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Posts posted by RileyArlic

  1. Yeah, a lot of those Warbands have been rotated out. Sometimes they also disappear from the Underworlds part of the webstore but still exist under the AoS part of the webstore. It's a bit weird.

    I do hope we get Harbingers this next week. I'd hate for them to have nothing going on this coming week since Leviathan is already sold out and we know the only thing the following week will be the full release of Leviathan

    • Like 1
  2. One thing I have heard is that there are a LOT of things that are 'done' from a modeling and design standpoint by GW and are just waiting for a proper window of release. IIRC Skaven is one of those. Model range is done, GW are just waiting for a good time to release them to the public. 

    We're not even halfway through June and I'm already exhausted of Leviathan content. I just want the points, the rest of the datasheets, and to start playing the new edition, rather than waiting as they continue to drip-feed.

    We do have Harbingers and Cities of Sigmar to look forward to, and I hope we start seeing more of all of that as we get to the end of June. 

  3. Not too surprised to see a lack of substance in next week's preorders. Getting the Plague Marine heroes set is nice, and the new Underworlds Starter set isn't bad, along with the Nighthaunt crew. 

    Basically, from here, preorder of 10th is likely to be, well, ironically, on June 10th, with a 2 week preorder period. We MAY get something small on the 17th, but traditionally the in-between week is empty with extra encouragement to order the big box (which is always hilariously frustrating when GW sells out of said box).

    At long last, release of 10th and Leviathan will be the 24th, with much hype about the rules and indexes online.

    THEN we might see Harbingers and/or the next General's Handbook preorder on either that 24th (unlikely as it would distract from 10th launch, where many stores will have boxes to sell day-of) or the 1st of July, to give space between the massive focus on 40k over the entire month of June.

    Then, through July GW will be pushing the Combat Patrols, possibly revealing the 10th ed starter sets (3 different sizes as they have done with the past editions) and teasing upcoming new models for Space Marines and Tyranids as their Codexes will likely drop mid to late July. 

    Could always be surprised by how they reveal or release things over the next month, but I wouldn't hold your breath. You'll be mighty blue in the face by the tine the end of June comes around. It's always possible GW will tease or release things for other game systems, but GW NEEDS this Leviathan box to sell out. Whether it happens in 5 minutes, 5 hours, or 5 days doesn't really matter. Long story short, don't expect much else this coming month. Build your models, paint your models, plan your armies, play some games. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Baz said:

    Saw on Twitter that these are fake and are a wishlist for changed made by a podcaster. 

    As soon as I saw they were from 4chan, my sodium intake skyrocketed. People will post BS on that site just to get a rise out of easily-hyped warhammer players, then brag about how 'viral' their fake 'leaks' were. 

    It's likely that we will get 4th edition next year, but there's a lot to come between now and then. We still don't even have a solid idea of what's happening with the Cities of Sigmar, let alone the Flesh Eater Courts. 

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    • Haha 1
  5. 11 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    I know! Never heard of 'powerwash simulator' before but doesn't seem like it would be a natural home for 40k IP

    Powerwash Simulator actually has quite the fan following, and the devs even hid little nuggets to 40k in some of their maps. It's a relaxing game of steady progress. Getting to wash down a Space Marine Rhino or Dreadnought or something will be really cool. It's far from 'abandonware' and gets regular updates from the devs with new things to wash.

    As for the other mobile games... yeah. Meh. 

    Excited to see how the AoS RTS plays. I'm worried when I see those fancy little waypoints on the battlefield as that reminds me WAY too much of Dawn of War 3, and that... is not great. 

    VERY excited for the new DarkTide content. I've put a lot of time into that game already and I'm thrilled for more stuff to do. 

    • Like 1
  6. A. I'm happy to see Legion of Blood buffed this time around, since the last edition they were one of the lower performing factions. 

    B. Glad to see GW is making the first ep. of Blacktalon available to watch for free. Main thing is that they really need more feedback on their animation. I like the story, but they really need to increase the budget. Some of this stuff reminds me of the old Ultramarines movie they did that we don't talk about. Sometimes it's better to not get the content at all rather than get slop that you rushed or cheaped out on.

