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Posts posted by RileyArlic

  1. 4 hours ago, EonChao said:

    Although I think Whitefang confirmed that was false earlier in the thread when it was mentioned.

    takes time for information to make the rounds. Valrak was even streaming about the 'rumored rules changes' until someone came in to correct him. Without that, he'd likely have made another 4 videos about losing toughness :P

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Sahrial said:

    I have returned briefly from my piles of Ogors, goatmen, and 30k mechanicum projects to see if anyone else thinks the vampire heavy posts on warcom might imply a sooner turn around on the sbgl book than previously expected

    Seems to me to be more about the Warcry warband and GW putting a bunch of lore forward to explain their existence...

    would be happy to be wrong though! 

  3. 14 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

    The Old World exists solely to capitalize on the popularity of Total War and Vermintide. I'm 99% sure they announced it as soon as they could so that fans of those games would know it exists before the hype for them was over. There isn't likely to be any communication or coordination regarding AoS as they have separate teams developing both games, and you only have to look at the general AoS player base's reaction to know that The Old World isn't really something they're interested in ---reactions go from simple disinterest to viewing it as an existential threat to AoS' existence. Whether or not The Old World actually releases on time to capitalize on any TW and Vermintide hype is anyone's guess, but before people give GW too much flak for how long it's taken, Covid-19 dropped right in the middle of its development, and we all remember how much it impacted the hobby in general. Had it not happened, we'd be right in the middle of their estimated release window right now. I don't think a year or two of delays is very unreasonable given everything that happened.


    But on the subject of Total War and Coatls in AoS, some of you might remember that a Lizardman DLC was released for TW Warhammer II that featured Coatls as a unit unlike anything they'd had on TT. Given GW's development to release timeline of about two years and how involved they are in the design process for Total War (according to them and the developers of that game), I wonder if we might find out the Total War Coatl is based on concepts for the possible AoS unit? As a rule, TW Warhammer doesn't include AoS-specific content, but that hasn't stopped them from using AoS designs for things that existed in Fantasy.

    The only thing I know for... relatively certain is that GW is protective of their IP and likely checked every design that Total War made through their creative designer before approving it for use in the video games.

    It doesn't necessarily mean that GW are going to use those designs for themselves, but inspiration does happen. You can see it in the new Warriors. They have the same head shape, that viciousness, the muscle build, but the shields and other decorations are different in key ways. 

    The Total War Coatl is... odd. It's a beaked and feathered creature that looks like it belongs more in a Tzeentch army than a Lizardman army. There's a couple things to that...

    1. A Quetzalcoatl is an Aztec deity, and making fantasy models of another culture's deity can be seen as problematic.
    2. If GW did decide to make a coatl unit of some kind, and I had a tinfoil hat on my head, I might think that GW told Total War to make sure that their coatl wasn't too serpent-like so that when GW came out with their own, they'd have an easier time IP protecting it. 
    3. That's all I got.

    I'm personally not expecting a coatl unit, at least not yet. Maybe in a future wave of Seraphon. 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  4. I'd love a centerpiece Coatl unit... but then I worry that Seraphon will have too many centerpiece units.

    Kroak, Slann Starmaster, Carnosaur, Stegadon, even the Realmshaper Engine is a big model. I know other factions also have quite a few large models...

    Still, the idea of a giant feathered lizard-god would be epic, and also tie in a lot of the feather motifs we see across the rest of the range.

    • Like 1
  5. Trouble with those 40k rumors is that they contradict themselves. 

    They say they want to simplify 40k, but then say they're adding a keyword that will make some units work very differently from others (toughness apparently with heavy armor keyword or something). 

    They also mention making Crusade more like PtG, when it actually needs to be the other way around XD

    It also comes from a certain chan site, so take it all with a huge block of himalayan pink rock salt. 

