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Posts posted by Cdance93

  1. 3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    The problem is where do you put the limit? 90% of the time the discussions come from news, which can often lead to rumour and speculation. On those speculation times we can get a rumour-monger reaction/ response. IMO it is part of the rumours wheel, and the wheel has to keep moving (as Zenestra likes).

    A valid point. And I can defintiely live with that - but then the Mods step in and move the conversation somewhere else. 

    Maybe that is the natural progression of the rumor thread. An all topics breeding ground that branch into other threads as appropriate 


    • Like 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, petitionercity said:

    That feels much too artificial a boundary, since those topics come from discussion of news! This is a brilliant thread, don't curtail it!

    I admit, I get wrapped up in all the chatter in this thread too ofc - but then this should be renamed as a general chat and there be a proper rumor thread

  3. 45 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    +++ Mod Hat On +++


    I have a few days away from anything warhammer related and doing stuff with family and come back to all sorts!


    1 ) This forum is for everybody. That means everyone from people who love to play competitively to casual players. I think some of you have forgotten this and I think some of you should read the rules of the forum again ( @Cdance93 I think you need to do this).

    2 ) This is the rumour thread. Keep it on topic. If you want to discuss competitive vs casual or how the game works, create another thread. Just remember the rules of the forum!

    3 ) We’re still in the sales/marketing cycle of getting everybody excited for the game. Remember that and don’t take the faction focuses to heart. Until we’ve seen the full rules and played a few games, it’s not worth getting too worked up. Treat them as a taster about how your faction may play.

    Lets get back to rumours and I’ll make sure nobody gets a paddling 😉


    If you can point out which ones I have broken I am happy to made amends and not repeat in the future!

  4. Where are the mods to bring this convo back on track, isnt balance of the game and conversations like this totally out of the scope of this thread?

    We should really only be discussing potential rumors, reveals and leaks?

    • Like 4
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    • Confused 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Sarouan said:

    Fun for the competitive players who don't understand they repel quite a lot of potential people into the Hobby. But feel free to keep having fun, just don't complain if you see you have less people to play with in the future.

    If people are put off by this version of the game then they’re not supposed to be playing AOS in the first place

    • Confused 6
  6. 1 minute ago, Mortal Wound said:

    Yndrasta maxes out at 27 damage to a monster if she rolls perfectly and all saves are failed.

    Kragnos maxes out at 36 _mortal_ damage against a monster. Before he even attacks.

    Not really that great of a comparison.

    What? Yndrasta does 35 to a monster

  7. 2 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    There‘s basically no way Kragnos doesn’t kill what he touches and if he charges it’s double dead. Compare this silly warscroll to the heaviest hitter we‘ve seen apart from Kragnos, it’s absurd. And idk about the point costs, this warscroll smells of bs.

    Yikes, tell me how you really feel!

    I hardly see how he's that much crazier than Yndrasta (against a monster). His charge damage literally stayed the same from the current edition, Tuskbreaker literally got worse and his save went to ****** (atleast he gets a 5+ ward) ALSO he counts as half on objectives from before.

    Mate what are you on about?

    • Like 2
  8. 1 minute ago, Chikout said:

    This isn't true if you're trying to guage faction popularity. The woehammer stats are more comprehensive. If you look at this you can see that DoT used to be 6% of the meta and then it dropped off a cliff. That's has nothing to do with popularity and everything to do with competitive viability. image-16.png.e8d45296c743560f0edcc2566cc4ff9c.png

    There are a few trends you can learn. If an army has bad results but consistently high representation it's a sure sign that's it's a popular faction. The opposite is also true. 

    Yah I mean you can see FS was super popular during the foot hero GHB

  9. 2 minutes ago, Sception said:

    yeah, but that could still be worked into cool war machines or piloted golems/mechs/dreadnoughts with fyreslayers acting as both the pilots/crew and the power source.

    Ok I know I said cav was non-lorical but FS driving machines is like, heretical

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    That's Realmslayer (and even during the course of Realmslayer he starts to like them more), in Soulslayer he's come around on them. In Gitslayer he comes around on the Kharadron, but doesn't like them much anymore at the start of Soulslayer. Then in Soulslayer he joins a FS lodge for a while and he refers to FS as the closest thing he has to kin in the Mortal Realms. Parts with them on good terms too. He really loves his FS axe and wants to use his FS rune for good now.

    Ahh ok thank you! Ive just read Realm-slayer - if the rest include some more FS action I'll have to get them

  11. 8 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I do think it would take away from the Magmadroths as a centrepiece, but I think we're eventually going to get Grimnir (on Vulcatrix) as a proper centrepiece model anyway.

    I think at most we get an avatar of Grimnir, I dont think they're going to introduce more of the main pantheon gods into the game. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Fyreslayers 2E battletome. 

    Exactly, they should be rare - not cavalry; and the other thing is that when I mean lore accurate, this army is infatry thats what theyre all about - their strength and individual bodies 

    What I would love to see is more takes on the infantry theme, think 3 wound Oath-guard 

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Davariel said:

    Fyreslayers may not necessarily need more units (or types of units) rules wise, but I think they could definitely use something a bit different for visual and aesthetic reasons.

    As is the army just... isn't that interesting to look at compared to virtually any other AoS faction.

    See I think this is only a perspective of non FS players. Their aesthetics are one of the things I love about them, dont find it boring at all

    • Like 1
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  14. 2 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    A LOT of Fyreslayers' problems could be solved with a much better written rules for them. Even with those few kits, there are still enough different profiles to give each a very distinct and well-defined role. I'm an FS player, and I never felt any need for more sculpts. Not very faction needs to be equally numerous in units.

    100% agree with you

  15. 9 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    That's exactly half of our rules. Remember that we don't have prayers, magic or manifestations.  It's all about the other half (aka, Heroic Traits).

    I think the key is all the nuance your battle traits provide to make up for lack of the things you mention. 


  16. 34 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    We'd not seen FS yet. So for now, my point stands.

    they have 3 OPG artifacts and Brokk has 1 OPG ability and you're calling them the OPG army? 

    Literally none of their battle traits are OPG (not counting the deployment once since thats, well - deployment)

    Every other faction focus has OPG (1-2) in it.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    I see KO is to remain the 'once per battle' army of AoS. Still paying for the sins of the first battletome.

    I'm still digesting the article, but at the moment, based on the information available to us, I can't see a single reason to take the Thunderers.

    Frigates are now simply transport barges and nothing more. Even Brokk is packing a bigger punch and that's saying something, especially if the boats will happen to be twice as costly as he is.

    IDK, after the first read, I am hugely underwhelmed and disappointed, to be honest. I'm suspecting the only people cheering these changes are the people, who used to play against KO, not KO players.

    FS absolutely holds the title of "OPG Army"

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