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Arl Aedis

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Everything posted by Arl Aedis

  1. I've been looking to start a path to glory campaign with my buddy and was thinking of taking my ravagers through it. My understanding of the rules is as follows: The Glory for the Taking battle trait from the Ravagers says I can give up to 5 heroes command traits from the Ravagers list. Step 4 of the path to glory rules states that since this comes from my subfaction they are treated as core enhancements. The Tiers of Battle section states that the limits are for bonus enhancements. However, the subsection Command Traits specifies that the number of traits you may take are limited by the tier of battle. Since we are just starting the campaign we start with a regular stronghold landing us in the Lower tier of battle, in turn giving us 2 command traits. I assume this means I can only have 2 command traits to start with, even though I could have more heroes. That's a bit of a bummer. My question is: Once I can add more heroes to my army can I automatically give them their core enhancements command traits from the Glory for the Taking trait or will I have to get them to 15 renown so they may choose it?
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