    C. GW's priorities have got to be really mixed up when it comes to Old World.

    For one, it seems like they're doing it just to reinforce their IP over all of those factions and models, and I get it. It's the same reason Disney puts out the live action versions of old animated films.

    For two, it seems like they're trying to catch lightning in a bottle for the second time. Horus Heresy was great, grew steadily and slowly, and is now a major part of their plastic range. They could be thinking that they'll do the same with Old World, start slow and build up steadily. The difference is that the same models you use for the Sons of Horus are 90% the same models you'd use for the Ultramarines. You don't have that luxury in Old World.

    For three, I started into Warhammer with 40k, but dabbled in WHFB back in it's 6th and 7th editions. The playerbase was awful to me, and it seems like GW are catering to those people. Those people are going to gatekeep using old tiny nuggets of lore. The other group that will be attracted to this game will be those that have old models that don't want to buy a new thing, that want to use 3rd party or 3d print the huge catalog of fantasy miniatures out there to easily represent their armies. GW isn't going to be snuffing out 3rd party and 3d printing, they're going to be making it bigger than ever by giving people a new reason to buy/share/print all those new files. 

    Now, the big thing is that GW is a very different company than when WHFB bit the bullet. During that time, they were closing stores and reducing multi-man stores into single-man stores where possible. They were *downsizing* due to the drain and were very much in survival mode. Now, they're growing, expanding into new markets, opening more stores, opening more Warhammer Cafes, and expanding their product line at breakneck pace. So, maybe there's something we don't know. Maybe they're looking at what Old World *could* be a decade from now. As it stands, I haven't seen a single thing coming out of their previews that makes me think "Ooh, gotta buy that!" Even the tomb king and bretonia models they showed off, hardcore Bret players were like "Eh, I can convert that."

    • Like 3
  7. Thank goodness! GW had me worried we were going to have to wait until after the launch of 10th to get the Seraphon! 

    Little sad to not see dice, but hopefully we will see them released with the Vanguard box if anything. 

    Onwards, to raptor armies!

  8. 7 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    is it the problems of the gameplay or the setting itself? my non-Warhammer partner LOVES the gameplay, but for every voice line we laugh at there's 1 or 2 that we're silently cringing at. People can overlook bugs and jank more if they vibe with the game, and I can't imagine a realistic Imperium has mass appeal in the way that the dysfunctional Ubersreik 5 do.

    More the gameplay, I think. Setting is gorgeous, maps are incredible, but when you sit down for a game and get DC'ed because of some bug that FatShark has yet to fix, that's frustrating. They also have been dragging their feet on introducing new classes and maps, but that's just FatShark being FatShark. That stuff will come, and the game will expand, but it's going to take another year. 

    • Like 1
  9. Darktide has helped me introduce a lot of friends to Warhammer stuff, but like many Warhammer games, it tends to fall short of the fully polished experience a lot of people want out of video games. I still love playing it and have put a hundred hours into the game already, but I can see where the problems are as well as anyone else, and because of that it struggles to hit that mass-appeal.

    We'll see if these AoS games bear fruit, or if cut-corners and the predatory side of video game production culture shoot it in the foot. 

  10. A half-decent AoS game will automatically generate a TON of interest in the setting. Video Games are one of the biggest ways that people find the hobby in the first place. How many of you found Warhammer due to Dawn of War 1 or 2? or Space Marine? 

    Set in AoS there's a handful of mobile games and VR games, but nothing all the popular stuff is still Old World. We get a good combat game, MMO, or RTS in AoS that's actually not bloatware? Awesome. 

    • Like 4
  11. I really hope we see more Seraphon in the Cities lore. They have a lot of Seraphon participating in Cities stuff, especially helping to pave the way to new locations of magical potency and taking on chaos cults within established cities. Also, Cities and Stormcast are the only things Seraphon can ally with, so really want to see that connection highlighted more

    And the animosity of other order factions against Seraphon highlighted more too. 

