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Posts posted by Magnusaur

  1. 1 hour ago, Starfyre said:

    This part is really interesting. 

    All Vanguard boxes are being rebranded as Spearhead sets, and the launch box is made up of two complete Spearhead forces. 

    The make-up of the existing Vanguard boxes is almost always 1 hero and 3 units - with the exception of SCE and Kruleboyz which have 2 heroes and 3 units, likely due to the way the sprues were cut for Dominion. 

    With that in mind, this means it's likely the launch box will have 2 heroes and 3 units per side, probably:

    - SCE: Lord Vigilor on Gryph-Stalker, Foot Hero, 3 Prosecutors, 10 Liberators and 3 Reclusians + 2 support workers (20 models)
    - Skaven: Mounted Clawlord, Warlock Engineer, 20 Clanrats, 5 Jezzails, 1 Rat Ogre Warpfire Thrower and 1 Ratling Gun (29 models)

    Although my Skaven guess breaks convention a bit with 4 units. Could be only 3 Jezzails too.

    The inclusion of terrain is cool and doesn't worry me - what concerns me is the amount of card and paper. A hardback book, game board and card decks for spearhead and the general's handbook. 

    I mean, two vanguard sets are £85 each, a hardback book £40-ish, plus all the other bits. The launch box could easily be £200+, maybe they'll go for the £185 price-point like the Horus Heresy set is if they're wanting to keep it >£200. 

    It's worth keeping in mind that the Leviathan launch box also technically contained two Combat Patrol forces (Space Marines & Tyranids), but that's not all it included. I'm sure that some of the models in this launch box will be on a later-to-be-individually-sold-for-a-high-price sprue, like the Screamer-Killer. The Rat Ogor, Wolfrat, Lord-Vigilor, and Reclusians seem like good candidates for this.

    Anyone care to speculate on the name? Indomitus and Dominion sort of go together. So Leviathan and... Vermindoom?

  2. Hmm, it might take me a minute to really warm up to those new Prosecutors. They are obviously an improvement over the old ones. I like the half-helmets, but now I kind of want to know what a full army of Stormcast wearing those looks like!

    I think they're trying to strike a very delicate balance between making the newer Stormcast looking gritty, while also being obviously magical in nature. Your armor is caked in dirt and grime, but also farting out lightning out of every pore. I think maybe the wings are a bit much for me in that regard. If anything they are even more extravagant than the original. It's a unit of cool models, though, and I don't mind the tactical pillars all that much.

    I do wonder if we will see a multi-part plastic kit later, though. Not that GW is beholden to a particular pattern, but Praetors, for example, never did.

  3. Here's some food for idle speculation. So far we've seen four models/units from the launch box: Liberators, Clanrats, Reclusians, and now the new Warplock-Engineer. We will see the full contents of the box around May 16-18. That still leaves 3(!) weeks of reveals, an uneven number.

    What will we see over the next three weeks?

    Next week could a Stormcast character. What about Skaven the week after? And what about Monday the 13.? No reveal, perhaps?

  4. A Grey Seer in the box makes a lot of sense to me. Those boxes typically want to cover a little bit of everything, including spellcasting. The current one also hasn't been available outside of the Vanguard for a long time and feels like a nice counterpart to the one bundled in new sets.

  5. Grombindal looks great. Nothing much to add to the whole Legends debate.

    Warlock-Engineer... I'm a little disappointed, mostly for the very petty reason of wanting to see a whole unit today :P. Other than that, it's a pretty good model. It looks a bit too erect, but I think that's just the angle of the picture. Paint scheme is also a bit muted, surprised it doesn't have a few more glowing warpstone doodads, but then again it's probably not the most high-ranking of its order. I like how it boosts the Jezzails - really wanted to see those today!

  6. I'm leaning toward Jezzails being tomorrow's mini. They feel like a close enough "elite" counter part, with an entire unit to show off. It depends on how big the Ogor is, though. The trailer didn't make it look enormous, nor too augmented. I wonder how they will help distinguish it from Stormfiends. If it becomes a monstrous unit a la the Screamer-Killer, I doubt we'll see it. But if they retain the role as multi-model shock units, then I guess tomorrow's an option.

