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Everything posted by Magnusaur

  1. Aw, was hoping to snag Kroak at a discount with this year's battleforce. I understood it as Warriors, Kroxigors, a regular Slann, and a squad of Aggradons. As for WarCry in Skaven-land, imagine a bunch of "subterranean" stuff, like a giant sewer full of lost treasure. Sounds pretty good to me.
  2. I want to say Whitefang has liked a handful of posts that touched on new Liberators and the like. As for things that could really "blow us out of the water" for 4th... Order vs. Order? Chaos Stormcasts? Stormcast "Primarch"? Civil war in Azyr?
  3. Valrak just confirmed he will be doing a live stream talking about the AOS battleforces when he's collected all the details.
  4. I would love to pick up Kroak in the battleforce. Rather, I worry that he will be accompanied by scores of Saurus (Temple) Guard to push a theme - and some old models. As for 4th edition and new Stormcast, I wonder if the Thunderstrike keyword will be phased out to better blur the lines between different generations of Stormcast, similar to how the Primaris/Firstborn distinction looks to be going in 10th. Definitely hoping for Skaven for the new edition. They're long overdue; incredible popular; one of the most original creations of GW; they are Chaos, meaning we've come full circle; they fit the profile for poster boy villain with lots of gribbly hordes to get stomped by the heroes, contrasted by big hulking brutes - all of which are easy to paint. Like Tyranids, they're the exact kind of army you would want to put into everybody's hands with readily available push-fit models and such. And most importantly, they make for perfect offerings on the blood-slicked sacrificial altars of Sotek...
  5. Dwarves were never my thing, but when I saw these I just had to pop into TGA to see all the positive reactions. And rightfully so - this band looks absolutely incredible and I love the story surrounding them. I really love the varied silhouettes and different personalities on display warbands like the Kruleboyz, Flesh-Eaters, and this one. Wouldn't mind seeing an entire of dwarves of this caliber!!
  6. Just reporting in to congratulate TGA on the new Ironjawz, Gorgors, and other goodies. Nothing for me this time around, but after an epic Adepticon (Tyranids AND Seraphon), I've had my fill for a long time. But legitimately thought of you guys when I woke up to the reveals today. Here's to some more cool models for all to enjoy!
  7. Pleased, but surprised that we are getting everything Tyranid just like that. Instead of giving each starter army a long tail of releases they really are just dropping everything here and now. There was a recent rumor about a soon-to-be-announced "second wave" for Age of Sigmar? Can anyone speak to this? I feel like Whitefang hinted at something similar a ways back, but they may have been hinting at either the new Ironjawz or the impending 4th edition.
  8. That new 'Ardboy looks incredible! Honestly never thought the kit would get a direct replacement. They felt like stragglers from the Old World and I never liked how they were belittled and one-upped by the introduction of Brutes. But now I'm really excited to see the full kit! Also, the old one is gone on GW webstores.
  9. Question: What other releases have there been like Snarlfang Riders? They're lovely models and a promising continuation of the Underworld warband, but they felt completely incidental and somewhat incongruous with the rest of Gloomspite. Are they, alongside the rumored Ardboyz revamp, a part of GW's plan to revive back the more traditional "Orcs and Goblins" of old? If so, it feels like a strange direction, seeing how the edition started out with the "deliberately different" Kruleboyz.
  10. No new model today :/? Vanguard is looking pretty good. Like most others, I'm surprised that Carnie is still in there. I think I would have preferred a combo of Lancers and the Astrolith-bearer, but I'll take it over repackaged Saurus Guard, Skinks, a Priest, and Terradons :P.
  11. I'm a little out of the rumor loop, but today's engine got me thinking... Didn't Whitefang (all hail) hint that something was coming for Stormcast "soon"? I think the conversation was centered on whether older stuff would be updated to Thunderstrike. Of course, next year we'll see some along 4th edition, but has there been any further rumor of stuff coming before that? Maybe a small release at the tail end of 3rd/the Dawnbringer arc? It's certainly not unprecedented for them to get stuff mid-edition...