    I just want moar!

    • Like 4
  12. So, about 3/4ths of the rules for 10th edition leaked. I won't post them here, but I've read through them and they have some interesting details. 

    Just like the previous edition and AoS, hit and wound are limited to +/- 1, and now Saves are as well. IIRC, 40k allowed you to stack saves pretty generously with combinations of warlord traits and cover. Now, it's a max of +1 to your save, just like AoS.

    "A model can fight if it is in base-to-base contact with another model from its own unit that is itself in base-to-base contact with an enemy unit" This is a big change from the "within 1" of a model within 1" of an enemy", and will really reduce deadliness of big blobs. There's also a lot of verbiage about pile-in and consolidation going specifically for base-to-base of the closest enemy model, cutting down on a lot of the 'ring-around-the-rosy' that we see in a lot of games. Once you're in base contact, that's it, no more movement in pile-in/consolidate until the model you're in base contact with has been removed. 

    The game clarifies a lot of distances as 'horizontal distance', and models (aside from vehicles/monsters) can move through other friendly models without penalty. 

    Attaching units is also VERY straight forward. There's a 'epic challenge' strat that gives a character 'precision' on their melee attacks to a unit that also has a character, but they do clarify that other attacks still have to go to the 'bodyguard' unit until it's destroyed. They also specify exactly what units a character can have as a bodyguard, and only one character can attach to a bodyguard unit. It's elegant and simple but also engaging. 

    Stratagems look really nice, from 'grenade' being a strat that does some mortal wounds and 'smoke' and 'take cover' being simple ways to add some defense to a unit. 

    Critically, Transport, unit-type, Aircraft, and other rules are still MIA, so we don't have the full picture just yet. 

    I mostly mention these things because I wouldn't be surprised to see some of them make their way into AoS in 4th. I'd love to see the Leader/Attached Unit/Bodyguard system come over to AoS, specifically for foot heroes. I'd also love for the pile-in/consolidate restrictions make their way as well. I'm not a huge fan of the melee range system in AoS, but that's just me. 

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  13. GW have kept pretty tight-lipped about what's going to happen with dwarves and elves in cities of sigmar. They've only shown off humans, but wouldn't it be cool if they had some dwarves and elves sprinkled into the normal units just to show that they are indeed there? 

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  14. I'm a big fan of them making event minis MTO. I know it lessens the perceived value of those minis, but it also makes it so that people that can't get to those events can finally get one of those minis without paying out the butt for ebay prices. There's a few I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for, like the Chaos lady with the big two-handed maul. 

    • Like 11
  15. 10 hours ago, KingBrodd said:


    Do we think the new Cities Tome will have our first map of Azyr?

    Interesting! Usually these coins are released at the beginning of the month, usually having to do with whatever is happening that month (sometimes loosely, sometimes not at all). Soonest new coin would be released would be June, but that's 40k 10th ed, so you would think the coin of the month would be 40k related, but maybe not! 

    Either way, someone has been a naughty boy/girl releasing these early. 

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, DinoJon said:

    My biggest gripe with the plastic bloodthirster is the oval base compared to all the other greater daemons round bases. Can't complain about the sculpt though. 

    Anyone else get restless during these in-between times of releases/rumors? 

    absolutely. I'm trying to work on some saurus warriors while waiting for confirmation of the rest of the seraphon line. I really hope it's not too long a wait. I dread if we have to wait till some random time in July...

  17. 5 hours ago, DinoJon said:

    No description available.

    I think we all saw this coming but it's here sooner than I thought. Say goodnight to those sweet Forgeworld models, at least for the time being. 

    I suspect AoS will have some Forgeworld support again once The Old World gets going. 

    I'll miss those massive monsters showing up at events just for cool points. 

    in a weird way I think this is a good thing.

    AoS has a lot of room to grow and getting models in resin doesn't really help the game grow. All it does is put cool models behind a larger paywall. I'd rather see AoS continue to get nice plastic kits than dodgy FW resin ones. While some of those big monsters will be missed and there were some cool designs, my hope is that we'll see some of them in plastic in the future, much more accessible and without needing a whole separate book to use their rules. 