    As for Undivided Daemons... I would *love* for GW to do a whole range of cybernetic daemons a la the Soulgrinder or the enemies from DOOM. Lots of twisted empyreal flesh given temporary form by crude machines. Obviously more at home in 40K, to go with Vashtorr, but depending on the sophistication of the technology, they could fit in the Mortal Realms as well.

    Here's hoping Chaos Dwarfs (and Skaven, really) will show us some truly bonkers stuff!

    • Thanks 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, Sarges said:

    Nah, when you start to compare Reclusians closely almost every single detail is different except the shields.

    Hmm, good point. At first glance they looked more alike. That makes the similarities even more unfortunate.

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  8. As for the nigh-identical Reclusians, maybe it's a case of them sharing one leg and the back half? Similar to what they did with the Plague Marines in Dark Imperium:


    Producing a sprue which continues to confound new collectors to this day :P.


  9. 1 hour ago, Ledgington said:

    I like how the only way you can tell that the Stormcast on the far right is a woman is the shape of the breastplate. And the fact that the Age of Sigmar community is cool enough to be completely fine with having female super soldiers.


    Female super soldiers being added to the game/Stormcast was such a great thing, it's a big part of why I still hold Sacrosanct in such high esteem. Aside from the gender diversity, it just makes the units look so much better when you have actual physical variety of the models.

    • Like 6
  10. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    I doubt we will see a new Knight-Heraldor. This one will be replaced by the one in the Dominion box, very likely.

    But thinking again, what I think is happening is the following. This seller is going to have two products with the same name, so he is using the years as a distinctive between both. If this theory is true we will see another Heraldor and new Judicators.

    Something like:

    - Liberators (2015)
    - Liberators (2024)

    You're thinking of the Knight-Vexillor, not Heraldor :). How anyone could confuse the gazillion different Stormcast characters is beyond me :P!

    Jokes aside, I think a Thunderstrike update of the Knight-Heraldor is a pretty good guess for the launch box. A stand-alone release wouldn't really be exciting enough, what with it just being an update.

    Speaking of which, I'm starting to suspect we'll see a new Grey Seer model in there as well. The current one is perfectly serviceable and hardly in need of a clam-pack replacement.

    This puts my current predictions for the contents to:


    - 1x Lord-Vigilor on Birb

    - 1x Knight-Heraldor

    - 3x Reclusian (2x Emotional Supporters)

    - 5x Prosecutors

     - 10x Liberators


    - 1x Clawlord on Wolfrat

    - 1x Grey Seer

    - 1x Rattling Artillery Piece

    - 1x Rat Ogor

    - 3/5x Warplock Jezzails

    - 3/5x Globadeers

    - 20x Clanrats

    Feels like there's still a character model missing from Stormcast, probably a sorcerer or priest. 

    • Like 2
  11. 23 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    I've noticed this before on the GW webstore, it's inconsistent across all the model ranges, I wouldn't take it to mean anything 

    It's the first time I've seen it from this seller, so can't help but find it odd. I guess a new Knight-Heraldor would make sense.

    The models whose labels have been changed:

    - Liberators

    - Judicators

    - Prosecutors

    - Knight-Heraldor(s)

    No such thing on the Sacrosanct or any other "old" kit. 

  12. image.png.3205b614c70ea9e5551dbcfd03a2fe65.png

    Spurious perhaps, but the web shop I typically buy from has added years to certain Stormcast products, like Judicators and Knight-Heraldors. Never mind that the dates aren't accurate (I think), it might still suggest an update for those models. 

    Interestingly, neither Knight-Azyros nor Retributors have received such a labeling.

  13. Just now, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Warlock Engineers were translated as Technomages in the French translations of WFB. So it's the same thing and probably this mini yes.

