is pheromones not servitors is just.... bland. the point of Tau should be to mirror the current, wasting Empire of Man AND the fallen Empire of Eldar.

    but this is a rumor thread so I must digress


    I like to bring Tau up a lot since they act like a very good warning/reminder for AoS players about the horrors of what could come from GW. Especially when it comes to some of the changes to Cities of Sigmar which feels like them repeating a lot of their past mistakes.

    Tau as a faction is just wasted potential in both the lore and on the table. GW has flip-flopped on their lore and has done very little to advance their story for years. Their other races in the empire have little to no representation despite the fanbase begging them for years.

    Of course the rumors of new Kroot and Vespids give me hope that they are slowly listening to the fans and we will get lots of dwarfs and elves in future Cities waves. As well as slowly fixing the issues we still see in both AoS and 40k.

    • Like 4
  8. 29 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Oh no, another one became clearly insane. We gotta help him before he starts collecting Lumineth, then it‘s too late! Time is of the essence, fellow nerds!

    My first Sigmar faction was Lumineth and my first 40k was Tau......................... maybe I am the problem?

    • Haha 3
  9. Seeing a lot of Tau hate here which makes no sense, but I guess that happens when nobody showed them the greater good.

    I feel like we should channel that hate into something more deserving. Like hating on Space Marines and their monthly releases....

    Also new kroot and vespids let's gooooo!!!!


    • Like 14
  10. 5 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Grail Knights preview next week, of all things. 


    3 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    GK are a surprise focus but I’m guessing they want to address if they’re even still a unit(which lorewise made little sense with how crazy rare they are) or broken up into hero models only or something new like special champions that can lead the lance formations.

    Grail Knights sort of makes sense since Bretonnia need an elite unit and they have shown most of the generic stuff and the heroes. They should also have a lot of rules that cover most of the game mechanics. Still wonder if they will cut out questing knights and Knights Errant to make it easier to understand (they look so close lol).

    Still its sort of crazy how little we know about the game this late before release. Like will/when GW release these old models, how many old models are going to be sold, how much they will cost, and will they ever redo other units?

    Still think that GW is setting up the game to fail, but who knows? On the bright side, I accidentally ordered some Etsy Grail Knights by mistake (like I said really hard to tell them apart lol) so win for me!!!

    • Haha 1
  11. 14 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    I do hope at least we get some aelves and duardin in the next cities wave in the new cities aesthetic. Just having an infantry squad for each would go a long way I think, then you can also use those to kitbash your duardin or aelf allies too so your army aesthetic feels more uniform.


    2 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    I’m really hoping it’s Ironweld & city-duardin next if not a wave building off Hammerhal Ghyra(as the current wave is very Aqshy focused).

    Had a shower thought the other day that they could get a new gyrocopter that built off their “can build an entire fortress in one night” lore(from the AoS3 Corebook) that’s a castellite mini-fortress with propellers slapped on so it can fly towards the middle of the battlefield, Fire off a salvo, and then plop down as a shielded bunker that the infantry can run up to and link their shield walls up to for an instant forward position. 🛡️ 

    Really hate that the question for non human stuff for Cities is just in limbo until the next book comes out...........

    I still take it that they wanted Cities to be closer to the mostly human normal/boring faction, but I like to think they have listened to the feedback and will go with some crazy ideas with spider tanks, dwarf fortress, and elf pirates stuff!

    • Like 5
    • Confused 1
  12. 18 hours ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    Before I go to great lengths to convert some, do we know of any rumours about potential new Flagellants sculpts on the horizon? 

    I would say pretty good chance they will get an upgrade. If you look at everything that was taken out for the humans most got a decent replacement in some way or form. Only the Freeguild outriders and greatswords seemed to have missed out on a upgrade.

    They will clearly have a wave 2 (and maybe 3) of the magic half and the religious half of the faction coming.................. Also a new tank lol. Expect the rest of the old Empire stuff to get removed at that point.

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  13. On 11/23/2023 at 6:04 AM, SunStorm said:

    I was thinking about the info and concepts for Kislev posted when it was first announced, including how important they would be in this time period, but then in a more recent article talking about factions I couldn't see Kislev mentioned:






    I'm hoping Kislev is still part of the plan, but I'm assuming they're going to release the game with then old stuff first (TK, Brets, etc) and then move onto new/updated factions?


    I am sure Kislev and Cathay are still somewhere down the line. GW works in years and right now the main focus is on the two starting factions. They should get some love at some point............ unless the game does not do well lol.

    And I am still confused by so many decisions GW has made with this game. We really need to see the prices of all the old stuff and what is going to be in that starter box. Get the feeling Esty sellers and anyone with a 3D printer is going to be making bank.

  14. On 11/20/2023 at 3:34 AM, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I think recently more people have been learning how the double turn plays in AoS:

    • Going second is the stronger option unless you can alpha strike.
    • Put screens in your list.
    • Only take a double turn if it wins you the game.

    Once you get those basics down, I personally like what the double turn does for the game in regard to list building and in-game decision making.

    I think a bigger problem for double turns is that GW have a lot of rules and factions that punish players crazy hard if they lose that roll. Thinking of certain factions like LRL and Cities that if they fail to get certain spells off and then lose the Priority Roll then its just game over lol. Throw in how punishing it could be for new players who don't know how to counter it.

    Will be interesting to see what 4.0 decides to do to with it.

