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Posts posted by Sahrial

  1. 1 hour ago, Arzalyn said:

    Big Ogor rumor from coach discord:

    Some rumours, reliable source
    We have access to; Run and charge (multiple sources)
    LOS blocking abilities Abilities and spells that improve our control score
    Reducing enemy control score
    Both huskards are priests

    FLoSHs are legit, basically exact same profile except; Only a 4+ save +1 damage on charge for spear and horns but not hooves Unstoppable charge on their warscroll Only 360 points
    All the big beasts are like 50-100 points cheaper
    Mournfang are anti cav, they get rend -2 against them.
    Ironguts same basically, kept their fight twice and give nearby tyrants 6++
    Slaughtermaster snow get points when units kill stuff and they can be spent to give abilities to units.
    Butcher gives run and charge to ogor units within 12” Spell that gives run and charge to a unit, if cast on high roll its reroll runs and charges too.
    Tyrants add +1 to mortals if any on the charge. So roll a d3, on a 2+ it’s that many +1.
    Bloodpelt basically the same
    Hunter basically the same
    Yhetis move in the enemy move phase and can move into combat.
    Frost Sabres same but have max control score of 1.
    Maneaters similar profile, but have a 4+ shrug against “non core abilities”
    Spell to make terrain obscuring and units get 5++ near them (I’m hazy on this but think it’s right)
    Scraplaunchers got either crit mortals or anti infantry rend.
    Points for most units around the same; Flosh 360 HOSH 300 Glutts 220 Ironguts 240 Leadbelchers 150 MF 200 Yhetees 120 Ironblasters 240 Scraplaungers 180 Gorger mawpacks 260 Gnoblars 120 FLOTT ~330 iirc Beast riders ~260

    *stares intently over steepled fingers at the first hard rumors we’ve had being about his soul-army and not being bad*

    this smells like a trap

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, HCMistborn said:

    They should have just held onto him and released him with his own army. Now even if they release a really cool army for him there is a sour taste in a lot of peoples mouth for him and any beast man faction.

    Yknow I remember well the rumors he was supposed to be a BoC model that got switched to Destruction last minute for “unknown reasons”.

    I really wouldn’t surprised if the reasons for that happened to be 3e post production rolling into conflict with ToW pre-production and they realized they’d be dropping BoC from AoS by the following edition and needed to pivot what to do with the new kit they’d just ordered a hundred thousand of from manufacturing.

  3. 1 hour ago, Starfyre said:

    Sylvaneth are literal *wood* elves

    I recognize and appreciate this joke but legit one of my favorite bits of sylvaneth lore is they are elves but like not really because they’re vengeful alien nature spirits who specifically choose to take the appearance of an elf because a half tree half elf abomination is objectively scarier to mortals then just normal elves or normal trees

    and that’s beautiful to me

    • Like 1
  4. I’m calling it now

    At the end of the edition they’ll reveal she’s been manipulated by Tzeentch and Khaine was Khorne the whole time, then the scathborn and Morathi will join BoK in chaos, just in time for Umbraneth to be released and get the foot queen joined up with the remaining DoK units, fully splitting the faction and making a bunch of players cry

    • Confused 2
  5. 23 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    I didn't spot anything in the article about whether all factions still get to have a Megagargant like in 3rd.


    There really hasn’t been much at all that I can recall about taking allies in general over the marketing releases.

    is it possible they’re phasing that out since it rarely serves much benefit?

  6. Random thought of the night:

    Other than Ogors, my main army is SBGL, and I also have Sylvaneth I don’t actually play that often.

    Both of those armies have traditionally had a much higher skill floor than Ogors, who are my “smooth brain” army.

    i liked my big brain armies.

    I am slowly preparing myself for simplified and lost abilities, since it seems they are trying to re-level the skill floor across the board.

    Knowing a full play style revamp isn’t out of the question, I’m not sure what to expect at all from their faction focuses within the next couple of weeks.

    SBGL’s dynasties always felt much more impactful than a lot of (not all) other faction’s subfactions, to me. Vyrkos and Kastelai are very much army identities as much as play style. I have some worries the army will be homogenized with the new formations, which would be a shame, because I think a lot of the appeal of SBGL (aside from gruesome gorgeous models) is how many different ways you can play it.

    i don’t think that will hit Sylvaneth as hard, they already rolled back the depth of Groves in 3rd edition, and they provide minimal buffs, similar to formations currently look like. Sylvaneth, however, has already suffered quite a bit from GW not being able to decide how they want them to work, and how many, and what mix of, models they’re supposed to field.

    i can’t shake this gut feeling that Sylvaneth, especially, might end up in, not necessarily a bad place, but a very odd place as GW tries to pivot on play style focused and how much any one army should fill certain roles.

