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Everything posted by RileyArlic

  1. Not counting any stuff that's already out, that means we got... Grotbags - grot sky pirates "Umbraneth" - Malerion's shadow aelves "Chorfs" - aka Chaos Dwarves Kurnothi - wood aelves and the satyrs/centaurs that are part of that faction Gholemkind - dwarf living constructs Silent Ones - ancient insect people as teasers into potential 'seeds' that could eventually be grown into brand new factions... or abandoned just as easily. I know I'm missing a dozen, what others can you guys think of?
  2. I know a lot of people are getting excited for "golem-kind" but let me remind y'all that goblin sky-pirates were mentioned in the 2nd edition KO battletome that just got replaced and we've seen squat diddly for them. It's possible they're planting seeds, but it's more likely they're just giving nods to things from the old lore. I wouldn't put money on it happening until maybe late 4th or 5th edition AoS.
  3. I think my main hope for Cold One Riders is that they look like dinosaurs. I'm a little concerned that they'll lose some of their dinosaurness for some reason. The head on that ogor hunter kit doesn't really say 'raptor' to me But we'll see how they go!
  4. I guess we'll see! Adepticon isn't too far away now.
  5. A bigger dino would be pretty cool, though I wonder if GW are thinking that Lord Kroak is a big enough 'centerpiece' model, ala Alarielle and Teclis and such?
  6. Though, we did get the updated Starseer, so there may be more that we have yet to see. A new Eternity Warden would be super slick as a bodyguard, especially if Temple Guard are going the way of the dodo. Or maybe Temple Guard will become more like the Praetors from Stormcast, a smaller group of bodyguard units that are bigger and more well armed?
  7. Another thing finally gone: The Seraphon 2nd edition Battletome. It is no longer present at all on the GW website! The Kroxigor and Saurus Knights are still on the US store, but I'm sure that wont last long. Exciting times!!
  8. Yeah, it's beyond frustrating when a character is locked behind a bunch of models you don't want. So, hopefully we'll see a change-up of that... or he'll just be locked behind whatever Vanguard box comes out for the next 3 years
  9. Noooooot gunna hold my breath for that. Maybe 4th edition.
  10. In other news, the Soulblight Gravelords and Ossiarch Bonereapers Battletomes are gone from the GW store completely (minus the digital edition of course). The Flesh Eater Courts battletome is still present on the website. Several other sets are set as "No Longer Available" - likely for reboxing. The SBGL Start Collecting is also set as "No Longer Available". Maybe we'll finally see the Wight King on Steed sold separately?
  11. I noticed this too. Only thing I can think of is that corporate media law is different from the UK and the US, or that the writers and animators signed some sort of contract. Any industry professional worth their salt is likely going to avoid any sort of contract that doesn't credit them, but there's just so much we don't know about the situation. There are other shows produced in the UK that credit the creatives properly, and if GW keeps down this path then they're likely to have a situation where they can't keep creative professionals on long enough to get a big enough group of experienced people to make content to any sort of decent standard, as once they gain experience they'll leave for brighter pastures and better opportunities. I definitely hope the fandom makes more noise about this, but the way I see it GW is just going to burn their own bridge on this one. If they want to attract and KEEP talent, they'll want to treat their people well, and that includes crediting them for their work. Companies like Disney and Amazon have the same issue: a revolving door of people. They get attracted by the opportunity to work for big-name company, only to get milked for their work and then leave when they can't take it any more.
  12. yeah, and it sounds like it's going to good use, building utilities for parks and playgrounds. I wouldn't expect this to come to america any time soon, though.
  13. Oh gosh. Imagine it.. We get the 'launch box' for seraphon in June and then have to wait till after all the 10th hype has died out by end of August to get the rest of the Seraphon release... I, for one, would be LIVID.
  14. Very exciting!! I'm a LITTLE bit miffed that I literally JUST ordered the resin starseer, but I have a plan for it. I'll take the old resin one and a blot toad and stick the toad onto the palanquin as a 'baby slaan'... But anyway, very exciting to have an updated plastic model. A few people I've seen have taken a real close look at the body, it could be possible to get two skinks out of this one kit, depending on how it goes together. Might be a torso piece that needs to find a replacement or something, but I figure if you've gotten the Carnosaur or regular skinks from elsewhere, that'll be a non-issue to get an extra skink priest! Now, this is where my pessimism is gunna show a little bit. You see, I'm a long-time Chaos Marine player, and I'm very familiar with how GW have a strange tendency to trip right before the finish line. Now, I know there's still quite a few seraphon-likely rumor engines yet to be revealed, and that kroxigor and cold one riders are very likely to get the update treatment as well, BUT... I just have a funny feeling that if I get my hopes up I'll be disappointed, and that one of those kits is going to remain in resin for another 5 years. The Starseer in resin was a younger kit than either the kroxigor or the cold one riders by far, and it gets the update... so what have we not seen yet? I'm sure it'll be fine, but having 3rd edition Chaos Bikers still desperately needing new life, I can't help but worry.