    16 hours ago, Sception said:

    It is dumb that /so many/ of the units in this game are 5 wound infantry hero melee beatsticks that are almost universally terrible because they are so easily picked out and killed.  And there are so many obnoxious rules - bodyguards, gelato champs, look out sir, sequential combat activations, short range "wholly within" bubbles - all of which are grasping and failing at the idea of heroes being attached to specific units.  Regardless of your opinion of the 40k implementation, the game is suffering for lack of such a system.

    Between the Cities 3 inch giving order rule and the new look out sir rule it makes me think they will just attach heroes to units in 4.0. Feels like the game is halfway there already.

    Of course I am tired of most of my armies being stuck in a bubble and like that in 40k units attached with heroes can do their own thing.

    • Like 1
  15. 3 hours ago, michu said:

    We still haven't seen other new kits, maybe the horses did get updated.

    I'm guessing they will repeat the Bretonnia route. Several new solos and one big new unit. The fact that Knights of the Realm did not get an update I think is a sign that most of everything will stay old. Would like to be wrong tho!


    3 hours ago, TaeRam said:

    I'm not buying Tomb Kings unless those ancients skeletons and horses get updated

    For me a bigger thing would be the price of it. I want to start with Bretonnia, but those men at arms and archers are ancient and come in groups of 30. GW would have to price they crazy low to temp me to buy them over Etsy options (which are better quality and cheaper).

    I could easily see GW pricing them crazy high and just do that across the board for all their old models. Would be insane to think that those skeletons would be more expensive then newer AoS stuff.

    Personally I have been slow buying Etsy stuff to make sure their quality is good enough for a replacement. Still hoping that all the old ****** units are thrown together for the starter box and priced close to how well Leviathan was.........

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, Captaniser said:

    It's a Votann bomb rack, has the exact same design as the killteam.




    Also has the exact Votann cybernetic hand. Find it pretty funny how some Rumor Engines nobody can figure out while others are almost a joke with how easy they are lol.



    • Like 6
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  17. 45 minutes ago, Mutton said:
    52 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Maybe AoS 4.0 will be the game that give us Alternative Activations

    Man I wish. That's never going to happen unless they go through another cataclysmic revamp of one of their systems. 10th edition 40k was a huge shift, and they stood their ground on the "I-go, you-go" design. I think it's too intrinsic to how Warhammer has always been played, and GW has always been a bit stubborn with their rules writing. Maybe in 5-10 years?

    40k 10th was them copying all the best aspects of AoS 3.0. Will be very interesting to see if they just repeat the process or if AoS is the game where they like to try to experiment with the rules. My guess it will be more of the former with the biggest change being towards getting rid of the spell phase.

    Would be cool if they did try changing up activation, but ya can't see it happening.

    • Like 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    They were part of legends even before the app updated recently.

    About the models, we don't share the same opinion hehehe

    Oh my bad, the models look pretty great if a little on the larger side. I meant the rules always seem so trash when it comes to units from other games. I still don't understand how GW never thinks to make them crazy good to sell more.

    • Like 2
  19. Checking the app and the Cursed City models were carried over. They all look like trash rules wise (maybe the healing priest could be ok?), but it is still cool that they are included lol.

    I always wondered why so many of the cross game units are so bad. You would think they would make them top tier in order to sell more???

    • Like 2
  20. On 10/7/2023 at 10:58 AM, Daylight Sneak said:

    Thanks for calling out. 

    It rarely feels good for being jabbed at for liking something that the other does not, even if it's "just a joke". I have a horrifying first hand experience from several years back being regularly subtly bullied and undermined for my choice of Warhammer 40K army and I wish that same for nobody. It can spiral out of control and snowball over time if not called out early enough. Afterall we are all human beings with real feelings here, trying to enjoy a fun, relaxing hobby. ;) 


    On 10/7/2023 at 11:13 AM, Vasshpit said:

    @Daylight Sneak Tau are awesome!! 🤘😉

    Lol my first first thought was Tau as well, but maybe because I main them as well. Next wave seems to be a lot of kroot so woooo they will finally give what the community was begging for for years lol!

    Makes me wonder if GW is doing the same with making Cities the new Tau. See people already upset by the lack of diversity and a lot of influencers joking about how racist the faction is now lol.

    • Like 1
  21. 2 hours ago, DoctorPerils said:

    I think someone ended up identifying those shapes to the Tau caste logos, which could go with all the kroot rumour engines we've been getting

    Lol no way that is a Tau weapon with the caste symbols on it.............Can it?

    (Quick google search)






    OH SNAP!!!!!! OH SNAP!!!!!


    Makes me wonder if every faction for 10ed will be getting several models since we for sure have some kroot. Wonder if new Age of Sigmar will up the new unit count for every faction?

  22. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    There have been several rumour engines that are definitely Kroot. They've already had a kill team so the only logical conclusion is an Ironjawz sized addition to the Tau range. Aside from Exodites, a return of the Empire part of Tau is the most likely thing to tempt me back to 40k. 


    They have like 5 or 6 rumors that seem like kroot, which seems like a lot. 

    My top guess is that the krootox will turn into a large calvary unit? Would explain the bows and guns we have seen so far. All three other kroot units got a refresh from the kill team box as well, so it could be new units as well!

    1 hour ago, Sarges said:

    True feet connoisseurs know that none of rumour engines resemble vespids so far but I hope they'll be released too.


    Valrak has been throwing out vespids for the next round of kill team...... so maybe!!!!

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