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Posts posted by Magnusaur

  1. 1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    Some tidbits about the ruination seems to imply there's more.
    Other than "thunderstrike paladins" what could we expect for the stormcasts other than the box new minis?
    Skaven seems already known by the rumor already posted and proved "right" about what's to come but i feel  difficult to imagine what stormcasts could get ?
    Considering the various squatting of their ranges other than thunderstrike old units i can't see much.
    Hoping for some "extreme" ideas for "un-reforgable" stormcasts like lightning geists\dreddy styled golems.

    I'm guessing new Judicators, if outside of Ruination.

    Maybe a character that allows Stormcast on their last legs to "go all out this one time", supercharging their souls and making them explode on death.

    Or maybe a character that can absorb the pain/deaths of nearby Stormcasts, trading their own life for their comrades. 

    Unstable lightning ghosts would be awesome.

    Crow cavalry?

  2. 12 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Her lordship (ladyship? It's getting confusing) simply sucks at maths, that's why she got an F. Watch out for the upcoming release of the Tutor-Scolasticus (from the supportive Learning ChamberTM) to turn that F into an A!

    Rather, these are a list of all the "Fs in the chat" that fallen Stormcast heroes have received over the years.

    • Haha 1
  3. Caught the preview last night. The Shopping Channel-esque vibe makes me feel even more self-conscious about my consumerist urges. Didn't hang around for the Spearhead game.

    I like the box a lot. It's interesting how beholden Games Workshop is to mirroring certain things, like naming the box Skaventide to go with Leviathan

    I quite like all the models. The heads on some of the Stormcast heroes are a bit out there, but I'm sure they'll have their fans - and alternatives. Only thing I'm a bit miffed about is the sheer volume of Clanrats. Would have liked another Skaven character or a small unit in there. 

    However, this minor point is greatly offset by what I'm hearing about the relatively customizable nature of stuff like Rat Ogors and Jezzails. This is honestly where I want to see GW push the envelope with the push-fit models. The second-hand market gets absolutely flooded with this stuff shortly after release, but the static nature of the kits really dampens the desire to pick up another batch. I loved the Tyranid stuff in Leviathan, but the Screamer-Killer and Psychophage could have benefited from a little extra in terms of customization.

    All in all, pretty pleased. I do wonder how much of the extended wave of Stormcast will be directly tied to the Ruination chamber. And I'm super keen to see more Skaven!

    • Like 1
  4. Very, very nice with a Grey Seer in the mix. I'll admit Stormvermin seems likely as well, going by the promotional artwork. Maybe they'll be the Gutrippaz equivalent, seeing as the Clanrats are still quite small and feeble (unlike Termagants, who got a bit of a grow-up).

    Interesting if we'll see Rat Ogors in packs of 2. Bit of an awkward number, but I'm not complaining.

  5. 3 hours ago, Mcm6495 said:

    Taking into account that within 29 hours the entire contents of the fourth edition box will be revealed, I would like to know what you think we will get.

    For my part, since the part that interests me the most is the skaven, I think the box could have the following:

    • New Mounted Crawlord
    • New Warlock Engineer
    • New Clanrats
    • New Warplock Jezzails
    • New Rat Ogor
    • New Artillery Piece

    My guesstimation:


    1x Lord-Vigilor on Birb

    1x Knight-Heraldor

    1x Psyker-Priest Silhouette with
    1x Gryph-hound

    3x Reclusians with
    2x Emotional Support Descendants

    3x Prosecutors

    10x Liberators

    Wildcard: 1x Foot Hero


    1x Clawlord on Vulf

    1x Warlock Engineer

    3x Warplock Jezzails

    20x Clanrats

    1x Ratling Cannon Thingy

    2-3x Rat Ogors accompanied by
    1x Master Moulder/Packmaster

    3-5x Globadiers

    Wildcard: 1x Grey Seer

    - - - 

    While I don't doubt that Stormvermin will get an update, I just don't think we'll see them in this box. They feel like an ideal "next step" purchase, with a few more options, poses, upgrades, and so on. I think we will see something like Skryre Globadiers or a similarly exotic concept, possibly coupled with either the Ogors or the Ratling Gun on hard-to-get sprue.


    • Like 4
  6. 1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Well that's stupid, sorry. AOS would allow them to try out semi-RNG maps with an open design space... allowing them to build off of their proven strengths while taking small risks for new mechanics. 40k is not going to fit into the Total War formula at all. it will either be too small of a scale or be 3 mediocre, buggy games in a trenchcoat.