  15. If GW keeps growing, I'm sure it'll become a non-issue. The focus will become expanding units and options, exploring characters that haven't had much limelight, and giving old units new options they haven't had before (ala kill team sprues but maybe for other purposes). As Matrindur pointed out, eventually bloat does become an issue no matter how you slice it, but there are still a dozen factions for both 40k and AoS they could explore and add to. Small factions like Genestealer Cults and Harlequins on 40k side and Idoneth Deepkin and Fyreslayers on the AoS side, not to mention things we haven't even seen yet. There's plenty of room to grow, and only time will tell where the range of models simply ceases to be able to support itself.
  16. It's true, hero models are definitely straightforward for GW to add, and in AoS they don't have to worry so much about giving a hero model a butt-load of options for every pistol/combi-weapon + power weapon combo that's ever existed to satisfy 40k players. The advantage is also that many heroes in AoS are a little easier to convert. Especially in the case of foot heroes, sometimes one could simply be a slightly souped up version of a regular troop, given a different paint scheme or back banner or something. As said above, it also gives players new options and new life into units that they may like, or may not have thought to try. My personal hope is that we start seeing Hero + Unit like what Gloomspite Gitz and Sylvaneth got. Not a massive update, but definitely something fun and interesting as a way to update an army without breaking the bank. Think about it from GW's perspective: Eventually they will *run out* of things to update from old resin, metal, or plastic. In 10 years, when most everything is 'modern' plastic, what do they update? Take the new skeletons from SBGL. At what point will those skeletons be deemed out of date and need new models? 10 years from now? 15? I think the real hint of change will be when GW takes a 1st edition Stormcast unit or a Primaris marine and gives them a replacement unit. The day they update Intercessors to have a new kit we'll know the end times are upon us XD
  17. I'm keeping my expectations low. Kroxigors and Cold One Riders and little else. If we do get more, I'll be delighted, just not counting on it. I think the curious thing is that out of all of this so far the only genuinely new thing we've had revealed is the Raptadons. Normally GW prefer to introduce more new things rather than just update old things, so hopefully we do get at least one new thing. Plus, keep in mind that for the next few editions we'll likely get little more than foot heroes in 4th or 5th, so things like saurus leaders on foot or somesuch will likely come much later XD
  18. Yeah, the hope is we get Vashtorr and their box set, and maybe we'll get lucky and get the World Eaters combat patrol that quite a few people have been waiting on. SBGL need plenty... are they going to get it? Likely not this edition.
  19. Would love it. Titanicus is a fantastic game and there were a lot of people hoping for even more. There's still lots of titans and knights that could have been added to the game, including corrupted titans that a lot of people were hoping to see. If they make the shift to Epic, it could breathe new life into the Titanicus model range and also the Aeronautica model range. Both games got a raw deal being released right before the pandemic hit, and then the game designer of Titanicus (James Hewitt iirc) left the company. So, we'll see what happens in the long run. Either way, great to see two more battletomes out soon. Khorne REALLY needed theirs.
  20. It's funny because we already know what the books are, so there's no surprise necessarily. The surprise will be whatever hero model that each of the books get I guess.
  21. Total War Warhammer 3 got a rough reception because of launch bugs and a weird, wonky campaign. Now that Immortal Empires is out and various mod-makers have gotten their hands on the game, it's VERY healthy and doing quite well.
  22. I feel for 30k players for today's reveal, being very underwhelming. 5 sets of despoiler weapons, but you need 2 sets to actually make a minimum squad, and 4 sets to make a full squad, AND it's resin... But, I'm looking forward to seeing what 2 of the 4 remaining battletomes we'll see. It's really a coin-toss. I'm personally guessing they'll do 1 death and 1 chaos. Despite Soulblight being near bottom of the meta according to that last article, I think Bonereapers need it a little more, so Khorne + Bonereapers would be a nice reveal.
  23. Been watching Total War batreps to hold myself over, and I notice that there's a lot of instances of 'feral' beasts that Lizardmen can take in Total War. I wonder if we'll see something like that in the new book? Notice the raptadons... the skinks aren't on some complex saddle, there's just 3 connection points. One for each foot and then the handle on the ropes around the neck. Three things that could be very easy to remove and have feral Raptadons. The Stegadon, Bastilodon, and Carnosaur/Troglodon do have a couple of little connection points here and there, but for the most part not difficult to leave the riders off of them. If we see new Saurus Knights, I wonder if they'll be similarly limited in connection points to allow for pure dinos?
  24. Honestly I have a funny feeling we're going to know the rest of the Seraphon range before Adepticon, and Adepticon will be used to tease either Flesh Eater Courts or Dawnbringer Crusades.
  25. We already know about the Vashtorr vs Azrael box, it's just a matter of release. I imagine we might finally see Farsight or Snikrot (or maybe both!) along with the reveal of the 4th book title. If we get that, alongside a reveal for a hero or two for the next upcoming AoS tomes and maybe confirmation of a Seraphon Launch Box, I'd be pretty content, especially since Adepticon is later in the week and will likely be where we get more significant reveals. So definitely check your hype for this weekend, they'll save their bangers for Adepticon.
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