    • Like 7
    • Confused 3
  18. GW are always changing up how they make their games, and are always looking out for how they can keep people buying the books and models.

    Thankfully, they have at least one ear to the ground for how the community at large reacts to the progression of their systems. Bloat and complication stymied the growth of Warhammer 40k, and there wasn't an easy way for them to shift that.

    AoS already has a few simplified systems compared to 40k. To-hit and to-wound are flat stats based on weapon, which is something that 40k is only now starting to adopt (at least in the to-hit realm). The issue now is that AoS is starting to see more of the bloat from the subfaction rules standpoint (which was half of the issue in 40k's bloat) but not the stratagem bloat. In place of stratagems, AoS's issue is the abundance of Mortal Wounds, making any sort of defense other than Ward saves increasingly useless. 

    The big question that we have in terms of speculation for 4th edition is whether AoS will try to do a big 'reset' ala 40k's 8th and 10th editions, or if they will keep the system they have and try to find other ways to tweak and adjust the system. In other words: Does AoS's current system have room for them to make adjustments to the core rules that would help balance the systems in place in the battletomes? 

    Looking at how they're starting a big narrative thread well before the end of the edition, and that we're basically 2 battletomes away from having the complete set (well ahead of when 40k finally printed their last codex, compared to edition-end, RIP World Eaters players), I think AoS is in a pretty good place overall. It's unlikely that we will get any further powercreep, and there's a full year that GW can balance points and FAQ rules to make sure that the game is solid and Kruleboyz can get out of the lowest spot in the meta. 

    • Like 6
  19. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    @Baron Klatz

    It seems that we need to read all battletomes (even the previous ones), all white dwarfs, all campaign books (and off-shots) and all Black Library books (mainly, omnibus based on "main" races) to follow the main narrative (if there is a "main" narrative).

    You should start a youtube channel or blog explaining everything about AoS. Even if I'm an AoS fan,  I'm left behind with all the stuff going on.

    Things are much less linear in AoS than they are in 40k.

    In 40k, you can follow the timeline pretty succinctly, but in AoS it's better to follow a particular character or faction to see how they're doing or where they're going. The other thing is there aren't enough novels out for AoS just yet...

    • Like 4
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  20. 1 hour ago, Shankelton said:

    Man. The Harbinger of Decay all but seals my collection of a nurgle army. I've hummed and Hah'd over what to collect after falling out of love with my long-stalled out Mawtribes army.

    One thing I didn't see mentioned at all, was the lore blurb about the lore revolving around him.

    "Dour and humourless – in contrast to the Grandfather’s usual joyful entourage – they lead Rotbringer cohorts known as Shudderhoods, joylessly committed to undertaking unholy labours in the Plague Lord’s name."

    Honestly. Its really refreshing to have a traditionally eccentric or silly faction tighten up for a serious/ dour role in the fiction. Farting nurglings and over the top joyful nurgle dialogue just aren't my thing, and they get so done to death... Same with Orcs and their cockney shenanigans, or their comedy.

    It dominates the zeitgeist of the online community, and in Nurgle's case really undermines the whole pathos of what I feel it means to fall too, or be engaged by, the embodiment of despair and hopelessness that Nurgle is supposed to represent as a Chaos God.

    Yep, this has always been my issue with Nurgle. 

    I'm all for having a bit of fun in the setting, but it seems like Nurgle fans either want to embrace the gruesome and grimdark, or name their characters things like "Farty McButtface" and his army called the "Disgusting Avalance of Poo." 

    FANTASTIC to get something a little more serious in the faction. 

    • Like 1
  21. 10 minutes ago, Lich King said:

    AOS needs more green grass and blue skies . Notice that it’s not in the marketing so much - just abstract realms and dark areas .

    That's because we haven't had much going on in Ghyran yet. 

    But otherwise, Grimdark is grim and dark. 

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