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Posts posted by RyantheFett

  1. 27 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    What a weird day. It is pretty quiet. Nothing released on warcom so far. Are we expecting the warscroll for today?

    The only issue with the warscrolls is that next week we have LVO. They may not want to change up a lot with such a major tournament next week. The new stuff would not be valid, but they may still want to wait?

  2. 1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    I need some inspiration:

    I want my AoS Models to be Cross-Compatible with the old world (hence playing as border Prince (Exiles), since CoS Models look the part)

    What models could I use for Questing Knights, Grail Knights, Pegasus Knights? (I won’t be buying any old models, but the new Bret. heroes)


    New Cities is pretty range limited with Bret. outside of the human stuff. Of course they do make a very cool Border Price army and I plan on doing that as well lol!

    You may have better luck going with an Empire army and using everything from Cities and having a mix race force in both games. That what I am doing anyway............. of course with the understating that its not lore accurate and all the non human stuff is most likely gone in the near future for Cities.

    3 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Can be any range, preferably AoS. No stls (too brittle models)

    I would recommend Highland Miniatures on Etsy. The Gallia line gives you everything you need for regular Bret, while the human Cities gives you everything for the Boarder Prince forces, Pretty cheap as well and can be used for some Cities stuff.

    • Like 2
  3. On 1/8/2024 at 7:51 AM, Marcvs said:

    since unit fillers are an official thing, you could also do (let's say for a rank of 5) 4 32mm bases and a unit filler on a 20mm

    That is so smart lol. I have never played old fantasy so I had no idea how trays and bases worked with spacing and all that.

    I was trying to figure out how to get my Cities gunners which are 28.5 to try and get them to fit. That also helps me when I try and print some bases for my LRL!!!!

    • LOVE IT! 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

    Do any Tau auxiliaries have tentacles? It feels like that side of Tau are finally being fleshed out. 

    They do have a floating jellyfish race, but there is a small chance it can be kroot as well.

    Kroot have to ability to evolve on what they eat so they could look like anything. They also ride kroot like animals that also could look like anything.

    Think a safer bet would be one of the AoS elfs since the rumors for kroot are apes and that raptor looking thing.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Pirates moved on from intercepting FFG X-Wing shipments.

    When I quit Xwing, Legion, Armada for AoS and 40k I never thought I have to worry about shipments of certain models to just disappear for who knows how long....................................... did not miss it lol.

  6. 14 hours ago, Togetak said:

    I think this type of thought is kind of silly, it’s like thinking a 40k faction will be squatted from 40k to be added to the Horus Heresy system. GW makes bad business decisions all the time, but I don’t think they’re super likely to pull an established faction from a mainline game so they can be a side presence in a side game

    They removed several HH models from 40k as well as several units from AoS. I find it also weird, but they clearly want a hard line between their games.

    Seems like they really don't want a player to use one army for several games. Now how they do it with orcs or chaos???? No idea lol.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    I've been an ardent beastman lover since their first army book. I'd love to see them return in glory.  But somehow it feels like no one at GW has an idea what to do with them.

    How do you feel about them leaving AoS to be a major faction in The Old World?

    I have come to terms with my Cities most likely being all humans in the near future, but interesting to see how people will react to their factions being cut out of one game for another.

  8. Its strange that GW really will just split the factions and have done so already for both games. I fail to see how that works out better for them, but I guess that is why I don't make the big bucks lol.

    So based off of what we announced, what they have done already, and rumors/theories:

    • Wood Elves removed from AoS and major faction in TOW
    • High Elves removed from AoS and major faction in TOW
    • Chaos Dwarfs will be a new faction in AoS with not future support for TOW
    • Dark Elves may get their own faction in AoS?? No support for them in TOW so that means something.... unless daughters of khaine is their new version of this
    • Seems Regular Dwarfs don't have much hope left in AoS since they will be a major faction in TOW
    • Old Empire units in Cities will also be gone soon since they are a major faction in TOW, but I think we all knew this one

    Orc and Goblin Tribes, the Warriors of Chaos, the Beastmen Brayherds.................. I'm sorry what??? How will that work for AoS, I thought they were all major factions??? I don't play any of those so I have no idea how they will try and cut those out????


  9. 15 minutes ago, madmac said:

    Maybe, but I really need to emphasize that the 40K approach is really, unbelievably terribad. If they implement that system or something like it in AoS I will actually drop the game, I'm not kidding. Just to give an example, I happen to have a small Votann army.

    In 9th edition I have one psyker choice, who has some nice flavor abilities, letting his little robot buddies assist him with using psy powers, a good warscroll ability, a nice selection of racial disciplines to choose from, good stuff.

    In 10th edition, that one model has a shooting attack that's worse than just carrying a gun, an attachment ability like any other hero type has, and the ability to negate battleshock on the unit he's attached to 1/battle. That's it, that's literally it he just has a single crappy 1/battle ability as the only thing pointing to him being supposedly a model with psychic powers.

