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Everything posted by Sarges

  1. End of the week, just in time for them to go viral during the weekend and then GW will have no other choice to show them properly on Monday and start hyping more reveals on Warhammer Day. Joking aside, it's very exciting.
  2. Sadly, not enough pictures of them. But with alternative schemes they also look wonderful.
  3. However, both StD and CSM are not worn out to this extent . And Nurgle factions have a much more distinct corrosion look.
  4. Nah, Kill Team and Warcry are always considered separate for all marketing purposes. Furthermore, Warcry narrative is still in Ghur.
  5. But then, of course, to the horror of @MitGas, the spring release will be Lumineth Phoenix Temple with Tyrion. And one more Fyreslayers foot hero.
  6. It's a part of The Great Parch in Aqshy: https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Forge_Anathema https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Vostargi_Mont
  7. Last year's roadmap also did say winter 2022 for StD but the main release was in January 2023. The most likely scenario is FeC Launch Box in November-December and main release also in January-February 2024.
  8. Crypt Horrors are hostages of dual-build for different armies, just like Terrorgheist and Black Knights. I doubt that we'll see them now as Vargheists are still in the Soulblight tome (unless they'll be dual-build once again).
  9. Peak insanity worthy of the greatest FeC fans.
  10. Those are drum sticks. TGA compressed pictures by a lot. I've made an Imgur link (from PC open each image in separate window for the best quality): https://imgur.com/a/urTFNus
  11. I've upscaled and sharpened leaked photos a bit (with two more pictures of FeC sprue):
  12. These should have a bit better quality. (Or maybe not if TGA compresses images.)
  13. That's the same pose but at a different angle, look at the sign and paper on it. Only differences I see are shoulderpad tops, helmets and hands with weapon.
  14. I fear that Arch-Knight is also a character Why would they show so much options for a single miniature and on the page where all others are characters.
  15. It's an alternative build. Quite diverse options, btw.
  16. That's what GW wants us to think. Similar to Yndrasta, it will be scenic base for updated Neave Blacktalon.
  17. The closest match in Seraphon range are Kroxigors and yet they still have, well, scales. Chaos, on the other hand, usually have "skin" tails like Rumour Engine, Angron's one even looks similar with all the spikes. However, they're usually more uniform in color without this distinct bottom half coloration that living creatures have. My bet is still on something fishy.
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