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Everything posted by chemicalm

  1. I thought I might have, and I do appreciate that there is so many good sculpts! I basically have all of the unique Nighthaunt painted up and it's pretty cool, Underworlds warbands look cool so I think that is my next step in between the 3.0 starter which I assume will be push-fit to help new people get into the hobby. I would love if the new skeletons and zombies are, as I enjoyed painting those and like the soulblight aesthetic, I already have cursed city and the vampire warband mostly done so fingers crossed. Unfortunately the first edition starter was easy to build but still needed glue to assemble, I almost bought that to add to my stormcast, Thank you for the reply it's a good help.
  2. Hey all, So I unfortunately have a brain injury and nasty reactions to glue so I am stuck with push-fit models for the foreseeable future. I really don't mind this as painting is an escape for me and I'm unable to play game yet, I was just wondering if there is a complete list of push-fit models so I know what I am able to buy, build and paint. So far I own the Soul Wars, Storm Strike boxes as well as the other easy to build releases for Stormcast and Nighthaunt. And I was lucky enough to get my hands on Cursed City, but unfortunately am running out of things to paint! I know the Slaves to darkness start collecting box and Warhammer Underworlds warbands are push fit, I was just curious if there was any other characters or units out there that aren't advertised as easy to build but are, I am guessing the new starter set with 3rd edition will be and i'm looking forward to that. Thanks for the advice
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