    • Like 2
  6. I'm fully expecting that as we get these Rapid-fire AoS battletomes, we're going to see 5 foot heroes in a row... There are a handful of Rumor Engines that could point to those things, but...

    Well, let's put it this way. The Gloomspite Gitz release is the first one that broke the mold of 'if you're not getting a huge release, then all you get is a hero!' So anything is possible.

    We also know that the Warcry Khorne warband will eventually be sold separately for Blades of Khorne, and if we do get a Slaanesh warcry warband that'd be nice for them to help flesh out the mortal line a little further.

    • Like 2
  7. The things I'd give to get a hold of GW's sales numbers on certain factions... All we ever get are little snippets and rumors, and fans of particular factions are left in the dark not knowing if their faction is actually a money-maker for GW, and therefore likely to get more love sooner, or if it's a drag and they just happen to like the one faction that's underperforming (rip genestealer cults fans).

    I'd love nothing more than to hear that Seraphon are a huge seller once they get their updated range and that it bumps them up to the top of the roster in terms of priority for new things. I would not be upset by Lumineth sort of treatment, where we get two huge wave over the course of 2 years, even if it means buying multiple battletomes XD

  8. So, a small thing to note. 

    The Kharadron Overlords, Hedonites of Slaanesh, and Blades of Khorne battletomes are all gone from the GW website.

    Now, we already knew that Slaanesh and Khorne were the last 2 Chaos tomes to be updated through the spring, and Kharadron Overlords was the only Order tome to be updated aside from Seraphon (end of Spring) and Cities of Sigmar (likely replaced by Dawnbringer Crusades).

    Flesh Eater Courts, Ossiarch Bonereapers, and Soulblight Gravelords are still available. 

    Wouldn't surprise me if GW removed the 2 chaos and 1 order tome because the cat's out of the bag and those books should be coming very shortly. 

    • Like 6
  9. 55 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    So, a preposterous thought occurs. The imperial guard army box launched more than 2 before the codex. They did a preview video at an event in  which didn't show all the minis but then previewed one kit a week on Warhammer community until the pre-order of the army set. The army set came out in November which is Autumn but GW had the book down for winter in their road map. The slaves to Darkness army set also came out 2.5 months before the battletome. 


    So here's my hot take. For the next 4 or 5 Mondays we are getting a Seraphon preview leading up to a pre-order of the army set in mid to late March, before any of the Spring AoS battletomes.

    2.5 months later we are getting the battletome and the rest of the kits at the end of May or early June. It would explain why they are talking about Seraphon first and even showing rules already. Thoughts? 

    Honestly that makes perfect sense. GW have done it before, in fact multiple times with the collector's edition book inside the army box (Sisters of Battle, Votann, Imperial Guard, Slaves to Darkness, just off the top of my head) so... yeah. Army box could very much be the 3 first model kits we saw, Slann, Warriors, Raptadons, special edition battletome, with everything else coming out 1-2 months later, right there at early-mid June. 

    • Like 2
  10. 16 minutes ago, Molodav said:

    Do we have any rumors about FEC? I know there's 2 or 3 RE that look like FEC models.

    Many of those were solved by the King on Throne with Crown of Delusion.

    There are still some other RE's that look like Death but whether they're Soulblight or FEC or something else is up in the air. 

  11. We still don't know if Saurus Guard are simply extra bits in the Warriors box (headswap, chest armor, extra weapons) but time will tell.

    I'm hoping that seeing the Astrolith Bearer and even his rules this early could suggest that we're getting the Seraphon earlier than we thought.

    Spring ends in May, and GW did confirm that Seraphon would be 'end of Spring' alongside 'redacted x4' instead of simply 'summer' which we all know is going to be 40k 10th ed at this point.

    But could they be coming to us a bit sooner? 

  12. 1 minute ago, Captaniser said:

    Since we are interpreting the runes set forth by whitefang like ancient shamans again, I remember that they gave me a trophy for my hope of seeing either saurus knights or a sauropod dinosaur, which would suggest that i was atleast 50% correct. 

