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Posts posted by TechnoVampire

  1. 1 hour ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    Mate that's gorgeous! The highlighting is so crisp and vibrant. Love this! The contrast between the red and blue is lovely. 

    Thanks! that’s really kind of you to say… Red and blue are the colours I’m using for my SBGL army, as inspired by the battletome cover art, which I love.  

  2. 1 hour ago, TechnoVampire said:

    I feel like they’ve been teasing us with the various other new skeleton kits; deathrattle, cursed city, underworlds, gnarlwood. It would be great if they update the classic and beloved grave guard to give them new models to match their warscroll. They’re my current most desired unit for an update 🤞

    10 versions of this please: 


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    • LOVE IT! 1
  3. … Thematically it also just feels like VLOZD/ Vhordrai should be a bit more epic on the table, especially given his lore and supposed role in the army. After naggash he should be the scariest thing we can field. I also think that might address some of the problems the army has competitively… there’s a reason so many people use him despite being notoriously unreliable. It’s a role that needs filled. 

    • Like 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

    Definitely agreed on the VLOZD. It's a good mobile anvil but far too unreliable to be a hammer, and at the points cost it has, it should be decent as both (or have more support functionality). Given it's a wizard and has self-healing and a ward, I wouldn't ask for Maw Krusha output or anything, but making the damage less random and boost the hit rolls on at least one of the mount profiles would be real nice.

    I think points drops might happen before the new tome if the win rate on the faction goes below 45%, but since the VLoZD is so widely used, I don't see them doing that except as a boost to winrates. Instead, I'd hope for a boost next tome. Ideally an offensive or utility buff combined with a couple extra wounds to keep up with the general power creep of a lot of monster profiles.

    100% agree, I think with a bit of tweaking he could be great, and I would prefer that than a token points reduction. SBGL needs a scary non named leader unit and VLOZD would benefit from a more defined roll; either as a combat monster by adding a few more wounds and making his damage more reliable (my first choice), or by giving him some decent support/ utility potential. Right now he’s 435 points and doesn’t really shine at any of the above, but can be kind of made to work given some luck on the dice and support from other units. The SBGL book reduced his efficiency from LON, and so I hope they update it in next book… I wouldn’t even mind a points increase if it was given a more modern warscroll. 

  5. Has anyone else been using ten man units of bladegheists and feel underwhelmed with their performance? They feel like they should perform really well in units of 10, but with coherency they only ever attack in one rank (5), which isn’t enough to do significant damage. With the new book using MSU is very advantageous, and these feel like they should be the go to for small damage dealing units, but for me they are far outclassed by grimghasts - being cheaper, battleline and attacking in 2 ranks. Disappointing as their warscroll and models make me really want to use them.

  6. On 10/31/2022 at 5:44 PM, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Anyone excited about our battlescroll point drops?

    I mean, they definitely hit all those underperforming units, but I can't honestly say it made me more interested in running any of them. Neferata maybe, but even then she seems a lot trickier to use and less immediately rewarding than Manfred.

    All the other options, though... The unmounted Terrorgheist and Zombie Dragon don't really bring anything very exciting to the table. They just seem like point inefficient beat sticks. The Wight Kings are support heroes that don't support very well and don't seem useful outside of super niche situations. And the Bloodseeker Palanquin truly seems outclassed by the Coven Throne, which is not even that good.

    None of them excite me, or make me think those units will see much more play. As you say Neferata was probably the most impactful, but I don’t run her, I much prefer Mannfred. I would have preferred some warscroll updates but didn’t expect them. IMO VLOZD needs a points drop or to remove those 4+ to hit and to be given a command ability. His warscroll feels dated and outclassed to me, he’s often the best choice for a non named combat monster, but he’s too unreliable for the points. 

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Fingers crossed for new Grave Guard, though!

    I feel like they’ve been teasing us with the various other new skeleton kits; deathrattle, cursed city, underworlds, gnarlwood. It would be great if they update the classic and beloved grave guard to give them new models to match their warscroll. They’re my current most desired unit for an update 🤞

    • Like 2
  8. On 8/28/2022 at 11:07 AM, lare2 said:

    All this talk of Lady O makes me want to try something else. We're on a trip to Warhammer World Tuesday for a few games so thought I'd bring the following. 

     - Army Faction: Nighthaunt

      - Subfaction: The Scarlet Doom

      - Grand Strategy: Pillars of Magic and Belief

      - Triumph: Bloodthirsty


    Reikenor the Grimhailer (190)**

      - Spells: Shademist

    Krulghast Cruciator (150)***

      - Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome

      - Spells: Soul Cage

    Guardian of Souls (150)***

      - General

      - Command Traits: Master of Magic

      - Chill Blade

      - Artefacts of Power: Pendant of the Fell Wind

      - Spells: Seal of Shyish

    Spirit Torment (115)***


    Grimghast Reapers (160)*

    Grimghast Reapers (160)*

    Bladegheist Revenants (350)*

    Hexwraiths (160)**

    Hexwraiths (160)**

    Spirit Hosts (125)***


    Myrmourn Banshees (105)**

    Myrmourn Banshees (105)**


    1 x Purple Sun of Shyish (70)


    *Expert Conquerors

    **Battle Regiment


    TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000

    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

    All heroes support the BGR brick, which moves forward to kill things and dominate. Reikenor's to cast Purple Sun. Either side of this brick are the Banshees, creating a complete null field. Flanking are the Hex, doing whatever they want. The Grimghast are in deepstrike, waiting to score Barge and Desecrate, in whatever order works best. Think it should work well and it fits my play style. Any thoughts?