    There are some factions that did better and have slightly more interesting "psychic" abilities, but just barely. You could simply remove psykers from the game entirely and it would change things only very slightly.

    I think Votann is a bad example of just................. well I guess everything lol. That faction is broken in pretty much every way. All their heroes pretty much have some weird ability or interaction that makes no sense. Their only named hero is easily in the top 5 worst units in the game. And I know because I play them....... I also play Tau so I never had a magic phase either version lol.

    One of my last AoS games was Cities vs. tzeentch and that was a slog. 1 mage vs. like 7 is pretty boring on both sides so I can see how GW may want to change that phase.

    • Like 2
  10. 6 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    where're those infos coming from?

    Facebook comments. https://www.facebook.com/WarhammerTheOldWorld/posts/pfbid0udAE55FsVTvuCgrayrGFUVhpjD2pjPJ8LT3TK3mHMRmgVTdbQoYCctdmepaTg48fl

    We've been getting some questions about base sizes, so here's a log of the ones we've answered:
    Black Orc Bosses 30 x 30mm
    Orc Bosses 30 x 30mm
    Orc Shamans 30 x 30mm
    Goblin Bosses 25 x 25mm (All goblins are the best thing ever)
    Goblin Shamans 25 x 25mm
    Night Goblin Bosses 25 x 25mm
    Night Goblin Shamans 25 x 25mm
    Black Orc Mobs 30 x 30mm
    Orc Mobs 30 x 30mm
    Goblin Mobs 25 x 25mm
    Nasty Skulkers 25 x 25mm
    Night Goblin Mobs 25 x 25mm
    Fanatics 25mm round base
    Night Goblin Squig Herds 25 x 25mm
    Troll Mobs 40 x 40mm
    Orc Boar Boy Mobs 30 x 60mm
    Goblin Spider Rider Mobs 25 x 50mm
    Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs 25 x 50mm
    Night Goblin Squig Hopper Mobs 25 x 25mm
    Orc Boar Chariots 50 x 100mm
    Goblin Wolf Chariots 50 x 100mm if two wolves 60mm x 100mm if three wolves
    Snotling Pump Wagons 50 x 75mm
    Wyverns 50 x 100mm
    Arachnarok Spider 100 x 150mm
    Mangler Squigs 50 x 75mm
    Giants 50 x 50mm or 50 x 75mm
    Goblin Bolt Throwas 50 x 50mm Crew - 25 x 25mm
    Doom Diver Catapults 50 x 75mm Crew - 25 x 25mm
    Goblin Rock Lobbers 60mm x 10mm Crew - 25 x 25mm
    Orc Bullies 30 x 30mm
    Standard ogres 40s
    Gnoblars 25s
    Ogre Lords 40s,
    Butchers are 40s, but 50x100 with their cauldron,
    Hunters are 50s,
    Maneaters are 40s
    Yheties are 40s
    Gorgers are 50s.

    Gors 25s
    Bestigors 30s
    Beastman Lords/Shamans 25s or 30s
    All Minotaurs 50s
    Ghorgon/Cygor 60x100
    Dragon Ogre Shaggoth 50x75
    Jabberslythe 60x100
    Cockatrice 50s
    All beastman chariots 50 x 100
    Chaos warhounds 25x50
    Razorgor herd 50x75
    Centigor 30x60
    Dragon Ogres 50x75
    Brettonian Pegasi.
    Mounts: Barded pegasus 40 x 60, Royal pegasus 50x50.
    Pegasus knights 40x60s
    Wild Riders/Sisters of the Thorn/Glade Riders 30x60
    Dryads and Branchwraiths 30s
    Treekin 50s
    Treemen 50 x 50 mm (min), 50 x 75 mm (max)
    Warhawk Riders 50s
    Giant Eagles 50s
    Forest Dragons 60x100
    High elf standard infantry 25s
    Dragons 60x100
    All High Elf Cavalry 30x60s
    All High Elf ground Chariots 50 x 100
    Skycutter Chariot 60 x 100
    Griffon 50
    Pheonixs 50x100
    Great Eagle 50s
    Eagle-Claw Bolt Thrower 50s
    All Saurus 30s
    All skinks 25s
    Slann 50s
    Cold Ones 30x60
    All aerial cav 40s
    Kroxigor 40s
    Jungle Swarm 40s
    Stegadon and Bastiladon 60x100
    Salamander/Razordon 50x75
    Carnosaur /Troglodon 50x100


    Dwarfen Mountain Holds (Beards mandatory for entry)

    Dwarf Lords 25 x 25mm

    Shield Bearers 50 x 50mm

    Anvil of Doom n/a

    Dwarf Runesmiths 25 x 25mm

    Slayers of Legend 25 x 25mm

    Dwarf Engineers 25 x 25mm

    Dwarf Warriors 25 x 25mm

    Longbeards 25 x 25mm

    Quarrellers and Thunderers 25 x 25mm

    Rangers 25 x 25mm

    Hammerers 25 x 25mm

    Ironbreakers 25 x 25mm

    Irondrakes 25 x 25mm

    Miners 25 x 25mm

    Slayers 25 x 25mm

    Gyrocopters 50 x 50mm

    Gyrobombers 50 x 50mm

    Bolt Throwers 50 x 50mm

    Grudge Throwers 50 x 75mm

    Cannon 50 x 50mm

    Organ Guns 50 x 50mm

    Flame Cannon 50 x 75mm

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    Oh, I wouldn't mind getting rid of those endless spells and invocations. I am curious how AoS will change. From 1 to 3 each edition was an improvement. So very curious about what edition 4 will bring.

