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Everything posted by Magnusaur

  1. It's a strange precedent (if any), but I'd love for them to do it more often. Refreshed Start Collecting/whatever Age of Sigmar's Combat Patrol equivalent will be with all new units - an overhaul that doesn't require too many resources or long-lasting spotlight. Just a quick a dirty update of Skaven, Seraphon, Beastmen...
  2. A terrain piece makes sense. Maybe also a Lord-Imperatant clamshell? It feels weird to me that you can't get a generic Lord-X with Thunderstrike outside of the starter sets.
  3. That would certainly make a lot of sense! I understand that AoS wanted lots of gear-swapping and equipment lists, but I never understood why they had to give different names to otherwise identical units. Made the battletome (and webshop) look very bloated. And inconsistent too: Liberators are Liberators, regardless of hammers and swords, but Retributors become Decimators when they wield axes?
  4. Hmm, as for new stuff... Yndastra, Bastian Carthalos, Lord-Imperatant, Knight-Arcanum, Knight-Relictor, new Knight-Vexillor, Knight-Judicator, Praetors, Annihilators, Vindictors, Vanquishers, Vigilors, the chariot, Stormguard, Knight-Draconis, Kondrys, red dragon... We're way past 12??
  5. Any guesses? Even more dragons? I kind of want to see another Stormcast warmachine - but then, I want to see more warmachines in general. I do think the Thunderstrike wave has done a good job in covering almost every battlefield role and weapon type.
  6. Awww yis, they’re here!!! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/02/even-more-dragons-are-coming-to-the-age-of-sigmar-and-now-theyve-got-riders/?utm_source=Instagram&utm_medium=Article&utm_campaign=New+Model+-+MORE+Dragons+Return!+(inc+video)
  7. Long time lurker joining in to say "YES" please give us new Seraphon - Skinks, Saurus, Kroxigors, and Slann! I want a buddy army for my Stormcast and I've been collecting Lizardmen for 15+ years... Oh man, I feel old now!
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