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Posts posted by Sahrial

  1. 41 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    What (if any) rumours have we had about anything at all upcoming for Beasts of Chaos?

    I know a lot of BoC players who are convinced of a new chimera model but I don’t think it’s based on any product teasers or leaks, just speculation and desperation.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Controversial point - but maneaters by virtue of being plastic, should not be the priority.

    As a bloated scion of the everwinter though, I would eat brocoli for new yhetees and frost sabres. 

    How does this kit still exist? 



    Plastic Maneaters? I was quite sure they were finecast

    but yeah yhetees are awful and need new sculpts along with the butcher the most

    • Like 1
  3. 32 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    it's good that they retired the old Ogor Mawtribes start collective, because otherwise one might realize that you could get very close to a full 2000pts army for the price of one single kit...

    Real talk I run thunderbellies so my list literally is three SCs, with a Thundertusk sitting on a shelf unfortunately, a Mawpot, and two kitbashed buthchers.

    • Like 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Well Lady Atia’s Insider Bob commented this:

    Expected Ogors at the same time but it looks like they are delayed (Too bad they are the one with the biggest change/buff :D )”


    I’m sorry I’m new

    who and what and

    Tell Me More

  5. Someone I know with a work connection says it’s not impossible tomes are revealed, but based on what they got info for they think preorders this week are mostly story books and not tomes. Guess we’ll find out for sure I’m about an hour. Sad.

  6. I’m only heading into my second year of playing AoS and I don’t know what the normal rumor cycle looks like. This thread had been great for me to get general news and opinions with. It feels like a (usually) healthy flow of discussion that grows organically from those news sources.

    The mods are good about quashing it when it gets unhealthy, or mean spirited, or too off topic. I think healthy discussions could be allowed to continue longer. That’s my two CP.

    • Like 2
  7. If 40k gets the mechanics attention next year, I’d like to see a wave of model refreshes outside of rules updates for stuff like skaven, Seraphon, BoC, and some of the other random old stuff floating out.

    It won’t happen, but it’s what I would like to see.

    • Like 1
  8. Kosargi are some of my favorite models and units in the whole AoS game and yes I want them to be a bigger thing. Give me a Kosargi zombie infantry unit, the lesser nightguard because they’re more decomposed, but elite zombies like grave guard are to deathrattle skeletons

    Kosargi Reapers - 190(?) pts

    3 wounds, 6 models, 5+ Save, 4” move, Bravery 10

    Melee: Harvest Scythes

    2” / 1 / 3+ / 4+ / -1 / 2

    Deathly Vigour: 5+ ward

    Wave of Undead Flesh: zombie 6” engagement and pile in

    Sworn to the Wolf: increase the attack characteristics of this unit’s Harvest Scythes by 1 if they are wholly within 12” of a friendly Vyrkos Vampire Hero.

    Merciless Visage: wound roll of 6+ deals 1 MW in addition to normal damage

    keywords: Death, Soulblight Gravelords, Ogor, Kosargi, Kosargi Reapers, Deadwalkers, Summonable, Vyrkos, Deadwalker Zombies

    Profile: battle line in Vyrkos Dynasty army

    //my dream, nothing based on reality, weep//

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  9. 19 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Maybe they'll finally do Fyreslayers...

    Or not.

    I just had a mental image of an old style artwork advertisement featuring a bunch of naked dwarves in Santa hats in front of a lot fireplace with stockings and an Xmas tree.

    I hate it

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  10. 3 minutes ago, Fellman said:

    Whit 2 new Megagargents i am hopful that ogurs will get mor then one hunter
    AoSGargantReveal Sep20 Content

    Unfortunately we’ve already seen the book table of contents from warcom’s reveal article and there’s nothing else new. The most we can hope for are model refreshes but I’m not too optimistic.

  11. This makes me more sad than anything cause that seems really neat but like

    you couldn’t have done something similar for other armies? You couldn’t throw out a couple model refreshes in there too? I guess this is really just the generic brodd but still

    i am happy for the SoBs tho, this is big for them, it’s cool.

    • Like 3
  12. 3 hours ago, EntMan said:

    If that's a Skaven reference then surely that refers to being made to work WAY past when you should have retired.

    No that’s “the future my generation stares down with every passing year, slowly growing more weary and resentful of the opportunities stolen from you by a wealthy older generation”

    • Like 2
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  13. 56 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    I wouldn't expect new model Monday or the big AoS reveal today as I'm guessing GW won't be publishing any articles due to the Queen's funeral.

    I hate it but gotta agree that “big reveal” is probably a very minor reveal about mega gargants, unfortunately. Still, maybe we find out about a range refresh.

    A man can dream.

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