    • Fantasy/historicals ALREADY have an issue with artillery (and flyers) giving you a huge advantage.
    • you'd need an entire cover system to ensure infantry can do ANYTHING at all, but people will also complain if the "big toys" that make infantry entirely obsolete aren't included.
    • CA took naval battles out of their games for a reason, but people will complain if there's not some kind of space combat.
    • The Imperium would either be a disappointing One Giant Tentpole Faction or a gamebreaking 3-4 linked factions, where it dictates the entirety of each game: an AI imperium isn't allying with Xenos, and certainly will get aggro at anyone allying with Xenos. And people WILL complain if their Imperium faction isn't in the game, so we're looking at a minimum of 4 (IG, SoB, SM, AM).
    • If they do one planet, it would have to awkwardly force whatever included factions into a small area like Dark Crusade did, but since that would also have to be an active warzone it leaves the game with no opportunities for non-conquest victory conditions and little design space for non-combat buildings/cities, let alone landmarks.
    • If they do a sector, they'd have to figure out how to make planetary invasions engaging, and they are STILL struggling with making sieges fun. And even after an invasion, do you have multiple land battles on a planet and THEN a siege? When do you even have the regular field battles that Total War is beloved for?
    • How does a city siege in 40k even work, with massive gun emplacements and massive vehicles? what is the scale here? what are your infantry even doing aside from being vaporized? Total War Towers are already OP without them being a scifi Maginot Line.
    • If they do the actual galaxy, at what point are they just peeking at Stellaris' homework to make their game? I don't play Total War for galactic combat, I play a 4X game for that.

    I really think forcing 40k into the Total War formula is a horrible decision, but I guess we'll find out what CA wants after TWW3. I just hope there is something revealed for AOS games.

    Although these are all reasonable concerns, it's worth keeping in mind that the primus motor question underlying such a production is not just "Can it work?" but "Will it sell?" A botched marriage between Total War and 40K would still outsell a brilliant fusion between the former and Age of Sigmar - many times over, I would assume.

    Realm of Ruins flopping has to raise some red flags for some developers at least. Yes, 40K games have flopped as well, though I'm not sure how many of them had the budget of ROR. More importantly, they flopped in spite of the franchise's proven worth and potential as a source of video games. AOS has yet to prove this, even if it seems obvious to us, the fans.

    Doesn't mean that TW: AOS couldn't work. Or that it wouldn't work even better than 40K. In my opinion, both Fantasy and AOS would aesthetically have been a better match for the Magic cross-over, yet here we are.

    But arguing about what should or shouldn't be made based on the perceived feasibility of certain concepts or game mechanics is... Well, it's kind of far removed from the realities of the industry. At least in my own experience. Whatever promise "semi-RNG maps" holds has to be balanced off by a hell of a lot of research and development. And if that can work, then why can't 40K? Hell, you could argue that the more experimental the mechanics, the more important to give the game an aesthetic and narrative wrapping that will actually ensure it sells - even if it flops.

    Anyway, since we're all dreaming up concepts for awesome games, I would love to see an oldschool CRPG set in AOS. Something introspective and intimate. All those wondrous, over-the-top things people bring up to argue the IP's strength doesn't sway me as much. Text is cheap; showing them on a screen is not. Give me a deeply personal story across the realms. A soulbound party. Or a Stormcast losing themselves across countless deaths, Planescape: Torment style. Oh well.

    • Like 3
  7. After the open-ended, sandboxy nature of both 40K and the Mortal Realms, I've actually enjoyed returning to the tighter scaffolding of The Old World. But I don't think there's any one right way of doing it. Sometimes constraints breed creativity, other times you just want enable godmode and go nuts!

    As for the promotional image... Is this what Clan Moulder has been working on? Hulk Hogan Pit Abomination?

    It's interesting how low-tech and grounded the Rat Ogors (and Jezzails) look, compared to Stormfiends and Thanquol. I kind of worry that the End Times Skaven stuff will end up looking too cartoony when placed next to the new stuff.

    • Like 1
  8. Sorry if I'm late (well, 8 hours) to the whole Spearhead debate. I can't personally imagine that two Spearheads (later to be released as individual boxes) is all there's going to be in the launch box. There's got to be some "FOMO" (for lack of better word) models in there as well. Space Marines and Tyranids had their individual Combat Patrol releases shortly after Leviathan dropped, by the big box remained an attractive alternative even then. Not just because of the price point, but the hard-to-get content as well.