    So yeah, *end thought*

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Or maybe lean heavy into redeploy mechanics whilst mist is up. 


    the more I noodle it the more I think I’d really enjoy something like “if a unit is wholly within 6” of a piece of terrain, they may make a charge roll from an ambush marker. If that charge roll is high enough to engage with an enemy unit, they may taken off the board and be set up in combat range of that enemy unit.” And “grease trap: pick an enemy unit within 6” of an ambush marker. Roll a d3. On a 2+ that unit gets -1 to hit for the rest of the battle round.”

    i know there’s zero chance of that actually happening, lol, but it would be fun. I’d start that army.

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, Vasshpit said:

    It'll be mind boggling if krules get nothing like this. 😄😶

    I could see them leaning more into the traps and camouflage rather than deep strike. Play up using terrain and cover instead of generically off board set up in reserves would be pretty cool imo.

    maybe some non magic teleports. Set up ambush markers or something, and a unit can jump out of one/charge from one.

    • Like 2
  9. 14 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Do you think that GW would sell pre-painted minis if it ends up becoming a thing?

    I could see them figuring out a way to go the Heroforge route and doing batches of pre-colored minis, somehow.

    i think the costs of doing even poorly done, but true pre painted minis like WotC used to do (and had to go through sweatshops to do), doesn’t fit what they’re willing to spend on production.

  10. I was rereading the Ogor focus and really looking for anything I could read into that looked promising. I focused on this.IMG_8442.jpeg.aac322261f435db85a386b64e3ada75d.jpeg

    it sounds like the spiritual successor to Winterbite, which was one I always loved almost as much as my Thunderbellies, but never ran very often.

    The idea of more tactical play with Ogors is intriguing, but I’m hesitant to to be optimistic just yet, because it’s all assumptions.

    I think it would be super cool if that subfaction really played with blizzard markers, and did more with them and the Everwinter. I also tend to bring some infantry and blackpowder with my Mournfangs, so a mixed GB/BCR option seems fun.

    I really hope I’m not off base with my guesses here, and am thinking about making my own blizzard tokens with some spare bases.

    • Like 1
  11. I think this could be reasonable, depending on if they fully split Orrucks up, and if they skip BoC, or leave Orrucks together, don’t skip BoC, and aren’t otherwise shaking things up

    Friday would mean either the extra faction or a bigger release preview?


    • Like 2
  12. 7 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    Well they did SCE and cities (humans), followed by KO and Fyreslayers (dwarves) if the patter holds true Idoneth would mean all the elves factions should follow. That would mean 10 and 11 focus would be Khaine/Lumineth/Sylvaneth and Seraphon would be the last order faction at 18...

    I think assuming they’ll do the all the elves next is jumping the gun a bit, honestly. Hold out some hope!

    there’s only a coincidence so far, barely the beginning of a pattern, if you lump SCE as a “human” faction, which I’m not sure it really counts as. I think they would have done StD as a Chaos day before Tzeentch if they were doing that, since they’re the other main “human” faction.

    After IDK, we’ll have 4 Order factions left, 5* Chaos, 2* Destruction, and 2 Death

    *barring splits and phase outs we don’t know about

    This leaves us getting all of them most likely on 6/21, two and a half weeks.

    assuming after the double Order, we do one or two Chaos on Wed/Thur, and a death-destruction on either Thur-Fri or Fri-Mon, we’ll have two more double Order weeks, so honestly a 50/50 chance. They’re going to have to do a double Chaos at some point because of the numbers, unless they break up the order(-order)-chaos-destruction-death pattern they’ve done so far.

    i think.

    brb checking my spreadsheet and playing with guesses lol

  13. 1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

    Yeah. A little change makes them feel nicer. Out of curiosity. Do FS have to wear orange hair because of their old WHFB slayers lore?

    I can almost guarantee that they have orange hair because “they FYREslayers! Its fire! Fire is orange!” and no other reason.