    That makes a lot of sense, especially with some of the other wonky names. I guess the post is just a feedback loop from SG Warhound? But crucially, it forgot about the ALL WEAPON TEAMS part, which is very juicy.


    How is this supposed rumor looking after the great squattening of 2024?


    I can't find it, but wasn't part of this very same rumor also saying that practically every weapons team was going away or being updated?

    Guessing Master Corruptor is actually Moulder?

    "Technomage" sounds practically synonymous with the Warlock Engineers, so possible this fella? 

    War of Sigmar - New Skaven Clan Rats revealed and new Weapons team leaked ^^

    Edit: Added SG Warhound rumors bellow:


    On 1/14/2024 at 1:36 PM, SG Warhound said:

    New 4th edition rumours



    Plague Censer

    Rat Swarms

    Giant Rats

    Gutter Runners







    Rat Ogors



    new warlock

    new warlord

    new verminlord

    new artillery

    new behemoth

    new wolfrats


  15. 17 minutes ago, Starfyre said:

    I think the reclusions are brilliant brilliant models and they've sparked my interest in this wave of SCE after all but the thing that sticks out for me is they're all facing the same way with very subtle variations and I would have liked to have seen more variety in the poses. That's to take nothing away from the models, and I presume there's a multi-part kit coming as well, but it just sticks out for me.

    They're phenomenal otherwise.

    I was just thinking about the same thing! Clearly something fascinating is going on out of frame to the right, since everyone's looking that way...

  16. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    Don’t know about that the more recent warbands have been buy one for collection but not a going to be a main part of your army.

    they look like they turning away from players that buying 30 Slitterfangs to make up your army and now warbands being just a one off  flavorful unit now. with maybe a niche utility use.

    I'm not 100% on this, but aren't the new Water temple Lumineth looking to become a fairly standard unit for AOS (even if half of them wear overalls).

    It's kind of a mixed bag and while I don't want GW to limit themselves needlessly with WarCry, it feels like a fantastic avenue for updating/introducing stuff like Gutter/Night Runners, Plague Monks, Grave Guard, Saurus Guard, Greatswordsmen, etc.

    • Like 2
  17. I feel like 3rd edition's more muted take on the golden boys made them look pretty good. How cool would it be if the colors/Stormhost was switched up with every new edition? Anvil of the Heldenhammer bringing back some Thunderstruck Sacrosanct? Hyshian Tempest Lords presenting us with some Stormcast tanks from the Logister chamber?

    • Like 2
  18. 7 hours ago, Flippy said:

    They are good. A bit fancy and generally in line with the most recent Stormcast: Annihilators, Praetors etc. It is funny, though... the "easy to paint" argument was raised time and time again with regard to SCE - and here we are, with Reclusians in the starter box.

    To be fair, these are the extraordinary elites. Indomitus also featured the rather busy-looking Bladeguard Veterans despite Space Marines also fitting the easy-to-paint bill. 

    • Like 2
  19. I love these. Planescape: Torment is my favorite game and once I made the thematic connection of losing-yourself-across-countless-deaths is when Stormcast finally clicked for me. It’s great to see an actual unit represent this motif and part of the cycle. Makes me very excited about the rest of the Ruination chamber.

    • Like 1
  20. Reading the 4chan "rumors": Luke Skywalker Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong | Star  wars film, Star wars movie, Mark hamill

    It does an almost impressive job of triggering the collective anxieties of Warhammer fans, especially those who dwell on that website.

    There's honestly too much to go through point for point, but for me it's always the spurious line of reasoning that gives it away.

    It's one thing to say "The Old World is failing." Hmm, okay. I don't have the numbers, maybe that person does. 

    But these people can't help adding their own strange commentary to it. So the rumor becomes "The Old World is failing because Tomb Kings are not a strong enough villain as they don't matter much in the grand scheme of things."

    Uhh, what? What a strange, vague, and hard-to-quantify reasoning. Never mind the blatant contradiction ("Tomb Kings are selling great"), but how would you even determine this as the cause of failure, let alone three months into the game's life cycle?