    I kinda hope it's the knights, to finally make a saurus army look somewhat decent

    I'd be thrilled for either... or BOTH! 

    The Saurus Knights have plagued the Seraphon line for long enough. I want the new ones to be huge, like Varanguard sized!

  13. Just now, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    He probably thinks "dude I already hearted a comment saying we're getting Salamanders!" :P

    Oh seriously? Well then nevermind! 

    My next guess would be 'no new big monster', but then that'd mean the only new unit we're getting are the raptadons...?

  14. Honestly? 

    I see Salamander and Razordon getting squatted. 

    Assuming no new skink, and considering the Raptadon's add in a new fast ranged unit, and ALSO considering 'Salamander' isn't really that much of an IP-protectable name... Yeah, if I had to take a guess, I'd say Salamander/Razordon isn't in the cards.

    I wonder what @Whitefang thinks of my logic?

    • Confused 1
  15. Would love to see more god-beasts. 

    I know we're also expecting, at some point, Tyrion and his aelves, Malerion and his aelves, Chaos Dwarves... those seem like the most 'in the bag' assumptions to make, though it could take another edition or two to see reality.

    It's rough talking about 4th edition when we're only halfway through 3rd edition, but we are going to be at a point where by the end of this year most of the battletomes will be updated. 

    1st edition was Stormcast vs Khorne (Chaos)
    2nd edition was Stormcast vs Nighthaunt (Death)
    3rd edition was Stormcast vs Kruleboyz (Destruction)

    Do we see a return to Stormcast vs Chaos? Does GW break the mold and introduce Dawnbringer Crusades in the starter box versus Chaos, such as Skaven or Beasts, that really need some love? Is this how they introduce Chaos Dwarves? Or do we see a rare Order vs Order with Stormcast vs Malerion's shadow aelves? 

    Also, do they shift focus into a new Realm, leaving Ghur behind, and which realm would they focus on?

    Lots of ways they could go, and I'm excited for the future.

    As for Seraphon, yeah, I'd love a starter box, especially if it has a collector's edition battletome. And maybe some awesome new seraphon dice. I'm a sucker for themed dice. 

    • Like 1
  16. So... we're expecting that the last Warcry box will have Slaanesh cultists versus something, yes? It would fit the pattern so far. 

    But then others are thinking that it might be Beasts of Chaos vs Spider Grots, due to an old rumor that suggested we were getting new models for those factions?

  17. I said my piece. If you guys want to keep being angry about the NDA, by all means, go right ahead. I prefer to see consumers as individuals, each individual capable of making their own decision. If their decision is to keep buying GW product despite the NDA, then that, in turn, is their own decision. 

    Maybe I'm wrong, I have a different perspective then the lot of you. I've been bigger into the video game scene, where a lot of this stuff seems no-brainer. Like I said, waiting for the real reviews is not an issue to me, but apparently it is to GW customers. 

    Then I just wonder, why the heck are all of you here, arguing on a GW forum? What do you want us all to do about it, if not to try to enact some sort of change in behavior? Shall we all write angry letters to GW? Cool, send me a template and I'll write one too if I agree with it. 

    In the mean time, I'm going to go back to working on my GW models and ignore people that try to dictate how I have fun in my hobby. 

    • Confused 2
  18. 9 hours ago, Greybeard86 said:

    Again the same? Aren’t we all in the era of influencers and online reviews? Are we all aware that people make this for a living?  I mean at this point I wonder what the motivation for posting yet again: “don’t like don’t sign” is. 

    Informed consumers lead to better markets. This is well established and a strong policy focus nowadays. 

    GW paying tit for tat with reviewers is bad for us, a shady business strategy and not inconsequential. It is not only an ethical question, it affects our bottom line same as it affects GW’s.