  9. I'm curious about the future of Skaven weapon teams, all of which, according to the SG Warhound rumor (but not the modified version later making the rounds), will be updated.

    With Warplock Jezzails we are probably looking at a 1:1 update, but what about the rest? We've got Warp Grinders, Doom-flayers, Warpfire Throwers, Poisoned Wind Mortars, and Ratling Guns. 

    It's certainly possible that the Rat Ogor becomes the new Warpfire flamer, though I hope not. Similarly, the leaked artillery piece might replace the Ratling gun. I'm personally a sucker for teams of rat lugging comically oversized weapons around, but I can also see how GW would use the opportunity to make the teams less directly comparable. Unless they release some super flexible kit that can build every variety.

  10. 1 hour ago, Starfyre said:

    This part is really interesting. 

    All Vanguard boxes are being rebranded as Spearhead sets, and the launch box is made up of two complete Spearhead forces. 

    The make-up of the existing Vanguard boxes is almost always 1 hero and 3 units - with the exception of SCE and Kruleboyz which have 2 heroes and 3 units, likely due to the way the sprues were cut for Dominion. 

    With that in mind, this means it's likely the launch box will have 2 heroes and 3 units per side, probably:

    - SCE: Lord Vigilor on Gryph-Stalker, Foot Hero, 3 Prosecutors, 10 Liberators and 3 Reclusians + 2 support workers (20 models)
    - Skaven: Mounted Clawlord, Warlock Engineer, 20 Clanrats, 5 Jezzails, 1 Rat Ogre Warpfire Thrower and 1 Ratling Gun (29 models)

    Although my Skaven guess breaks convention a bit with 4 units. Could be only 3 Jezzails too.

    The inclusion of terrain is cool and doesn't worry me - what concerns me is the amount of card and paper. A hardback book, game board and card decks for spearhead and the general's handbook. 

    I mean, two vanguard sets are £85 each, a hardback book £40-ish, plus all the other bits. The launch box could easily be £200+, maybe they'll go for the £185 price-point like the Horus Heresy set is if they're wanting to keep it >£200. 

    It's worth keeping in mind that the Leviathan launch box also technically contained two Combat Patrol forces (Space Marines & Tyranids), but that's not all it included. I'm sure that some of the models in this launch box will be on a later-to-be-individually-sold-for-a-high-price sprue, like the Screamer-Killer. The Rat Ogor, Wolfrat, Lord-Vigilor, and Reclusians seem like good candidates for this.

    Anyone care to speculate on the name? Indomitus and Dominion sort of go together. So Leviathan and... Vermindoom?

  11. Hmm, it might take me a minute to really warm up to those new Prosecutors. They are obviously an improvement over the old ones. I like the half-helmets, but now I kind of want to know what a full army of Stormcast wearing those looks like!

    I think they're trying to strike a very delicate balance between making the newer Stormcast looking gritty, while also being obviously magical in nature. Your armor is caked in dirt and grime, but also farting out lightning out of every pore. I think maybe the wings are a bit much for me in that regard. If anything they are even more extravagant than the original. It's a unit of cool models, though, and I don't mind the tactical pillars all that much.

    I do wonder if we will see a multi-part plastic kit later, though. Not that GW is beholden to a particular pattern, but Praetors, for example, never did.

  12. Here's some food for idle speculation. So far we've seen four models/units from the launch box: Liberators, Clanrats, Reclusians, and now the new Warplock-Engineer. We will see the full contents of the box around May 16-18. That still leaves 3(!) weeks of reveals, an uneven number.

    What will we see over the next three weeks?

    Next week could a Stormcast character. What about Skaven the week after? And what about Monday the 13.? No reveal, perhaps?

  13. A Grey Seer in the box makes a lot of sense to me. Those boxes typically want to cover a little bit of everything, including spellcasting. The current one also hasn't been available outside of the Vanguard for a long time and feels like a nice counterpart to the one bundled in new sets.

  14. Grombindal looks great. Nothing much to add to the whole Legends debate.

    Warlock-Engineer... I'm a little disappointed, mostly for the very petty reason of wanting to see a whole unit today :P. Other than that, it's a pretty good model. It looks a bit too erect, but I think that's just the angle of the picture. Paint scheme is also a bit muted, surprised it doesn't have a few more glowing warpstone doodads, but then again it's probably not the most high-ranking of its order. I like how it boosts the Jezzails - really wanted to see those today!