  12. So all the new Tyranid stuff looks incredible (Biovore being a personal exception), but after waiting for so long I can't help but feel a bit disappointed. I wanted more, damn it! Hopefully we'll see a bit more later in the edition or the beginning of 11th...
  13. I think it's a really interesting move on GWs behalf. Other than the whole range rotation thing, I don't think we've ever seen them address the retirement of certain models/kits ahead, even making certain implications about what will replace them. By no means happy to see those older kits go away. I believe Empire had a massive overhaul about ten years ago and most of all I'm just sad they didn't get to hang around all that much in the old world of Fantasy. I definitely have, erh, puritan tendencies when it comes to Fantasy and Sigmar - I want as little overlap as possible. But I totally get how people are unhappy with these models being retired, especially those awesomely creative people who managed to take what was otherwise a product designed for Fantasy and make it feel at home in the Mortal Realms.
  14. Didn't Whitefang hint that new stuff was coming to both Kruleboyz and SCE as well? Or did I dream that?
  15. I think the release of smaller units (that work in the main game) through WarCry and Kill Team is the best thing to happen to the hobby in a long, long time! Like the Questors, though the duplication of poses/capes is quite noticeable. Flesh-Eaters look cool, feels like an appetizer of what a full release could include. The concept for the Nighthaunt warband is great. As someone who just turned 30 and started collecting Lizardmen at 10 and Tyranids at 15... This is going to be a very expensive year. Change is scary and some of the new Tyranid designs will take a moment to adjust to. I guess it's mostly that I'm worried that the older (but neat) stuff won't mesh well. So I'm just hoping for an enormous wave of new stuff to really tie everything together. I like Space Marines, I like Primaris, but I didn't feel much excitement seeing new stuff. The Gravis apothecary is my favorite. The Sternguard feel weirdly cramped on their 32mm bases. The old kit is way more blinged out. The Terminators are great, but I don't have much nostalgia for them. The flamethrower guys feel nowhere near as exciting as the Assault Intercessors of Indomitus. Looking forward to tomorrow!
  16. B'viz & Bot-Thet! Seriously, the more I like at these guys (and I look at them a lot, as I'm eagerly anticipating the army set release and have little else going on these days), the more I feel the completely bungled the skinks. The raptadons look so naturalistic and are practically 1:1 with their artwork. But these guys... Maybe it's the final curse of the derpy Cold Ones. It skipped a generation (or caste) and now it's the riders that look goofy. Hoping there's a lot of variety in this box, because having these stick out like a sore thumb really tarnishes what is an otherwise wonderful addition to the army.
  17. Love the Raptadons, but those Skink riders... Compared to the artwork above, they look super goofy to me. Why the strong jaw and weird nostrils? The Chotec herders and Starseer are much better, so what happened here?
