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Posts posted by Sahrial

  1. 1 minute ago, Chikout said:

    The article also says there are seven weapon ability USRs. I can only think of 4. Mortal wounds, exploding hits, auto wounds and ignore save modifiers. Anyone care to guess what they all are? 

    MW on wound

    MW on hit

    Exploding hits

    Auto wound hits

    Fight first

    Fight last

    Designate choice between alternate profiles for same weapon (like hail shot vs cannon shot)

    (these are guesses)


  2. 3 minutes ago, DoctorPerils said:

    i can guarantee it won't feel fun to the player who's targeted by it. At least with a dice roll you know its out of your hands. In this case, it will feel psychologically like you're the one who killed your own model. Very NPE (to use the parlance from a few years ago)


    I know this might come off as semantics, but that’s not NPE. NPE would be if the player had no agency at all. The negative is lack of engagement, not bad-feeling engagement.

    while it might feel like they killed their own unit, simultaneously, if they pick otherwise, they get to feel like they “beat death”

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  3. I was thinking turning hand of dust into a rampage was really wild at first, but then I thought about it and…

    I think it’s really more of a nuclear deterrent to dissuade you from charging him with monsters and heroes than something you’ll likely see used offensively. Risk/reward play. I like the design, honestly

  4. I have no real complaints other than aesthetics, and any confusion about the rules will definitely be cleared up with the actual rules revealed.

    Whatever my hesitation in loving it is, I can’t deny they are overall intuitive and relatively easy to read.

  5. Okay so to recap and add some opinions:

    Stats being reworked to make narrative. (I dig it.)


    Wounds are now “health”


    Miniatures have 3” combat range to speed up engagement and pile ins


    Objectives are now 40mm markers contested within 3” (so 40K/30k ok fine)


    Universal special rules


    No more Battleshock


    Command abilities powerful, command points have economy (i hope this isn’t 1/turn like 40K)


    Everything is an ability with declaration and effect (and implied reaction). Timing is color coded and written out, with symbols (??)


    Modular system includes mention of playing options without magic, battlepacks, or GHB


    Free downloadable index at release (we knew this)

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    The last RE from the weapons series. We got TOW axe, supposed Sanguinus loo roll, the unidentified sword and now a drill:

    The Rumour Engine – 26th March 2024 - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

    RumourEngine Mar26 Content

    Within minutes of that dropping my 30k discord pinged me “is this you?! Are you getting a thing?!” Cause I play mechanicum there. They were so hyped for me. It was seeet.

    Unfortunately it’s almost definitely necromunda.

  7. 3 minutes ago, petitionercity said:

    Does anyone worry though this will be as messy as 10th edition 40k was?

    1- even GW can learn a lesson once in a decade

    2- the AoS rules team has (in my experience, limited) always been very passionate about their rules being AoS rules not “fantasy version of 40K”

    3- it sounds like they’re focusing on player engagement and action through the game. 40k’s hype was about all purpose simplification

    4- by the sound of it, our “indexes” are going to be much more fleshed out than 10e’s were

    i remain cautiously, hesitantly optimistic

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  8. 21 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    The words “streamlined army building rules” fills me with dread after the mess 40K is in. I hope to Hashut and his lovely daemons that we aren’t given the Rule of 3, Battleline limited to 6 garbage.

    edit: quoted the wrong post updated text, sorry

    My take on that, though, is that AoS is already much closer to 40K list building in 10th than previous: we select a unit, decide their gear loadout, add to list. We currently don’t even have to worry about unit champion equipment (they just get bonuses usually) or joining with heroes and “leader” rules.

    We’re already designed for that. 40K wasn’t, and it showed: when a particular gear loadout proves way stronger than others, AoS made an individual warscroll with different points and modified rules; 40K increased points on the gear, then decided to make gear free.

    That curveball literally cannot happen to AoS and I am being cautiously, hesitantly optimistic about this.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Grungnisson said:


    Of course we're nerds. We play Warhammer, mate.

    You don’t have to be a nerd to play Warhammer, just at least a little autistic.


    i say this as someone who has more than a little touch of the tism myself

    • Haha 2
  10. 1 minute ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

    That would make a lot of sense, so less of a separate army and more of updated datasheets and lore. I did wonder how they'd make it work! 😅

    That definitely seems to be the way they’re running it from what I’ve seen.

  11. Just throwing the additional lore tidbit: Stormcast Brass are 100% lying to the troops on a daily basis already.

    source: Thunderbellies Ogors eating the Lightning Meat, and missing SCE back in Azyr after their battles conclude. Denied by command, but they never come back.