  15. I'm leaning toward Jezzails being tomorrow's mini. They feel like a close enough "elite" counter part, with an entire unit to show off. It depends on how big the Ogor is, though. The trailer didn't make it look enormous, nor too augmented. I wonder how they will help distinguish it from Stormfiends. If it becomes a monstrous unit a la the Screamer-Killer, I doubt we'll see it. But if they retain the role as multi-model shock units, then I guess tomorrow's an option.

    As for Undivided Daemons... I would *love* for GW to do a whole range of cybernetic daemons a la the Soulgrinder or the enemies from DOOM. Lots of twisted empyreal flesh given temporary form by crude machines. Obviously more at home in 40K, to go with Vashtorr, but depending on the sophistication of the technology, they could fit in the Mortal Realms as well.

    Here's hoping Chaos Dwarfs (and Skaven, really) will show us some truly bonkers stuff!

    • Thanks 1
  16. 18 minutes ago, Sarges said:

    Nah, when you start to compare Reclusians closely almost every single detail is different except the shields.

    Hmm, good point. At first glance they looked more alike. That makes the similarities even more unfortunate.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  17. As for the nigh-identical Reclusians, maybe it's a case of them sharing one leg and the back half? Similar to what they did with the Plague Marines in Dark Imperium:


    Producing a sprue which continues to confound new collectors to this day :P.


  18. 1 hour ago, Ledgington said:

    I like how the only way you can tell that the Stormcast on the far right is a woman is the shape of the breastplate. And the fact that the Age of Sigmar community is cool enough to be completely fine with having female super soldiers.


    Female super soldiers being added to the game/Stormcast was such a great thing, it's a big part of why I still hold Sacrosanct in such high esteem. Aside from the gender diversity, it just makes the units look so much better when you have actual physical variety of the models.

    • Like 6
  19. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    I doubt we will see a new Knight-Heraldor. This one will be replaced by the one in the Dominion box, very likely.

    But thinking again, what I think is happening is the following. This seller is going to have two products with the same name, so he is using the years as a distinctive between both. If this theory is true we will see another Heraldor and new Judicators.

    Something like:

    - Liberators (2015)
    - Liberators (2024)

    You're thinking of the Knight-Vexillor, not Heraldor :). How anyone could confuse the gazillion different Stormcast characters is beyond me :P!

    Jokes aside, I think a Thunderstrike update of the Knight-Heraldor is a pretty good guess for the launch box. A stand-alone release wouldn't really be exciting enough, what with it just being an update.

    Speaking of which, I'm starting to suspect we'll see a new Grey Seer model in there as well. The current one is perfectly serviceable and hardly in need of a clam-pack replacement.

    This puts my current predictions for the contents to:


    - 1x Lord-Vigilor on Birb

    - 1x Knight-Heraldor

    - 3x Reclusian (2x Emotional Supporters)

    - 5x Prosecutors

     - 10x Liberators


    - 1x Clawlord on Wolfrat

    - 1x Grey Seer

    - 1x Rattling Artillery Piece

    - 1x Rat Ogor

    - 3/5x Warplock Jezzails

    - 3/5x Globadeers

    - 20x Clanrats

    Feels like there's still a character model missing from Stormcast, probably a sorcerer or priest. 

    • Like 2
  20. 23 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    I've noticed this before on the GW webstore, it's inconsistent across all the model ranges, I wouldn't take it to mean anything 

    It's the first time I've seen it from this seller, so can't help but find it odd. I guess a new Knight-Heraldor would make sense.

    The models whose labels have been changed:

    - Liberators

    - Judicators

    - Prosecutors

    - Knight-Heraldor(s)

    No such thing on the Sacrosanct or any other "old" kit. 

  21. image.png.3205b614c70ea9e5551dbcfd03a2fe65.png

    Spurious perhaps, but the web shop I typically buy from has added years to certain Stormcast products, like Judicators and Knight-Heraldors. Never mind that the dates aren't accurate (I think), it might still suggest an update for those models. 

    Interestingly, neither Knight-Azyros nor Retributors have received such a labeling.

  22. Just now, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Warlock Engineers were translated as Technomages in the French translations of WFB. So it's the same thing and probably this mini yes.

    That makes a lot of sense, especially with some of the other wonky names. I guess the post is just a feedback loop from SG Warhound? But crucially, it forgot about the ALL WEAPON TEAMS part, which is very juicy.

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