    I think the reason people do it is it’s a bright fun color you don’t really use to often elsewhere. I can’t think of a lot of armies that lend themselves well to orange as a main color, anyway.

  14. I don’t see them phasing out a whole piece of terrain, especially not as popular of one as the Mawpot. I think butchers are also almost guaranteed a plastic model if any kind of refresh happens. I feel like they have pulled away mention of Slaughtermasters in any lore blurbs in favor of Butchers in everything I can think of from the last couple of years.

    I can unfortunately see them dropping the icebrow hunter and frost sabres, but I would hope there’s something new to replace them with.

    this is literally me theorizing, no real basis for belief but a few patterns I think I’ve noticed:

    GW seems to be focusing on Gutbusters as the central Ogors faction.

    they seem to be phasing models out completely rather than in legends of late.

    resin to plastic and range refreshes is dominantly on items and factions that are already popular, not on what “needs” it.

    seraphon has always been a popular faction in the tournament scene. They got the first big refresh. Sylvaneth is very popular with newer players because of the models, they got an expansion wave. S2D was in a similar place but for lore and play reasons. Skaven has always been a fan favorite, and was guaranteed to pick up sales.

    Beasts of Chaos was my bet on the next wave of refresh/expansion, because they were very similar to Skaven in terms of popularity, then the TOW thing happened and GW made a business decision I think they’ll come to regret in the long term.

    Ogors are in a weird spot because as much as I love them, they are not as popular armies as the rest. I’m in Texas and we have a surprisingly dense Ogor player population (I think the Honest Wargamer has even expressed as much on his tournament breakdowns a time or two, “Texans love Ogors”, lol) and even with our very active AoS scene here we don’t see Ogors at every tournament or game day.

    So I don’t think we have as much of a guarantee of range refresh as we’d like to think we deserve. I think it’s still possible and it think it’s objectively the best candidate to get one, currently, but that’s an if that anyone will get one this edition.

    Barring a true range refresh or expansion I think a reasonable shake up will look like this:

    Plastic Butcher: almost everyone takes a butcher or two in their lists. It will have people buy them.

    Slaughterpriest: phased out

    Icebrow Hunter: phased out or left alone

    Frost Sabres: phased out if Hunter is, maybe updated to plastic in small a 4 model pack.

    Firebelly: another good plastic contender because of how often they’re taken in tournament lists, but with no other support for the subfaction it could be discontinued easily

    BCR monsters: left alone

    Tyrant: left alone

    Gluttons: could get a refreshed most likely left alone

    Ironguts: more likely to get a refresh because of popularity and GW preferring elite unit updates

    Leadbelchers: left alone

    Ironblaster/Scrap Launcher: left alone

    Mawpot and mawpit: left alone

    Gnoblars: left alone

    Gorgers: discontinued

    Gorger Mawpack: fully replacing Gorgers

    Yhetees: phased out; not a “popular” enough unit, and very niche BCR in a Gutbusters lore focus

    Mournfang: left alone

    Maneaters: new plastic kit or left alone. Only maybe a new kit because of the elite idea, but they don’t have the popularity of other units, and they also just got a relatively recent repackage.

    New Gutbusters Foot Hero: probably named, but not anyone we’ve heard of

    I’d expect this to be revealed around Christmas or more likely summer next year, along with the battletome.

    again, this is just my gut feeling. I’m an Ogor. I go with my gut, even if it’s wrong.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    Yeah, I guess it would help to mirror news items or rumours in this thread once something new comes up (like tomorrow when we get another faction preview) and discuss these here in more detail so that the rumour thread doesn't get spammed and post a reminder there to discuss the latest news more deeply in here. It's not a perfect solution but it the best I could think of. I don't think people want to check multiple threads, so having a huge "spam" thread could work. I've seen that on various other forums where people started to love a more relaxed topic for everything. 

    Probably post the updates here with a reminder when the mods redirect the o er thread. “Hey yall, mods say go back to rumors, feel free to bring the convo here!”

    I ve been keeping an extra tab open for this one now so I keep them both going. I’m gonna keep an eye on it and chime in when I feel like it.

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    • Thanks 1
  16. Can I just chime in with how much I really appreciate how everyone wants Ogors to get some love. I’ve rarely seen so much unity in a game fandom.

    it’s like GW went: “hey here’s some stuff! Talk about it!” On Friday and everyone has instead been “no we’re still worried about the big guys and you better treat them right.”

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