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  1. I've been lurking a fair while so thought it about time I pulled my finger out and actually posted. So, without further ado I'd like to introduce you to my Stormcast Legion - the Obsidian Coercitors - the backbone of the army coming from the Mortal Realms series and Dominion to which I added various bits and pieces. The background to the legion is still in its early days but the colour scheme of black / red / yellow or gold represents the fact that this initial elements of this order were born (or this that died) in fire. So here is what is completed so far..... 1. The first of two Ballistas and their crews. 2. The first unit of Castigators 3. All 3 units together 4. The first unit of Sequitors 5. All 3 units of sequitors together 6. Praetors - I don't know why but I really did not enjoy either building or painting them. Was glad to see them finished and certainly won't be getting any more 8. Annihilators - now this is more like it. 9. A unit of Prosecutors 10. A chariot - this was fun - definitely want more of these. 11. Last for now, but certainly not least the first of my dragons - had an absolute blast building and painting this. More to come - need to crack on with getting the basing all update. Anyway hope you enjoy.
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