    Yes, informed consumers. Informed consumers also tend to be patient consumers, willing to read the reviews fully when they come out, not fall into the hype of some sponsorship and immediately pre-order something. 

    "Informed Consumer" does not equal "person that saw a video review a week ahead of release and rushed to preorder it as soon as it went live at noon, Saturday", but neither are they mutually exclusive. You can be an informed consumer while also waiting for more information to come to light. You CAN be *informed* and also *patient* for your preferred content creator to come out with their review. If there were more people like this, content creators wouldn't need to jump on every blurry potato-cam leak that comes by. 

    • Confused 1
  19. Have you guys not heard "Wait for the REAL reviews?" in literally any other industry? 

    Have none of you heard "Stop Preordering"? 

    A lot of this is due to people over-hyping a release, typically of a video game, that ends up underperforming, but the wisdom, this simple wisdom, can apply to GW product as well. Sponsored reviews are very typical in many industries, from washing machines to lego sets, and it's no surprise that GW might want to try to do the same with this new NDA. Even if all of the content creators are shifted into this type of NDA, they have a decision to make: Get the product early and free just to get a video out faster, or get the product later and at cost, and give an unbridled opinion. BOTH content creators can make money and keep their livelihoods going, especially since many people will likely shift over to the non-sponsored creators to view their opinions before purchasing a product, and heck, who knows, maybe this will finally start to cool off the pre-order hype of so many of GW's new games and models. 

    To me, a lot of the debate here seems to be centered around whether or not you think that content creators are the 'victim' or not. Obviously, if you have read or listened to stuff by Kirioth or Goobertown, you'll likely think that the content creators are all being horribly victimized by these contracts. 

    If you don't like the contract you're given, you can renegotiate it or not sign up for it. If you sign up for it, you are making a conscious choice to follow GW's rules. GW is not forcing anyone to sign these, and by suggesting this will ruin a channel or content creator because they can't get things early is amateur at best. A channel ruined by this sort of thing likely didn't have a lot going for it anyway, and likely those sorts of channels weren't approached to sign on to this sort of contract in the first place! 

    Maybe instead of overinflating this issue, we need to consider the larger habits at play. Way too often people are clambering over themselves to get at new product, so much so that scalpers have seen GW product as a prime target for scalping. This is because of how absolutely ravenous people are to have a chance to add to their growing pile of gray plastic. Maybe if people started to wait for the "REAL reviews", we'd have a much more even flow of product, fewer knee-****** reactions, and a cooler temperature in conversations.

    Instead what we have is a scenario where as soon as a single blurry page of a codex is leaked, people start buying up as many of the new 'broken' or 'meta' model as possible, or FOMO into a new game, which only turns that game into a prime target for scalping. 

    Instead of creating a situation where content creators NEED to get access to the information early, or apparently their entire livelihood goes bust, maybe we as a community can foster a little more patience...

    ...nah, easier to just demonize GW. 

  20. If your channel completely relies on a tabletop game company giving you early access to product to be successful, maybe you need to reconsider your life choices.

    I've seen plenty of channels that talk about whatever they want just from blurry potato-cam images and early teasers, making 10-minute+ videos out of a single screenshot of a single model.

    If signing GW's NDA is critical to your business, you'll sign it. If it's not, you won't. If you're smart, you'll take it to a lawyer and renegotiate it. If you can't afford a lawyer, maybe you shouldn't be signing contracts you don't understand. 

    Warhammer is not a need, it's a want. I'm not telling anyone to not be angry about the NDA, by all means your feelings are valid, but let's try to keep things in perspective. Being a wargaming channel reviewing early access to product is a luxury, and not at all a need for channels to be successful. God forbid you actually buy the product to review it. Maybe if some of these channels did that, they'd give more honest reviews one way or another. 