  12. I know I have virtually no reliability stonks, and maybe it’s only confirmation of what we already knew, but one of my best friends is in charge of GW ordering for our FLGS, and when they were putting in this week’s order to the GW rep, they said he told them “4e is coming out this summer and you should stock up on certain boxes. There’s stuff that’s going to be sold out soon and in high demand.” And they didn’t give me specifics on which models, but they did say they ended up ordering vanguards for every faction.

    If we can interpret that as “what’s in vanguards will be really good” vs “the new edition will have people starting new armies” vs [just sales pitch to get more sales] is anyone’s guess. It may be nothing more than second hand insider confirmation.

    • Like 3
  13. Wow, gamers really will be mad about anything.

    i read through this and was honestly really pleased overall. Points reductions across the board, except for stuff the meta chasers were abusing and new stuff that needed tweaking, some balance changes that honestly all make sense to me, more second rank melee.

    i considered this update and overall positive, and im especially happy my thunderbellies list just got a whole extra unit of some kind based on the mournfang and butcher reductions.

    • Like 1
  14. I’ve been saying this for a hot minute but my general take on 4e roll out: index it.

    we have been playing a system adding and changing rules to make up for issues all the way back from 1-2e.

    save stacking was too much, so mortal wounds became the new hotness. Mortal wounds were the new norm, so wards started getting rolled out and became and official mechanic in 3e, along with rules that addressed how save stacking would have a soft cap. Except wards are still everywhere, a core part of some armies, mortal wounds never got rolled back, and we’re seeing more new stuff getting “ignore wards” abilities as an attempt to balance that out.

    Similarly, large model count armies were losing to [insert your favored phrase for battleshock], so bravery tweaks happened and we got a command ability to not worry about it for one unit. That made battleshock negligible for a massive about of games I’ve played. I rarely have to remove any models. And here in 3.0 back end… I’m seeing a more Terror/“unit can receive inspiring presence” abilities.

    the 3.0 times were all around great, but suffered from power creep as the timeline dragged on, and that they were still updating rules and FAQs as stuff released, and also supporting 2.0 books. A few tomes missed the mark altogether, which I personally attribute to miscommunication between the writing teams, editors, and whatever passes for playtesters. I could rattle off a half dozen, off the top of my head, where battle tactics and warscroll rules clearly look like they’re referencing a mechanic that your army should be using, or be good at, which isn’t supported in the final draft of the army rules, even if those rules are otherwise perfectly acceptable (sylvaneth is a big example in my opinion there).

    for all those reasons I think a consolidation  of the system is extremely warranted, wiping the slate clean and not relying on an older edition’s rules while waiting, and instead have indexes for every army and, ideally, even if I don’t expect it, an aggressive release schedule of fresh books, followed by tweaking and balancing with a narrative release series.

    but I’m just a guy on the internet painting minis and rolling dice.

    • Like 13
  15. I was just in a sbgl thread about Avengorii and I realized I can’t think of any new big monsters that have been released recently.

    am I forgetting something obvious? I know it’s been pretty sparse on releases of new models in general the last couple of years but the last big kits I can remember are the Stormcast dragons, the kruleboyz vulcha, and the mega gargant update.

  16. 1 hour ago, Azamar said:

    The Sylvaneth changes would be just what I want for Christmas but they feel a bit wish listy to me- Durthu in particular already feels like a must take. I guess, if this is true, they feel that Syvaneth might struggle with the new ghb rules? Lady of the vines will be amazing for under 300 points as well.

    I admittedly have only been on the receiving end of the underguts ironblasters/ gnoblars once and don’t have ogors myself, but does the price hike there feel like a bit of an overcorrection? Ironblasters are a bit too cheap for sure, but there’s options for counter play so that feels a bit steep. The gnoblars really need an faq rather than a price hike. 


    My 2¢ as both a Sylvaneth and Ogors player is that sylvaneth have, in recent history, had a severe issue with being overcosted, especially in the heroes department since they have so few small hero options.

    I think this will help add in a few of those bodies you feel like you’re missing on the table, be it anither pack of dryads or revenants, or a branchwych.

    On the ironblasters, I honestly agree it’s an over correction, but not so much that it makes it unusable. There’s also the fact that an artillery sniper in a season focused on infantry heroes is gonna be very desirable, especially if the sharpshooter battalion allows artillery (which it probably won’t but still). I think once more of the new Ogors book blows over, and it evens out, we’ll see a battlescroll update tweaking it back down

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