    I feel like it's stuff like this that gives it away. The person shows too much of their hand, either revealing their own biases ("I hate Tomb Kings") or those they are trying to get a reaction from ("People love Tomb Kings, they are gonna hate hearing this!")

    Also, while I feel for all Beastmen, Bonesplitterz, and Sacrosanct players, I really think the "GW is squatting armies" narrative needs to be moderated slightly. They aren't squatting armies, they are retiring model lines that are part of certain armies (Orruk Warclans, Stormcast Eternals). The exception is of course Beastmen, who, it could be argued, are not so much being retired as they are being forcibly relocated. Still not a great situation, to be clear. But I think the distinction is relevant. A Sacrosanct or Bonesplitterz player still has a wider army of things to tap into - in fact, it's likely they already own a few Thunderstrike or Kruleboyz models. But if Fyreslayers were really removed... that would be pulling the entire carpet from under a person who only collects the red-haired dwarfs.

    Again, Beastmen are an important exception and I don't mean to defend GWs decision. But if the narrative becomes that GW is removing entire armies (plural) willy-nilly, then more rumormongers like the above will have a field day exacerbating player worries by posting embarrassing stuff like this.

    EDIT: Oh, and Chaos Dwarfs are totally never coming back. That's why GW sanctioned the release of a well-received DLC for their flagship video game last year. Absolute drivel.


    • Like 8
  21. I can sort of see where the people wanting a more over-the-top/craz/extravagant/AoS-ified style Clanrat are coming from. A couple of years ago, I would have said the same thing. If Seraphon ever were to get a refresh, I figured they'd be clad in full aztech scale armor and shooting lasers out of every ******. The first or so edition of the game kind of seemed like it was going for a the-crazier-the-better style.

    I feel that changed with the release of 3rd edition - and the Soulblight Gravelords preceding it. The lore's still plenty crazy, don't get me wrong, but it does feel like GW has decided to lower the baseline a little. New Saurus still look mostly like the old, except for some fancier shields. Kruleboyz, Deathrattle, Nighthaunt, and now Clanrats all look dirty and grounded. Same with Steelhelms.

    I'll admit it took me a while to "come to terms with" - I say, as if knowing the future. Kharadron Overlords was the first army that peaked my interest in the game, an army that made me go "now there's something you wouldn't have seen in WHFB." I figured every army would be like that. Subversive, tropebending, over-the-top.

    GW are trying to strike a balance between pushing the envelope and catering to the old. On top of that is of course the very real argument that the basic foot soldier of an army should be a mostly blank canvas that can be expanded on. I remember an old Voxcast where Jes Goodwin talked about scaling back the average Primaris Intercessor, because they needed to "save some" for the lieutenants, captains, and so on.

    Arguably, this is even more true with Skaven, a race of dirty ratmen where the chasm between the leaders and the grunts (aka everyone else) is much wider than, say, Stormcast. And even Stormcast have sort of been scaled back, just compare the practically frugal use of Sigmar-y iconography on the new Liberator vs. the old. 

    Having said that, I would love to see some kind of 1-in-5 weapon for the Clanrats. Something to push them a bit more toward the extreme. Like a stick of dynamite that blows the bearer up or an unwieldy weapon that is as likely to kill other Skaven as it is enemies.

    • Like 9
  22. Does that mean we're looking at (least) two different "paladin" style units? The units in the trailer looked plenty big as is, but then we also got Praetorians alongside Annihilators last time around.

    Also, anyone care to speculate on the "Behemoth" Skaven model? A huuuge Moulder monster? A massive warp cannon? The biggest bell the Mortal Realms has seen so far? All of the above? 

  23. I hate these!

    That's right, you heard me.

    Hate, hate, hate.

    So much in fact, you know what I'll do? I'll buy a whooole bunch of them, just to sacrifice on the altar of Sotek.

    Yup, definitely not starting an army of these stupidly good miniatures.

    Not even a little.

    - - -

    Okay, maybe even a little.

    • Haha 6
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