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 1
  21. 1 hour ago, Kaleydoscope said:

    Sadly, it is only one more dice thrown for thunderstrike units (so 4 dice instead of 3 when a 3-wound model dies) instead of getting MWs on 5+ instead of 6+. Other than that, your list looks fun but could have problems on scoring objectives (few bodies) and punch (Stormdrakes can turn out to be more of flying tanks than hammers).

    Edit: Ofc, you could use the holy command final thunderstrike (?) once, to get MWs on 5+. Still, I would not like that personally because it implies that I want many of my models to die that turn..

    Ahhhh, I see, that makes more sense now. I was misreading that rule.

    I think some of the better lists are going to have less dragons and more basic cheap battleline, like Judicators, to help keep backfield objectives secure while the dragons and dracoths run up and do what they do. Krondys is one of those big units that requires a lot of knowledge to get the most out of, but his ability to throw out buff/debuff spells is probably one of his greatest features.

    Considering a few things, I've come up with this list that I think will be a 'best of both worlds' sort of thing:

    Stormhost: Celestial Vindicators
    --Lore of the Storm: Celestial Blades
    Knight-Draconis (General)
    --Command Trait: Master of the Celestial Menagerie
    --Mount Trait: Thunderous Presence
    --Artefact of Power: Mirrorshield
    Stormdrake Guard (Battleline)
    Judicators with Crossbows
    Judicators with Crossbows
    Dracothian Guard Fulminators

    Points: 1995

    With this list, you have really key support with Krondys and the Knight-Azyros and Knight-Draconis. Celestial Blades gives you +1 to wound for a unit. Knight-Azyros targets an enemy and gives you +1 to hit against it (and he can't be targetted down by ranged weapons outside of 9" with the Mirrorshield). Master of the Celestial Menagerie makes Krondys, the Knight-Draconis, and the Stormdrake Guard even tankier as long as the Knight-Draconis is on the field, and his Mount Trait can shut off command traits, so enemies that target him might not benefit from things like all-out-attack, etc. 

    Supporting your Draconiths, you've got the powerful Fulminators, with the Celestial Vindicators making sure that any 6's they roll get additional hits on that all-important charge. This also helps the Vanquishers and Stormdrake Guard as well, making sure that those units get that extra bit of damage in, while Judicators with Crossbows are a decent ranged battleline unit that can sit back, push back reserve deep striking units, and hold backfield objectives without being too expensive but while also contributing their damage. 

    The death of any particular leader will be felt, since those buffs and benefits will start to vanish, but with various benefits spread across Krondys, the Knight-Draconis, and the Knight-Azyros, your opponent will have to take out ALL of your leaders in order to get rid of all the different bonuses that you're getting on the field. The combination of Knight-Azyros and the Judicators (or any unit, really) will help target down troublesome units with that +1 to hit. 

    The Vanquishers meanwhile are a decent, cheap unit that gets a extra attacks when they're outnumbered, so charge them into some chaff holding your opponent's objectives to help clear the way. At only 5 models, the Musician isn't really necessary, but hey, it's a neat model.

    And, of course, most of the list fits nicely into a Battle Regiment, meaning you get a 2-drop deployment, with the Battle Regiment as one, and Krondys as the other. 

    I think a list like this could still fit the dragon theme while also being competitive, tanky, and choppy all at once. 

  22. 1 hour ago, Dream said:

    Are we ever getting new models for a FAQ! Sick of this radio silence from GW. Seriously just communicate what is going and give us a few updates. Literally do anything please GW.

    They didn't tell us anything about Cursed City. They didn't communicate at all when there was a massive shortage of their spray primer and paint. They're not going to tell us anything now. And besides, no matter what they say, it doesn't change the fact that we just gotta keep waiting until we get the stuff we want.

    If you want FAQ material, make sure you e-mail their FAQ team with your questions. That tends to help actually. A lot of people just assume GW knows all the issues when they arise, but the more e-mails that come in to their FAQ team, the more likely they are to address it. That's why FAQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions" and not "Frequently Complained About Questions Online"

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