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Posts posted by Bog_Goblin

  1. 2 hours ago, El Syf said:

    They posted something a while ago about forgeworld’s social media pages being renamed to Horus Heresy. Who knows how they’re going to do TOW.

    As it’s GW I presume they’ll just make an entirely new website instead of integrating with the existing one.

  2. 1 hour ago, Matrindur said:

    No idea which region or if its even true but over on dakkadakka someone said that apparently the AOS Order box contains two Vanguard boxes: Fyreslayers & DoK.

    Would be kind of strange to see the DoK set in both Aelves and Order but could still be different regions or just straight up not true.

    Someone on Reddit (from the UK) got theirs, containing:

    Fyreslayers Vanguard 

    Fyreslayers auric flamekeeper 

    Stormcast vigilors 

    Stormcast knight-relictor

  3. Hyped for the gloomspite one!


    I thought the second was sylvaneth, although maybe it’s not organic enough, and I don’t know too much about sylvaneth… heraldry? But the eyes, mouth, horns…



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  4. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I definitely don't think the fins match any AoS army, much less one of those still waiting for a 3rd edition tome. My guess would be they are from one of the side games. Since they look kinda techy, maybe Necromunda.

    I’d prefer grotbag scuttles, but I think it might be new Necromunda spyrers:



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