  18. Wondering if we could see a mid-edition box set full of new Stormcast and Kruleboyz models, a la Shadowspear?
  19. I really like the Kruleboyz and hope they get another wave of models to establish them as their own army. Of all the models Games Workshop have done, I think the Kruleboyz really manage to convey a sense of sadism and mean-spiritedness that is both menacing and irresistible. However, to me, they do not feel like appropriate poster villains for an entire edition. Their reveal was needlessly drawn out through those rumor engines that seemed to fuel more speculation about Fimir than anything Orky - at least in my anecdotal experience. And when they were finally shown off, their role in the preceding Broken Realms/beginning Era of the Beast storyline wasn't really clear to me. Even with Gobsprakk, their connection to Kragnos feels tenuous at best. Even with a passing interest in Age of Sigmar, I intuitively understood that 2nd edition's SOUL WARS had to do with SOULS and those who do SOULSY stuff with them. The dead are restless and Sigmar unleashed a gang of Stormcast ghostbusters to combat them. Got it. With Dominion, I don't think the two forces felt connected in quite the same way. I mean Yndrasta's supposed to be the premier monster hunter, but there aren't even any big beasties on the Kruleboyz side of things. The Sacrosanct was a clear answers to the Nighthaunt. The Thunderstrike was a counter to something that was revealed in a Broken Realms book, just a few weeks prior... Also an odd place to introduce a named character in my opinion. In general, I don't feel the Era of the Beast has managed to convey the same sense of urgency or scale as the Necroquake and all that did. Kruleboyz are great but feel like they could have been introduced at any point in time, like Kharadron or Idoneth. I don't immediately understand why these degenerate Shrek-a-likes hiding in a swamp are the next big threat facing the mortal realms. This is coming from someone who enjoys the universe of Age of Sigmar but isn't tuned-in to every single lore dump or book release. I have faith that some of my questions are answered more fully in battletomes and Black Library releases, but brevity is the soul of wit (severely contradicting this post) and there's something to be said about the eloquence of effective branding. I hope when 4th editions rolls around it manages to more effectively establish the stakes, the state of the union, and the call to action from the get-go.
  20. So, we have Whitefang hinting at more/updated Stormcast soon. We also have reason to believe that Destruction are getting more love this edition... Could we be seeing an end-of-edition boxset combining the two? Like a Dominion Pt. 2, featuring more Thunderstrike and Kruleboyz? I want to say there was a rumor about more Sylvaneth or Kurnothi. Could it be that Broken Realms: Alarielle has been reworked to set-off another narrative event or in some way elaborate on the Era of the Beast? Could all these things be related? WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEAN???
  21. I just can't stop thinking about Whitefang's "soon" with regards to the updated Stormcast :O! I guess 4th edition is not that far off, but could we be looking at a mid-edition wave of releases, like the days of old? Maybe alongside Cities of Sigmar? It seems that the revised Thunderstrike have been a resounding success. Another dump of models to strengthen their foothold in the homes of many would make sense, especially as the Dominion stuff felt a little less focused and more occupied with providing "one of each" role.
  22. Holy smokes! If not for the Whitefang post, I would have never expected a revamp of earlier Stormcast stuff. I wrote like three different posts on my Thunderstrike thoughts yesterday, but deleted them because I figured no one cared. Model-wise, I think Stormcast really hit their stride with the Sacrosanct chamber and was dismayed to see the changes made with Thunderstrike. The new stuff is wonderfully proportioned and awesome to look at, but part of me has come to love the excessive ornamentation and impractical bulkiness of the older models. While I don't want to bloat the army further, I also think updating models that are less than a decade old sends an unfortunate message - for owners of the old stuff and collectors of other, more needing armies both. Despite their original conception as a Space Marine counterpart, I would not consider any Stormcast unit to be so iconic as to need an update. Unlike, for example, the refreshed Terminator sculpts has everyone excited. Whatever happens, I hope they stick with Thunderstrike for the foreseeable future. Or that if they introduce alternatives, that those are presented as actual alternatives rather than strict upgrades. Congruity is important to me as well. While the comparisons to the introduction of Primaris were ultimately unjustified, I really don't think the massive Stormcast model range jells together as well as it should...
  23. This is unequivocally my personal favorite Warhammer show ever. Holy smokes, I woke up to one news article more exciting than the last. I starting playing Lizardmen when I was 10. I picked up my first Tyranids when I was 15. In a few days I'm turning 30 and I feel so privileged that I get to occupy this slice of spacetime wherein these things are happening. I know it's a fleeting joy, and one rooted in the commercialistic doctrine of consuming stuff I don't even need, etc. etc. But man. I feel so lucky right now. I hope you all are happy with the reveals and have a wonderful day!
  24. It's a fair point and I can't say I know for sure. But questing Ghouls and Stormcasts fit the Nightmare Quest moniker pretty well, I think. Also, the rulebook is (presumably) called "Might and Madness" which lines up nicely with the previous pamphlets (Stealth & Stone, Predator & Prey, etc). We'll know in a few hours!
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