    I like this list. It feels like you’ve got a lot in it. It might be worth considering including a unit of chaingasts for +1 to hit since you have the spirit torment anyway. Also midnight tome artefact seems really strong if using endless spells for a once per battle autocast… I have a similar style list I’m thinking of trying: 

    Army Faction: Nighthaunt
        - Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host
        - Grand Strategy: Feed on Terror
        - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty


    1 x Krulghast Cruciator (150)

    1 x Reikenor the Grimhailer (190)
        - Spells: Shademist

    1 x Guardian of Souls (150)*
        - Chill Blade
        - Artefacts: Midnight Tome
        - Spells: Seal of Shyish

    1 x Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (155)*
        - General
        - Command Traits: Spiteful Spirit
        - Artefacts: Soulfire Ring

    1 x Spirit Torment (115)*


    20 x Grimghast Reapers (320)**

    20 x Chainrasps (220)**
        - Dreadwarden

    3 x Spirit Hosts (125)**


    1 x Purple Sun of Shyish (70)

    1 x Chronomantic Cogs (40)


    2 x Chainghasts (95)

    10 x Bladegheist Revenants (175)

    10 x Bladegheist Revenants (175)


    *Command Entourage
        - Magnificent

    **Expert Conquerors

    TOTAL POINTS: (1980/2000)

    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App


    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Fabbbio said:

    You can't reroll the same charge more than once, but you can definetly reroll 2 or more different charges in the same phase

    Ah yeah sure. I thought you meant reroll the same charge multiple times. My mistake. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Fabbbio said:

    Of course yes, bloodthirsty has nothing to do with command abilities even if the effect is the same


    Edit: the most random of her abilities is the one that negates enemy CA. But imo its weakness is its relatively short range,meaning that if you use her more on the front line you will have also more chances to use that ability

    I’m confused because the core rules state you can’t reroll anything more than once, so it wouldn’t work unless I’m missing something? 

  11. 5 hours ago, Fabbbio said:

    I love her. I use her with spectral tether and always put her in a threatening position with some deepstriking units and a dreadblade harrow. Those 2 + eventually the triumph means I can reroll charges 3 times. She's also very tough and this makes her fit for this role. Any opponent will have to choose if to focus on her or ignore her. Plus, she heals herself a lot and any opponent will overcommitt in trying to one shot her to not risk to have her back to full. And that usually means I can then kill all the stuff that is there exposed.

    I really like this idea of using her as an aggressive attacking unit. I feel like that’s maybe where her hidden strength lies, considering her ability to shrug and heal. Her support elements look good when they go off, but are pretty random… Can you use bloodthirsty and forward to victory in the same phase?? 

  12. 10 hours ago, Liquidsteel said:

    Olynder was in all of my lists at the start, but eventually I replaced her with Awlrach and another unit. 

    Sometimes she was amazing, but often she was simply "ok", and for 340 points you can't just be ok.

    The rise of the purple sun meta means a lot more people are bringing magic dom armies, or teching in to magic dom through traits etc, meaning a no bonuses to cast wizard is going to have a bad time.

    She will always be a threat as when you spike she's incredible, but there is an overwhelming amount of RNG baked in to her kit that when you roll low, feels like a waste of points.

    This is pretty much what I suspected she’d be like… for 340 points I want a some sort of role fulfilled well and reliably, and I can’t see how she achieves that. I feel it’s slightly disappointing. I was excited about her getting a new scroll, and as much as I want to like her I don’t quite see how she fits/ what she achieves. I’ll most likely play her for fun and enjoy when she works, but not put much stock on her performing. 

  13. 20 hours ago, lare2 said:

    I mainly use her as a support piece for my 20 BGR. She does very well and I'm yet to have her die. Just curious, what would you include instead of her? I always list build without her but always feel like I'm missing something. 

    That’s interesting. I like that she’s a double caster ( although I wish she had bonus to cast/ unbind), is pretty tough to kill and provides some support (though I’d prefer a decent buff than one off resurrect). I’m usually list building with her because I have the model, but often feeling like I want to spend the points on other things. It depends on the list I’m building, but I feel like NH are quite (decent) caster light, so if I remove her I’ve tended to replace her with reikenor and purple sun + cogs with some with points left over. Otherwise if I’ve got Guardian of souls in the list I’ve found she makes room for cruciator (which I struggle to fit in sometimes) + another unit of something useful. I’m mostly just theory building though, as I haven’t had much time to play games lately so welcome hearing other people experiences. 

  14. 12 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Some people like her and some dont. I feel like she does a whole lot of everything or a whole lot of nothing. Dont know if she is the best competitive choice but in my casual games i like her a lot. At worst she is threat to your opponent.

    That seems fair. I haven’t had a chance to play with her yet and I don’t think she seems very competitive, but I own the model so I’ll probably use her in my casual games. I think if I was playing more competitively I’d be tempted to cut her and spend the points elsewhere, but I’m interested to know if others have found her particularly useful for a specific purpose? 

  15. I’m wondering what the general consensus on Lady O is so far? I love the model, but I’m not entirely sure what purpose she serves for the points. Aside from filling a role as a caster, I feel like the points would almost always be better spent on more bodies or cheaper support hero’s. What are other people’s thoughts/ experiences? 

  16. Thanks, that’s really helpful. Your answer feels very comprehensive and helps clears things up a lot. Appreciate you taking the time! 

    The current pace of rules changes feels like a lot to me, (although I’m a very casual player). I’ll have maybe played a few games of the current edition of the GHB by the time it changes again in a few months… it feels like quite a lot to keep up with, and it’s a tricky system to try and explain when introducing new players. 

  17. Just a simple one:


    Can the ‘bounty hunters’ battalion be picked multiple times within matched play for a legal list? I’ve tried searching online and can’t find a definitive answer. The official AOS app allows it, and I can’t find anything’s that says it can’t, but I’ve also not heard anyone talking about it. 


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