    Makes me think they will follow the 40k system and just get rid of the magic phase altogether. Think even Old World got rid of the spell phase.

    Units can still use spells, but they will be split up between all the other phases. Feels like they are pushing that way since so many new units getting amazing spells on the cards themselves.

    Sort of insane that they would get rid of endless spells lol.

  12. 11 hours ago, Chikout said:

    Isn't this true for pretty much every large decision GW makes though? Starting with Tomb Kings Vs Bretonnia is surely a corporate choice both to play on nostalgia and to avoid overlap with AoS. Assuming it's true that Skaven are the 4th edition army for AoS, having them not appear in The Old World seems like another corporate choice rather than a strictly narrative one. 

    I understand this is what they are most likely what they are doing, but for the life of me I can't figure out how this is a good business decision??!?!?

    Like why keep Skaven and other factions out of The Old World. They have the models, are they afraid to sell more?!?!? Just sell for both games or sell overpriced trays that hold both squares and circle bases.

    Maybe it would make more sense if they had every faction clearly separated in each game. But with some faction It is not like they can even remove all the old stuff from AoS lol.

    Like it just seems all so stupid every choice GW has made with this game, and they still will make bank.............

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I can ask my retailers for online-only products and I still can get a 25% discount from a new store or an 18-20 from my usual place. Can't you do that?

    Listen here friend, this here is AMERICA where the best we get is 15%. We got to earn our minis with blood, sweat, and tears!

    As for online-only products most stores don't get them since that must a commie thing. USA! USA! USA!

    • Haha 1
  14. 35 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Isn't it better now over there? Here in Spain it is easier to get stuff like Forge since they joined the webs.


    The Bretonna box and model are priced pretty okay. The 15% puts them in a good spot.

    The resin and metal models being only able to buy from GW itself will be interesting in both price and availability since that has been a problem for a while now.

  15. 20 minutes ago, SunStorm said:

    Farsight is the cool, acceptable face of Tau. Plus by the way he was seemingly sold out everywhere for months, even after his stand alone release, he was very popular. 


    I had to buy my Farsight for $100 after my store canceled my pre-order. I think is model is top tier and one of my favorites, but I agree they really need to spilt the vote.

  16. IMO it looks like Bretonna got the better deal overall.

    Its strange that Bretonna got the foot knights which give two weapon options as well as heads/shields to spice up older models. TK did get a glow up for the Tomb Swarm, but man really wonder if they still have more to show?

    Also the box prices should be interesting. Bret is a lot less models and does not really have a big centerpiece to drive up the price. And while both boxes have units that did not age well those TK look so much worse lol.

  17. 4 hours ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

    I don't think what he is riding is part of the kroot subspecies. Doesn't have a stumpy tail, quills or an overbite beak. Most likely some exotic Xenos Lizard-dog mount. We have already seen the rumour engine for its tail, its reptilian like a kroxigor and has a bunch of boney protrusions. 

    I think we might still get a krootox as we still have the big kroot hand rumour engine and the twinlinked krootgun. But whatever these are, they ain't knarlocs and they ain't kroot.

    I would like to think its a new kroot subspecies. GW has done very little with the Kroot that has unlimited options............... of course they have also done little with most stuff in 40k not named Space Marines. So a win either way lol!

    And the krootox should still be coming. With the rumors being right so far and they did say something big with big gun. Throw in those rumor engines you mentioned as a pretty good sign our krootox is getting a glow up.

    • Like 2
  18. I still think that the price of the box may be way more important. If they put those boxes under $200 then that equals or beats out the Etsy options.

    I plan on getting one bretonnia box, but if it's over that $200 I will have to think a lot on it.

    My friend plans on getting 2 Tomb King boxes and if the price is right he may go up to 3 or 4, but the fact that he may not says a lot about how bad those models look.....

    • Like 1
  19. 7 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    Surely… no one is going to buy that box?

    (I am exaggerating but I can’t imagine many people will?)

    I love WHFB. I grew up with it, and I couldn’t imagine anything more exciting than to return to it…

    …but this is not the way 😔

    I think it could work if they priced it crazy cheap. Sort of how they did with the 10ed box which was like 60% off. Make it such a good deal that all those ****** models would be worth it.

    Of course they will most likely just try and use FOMO of the new units in each box to drive sales.......

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