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Snorri Nelriksson

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Posts posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. 1 minute ago, Bosskelot said:

    There's a skaven leak going around that sounds a little disappointing. Apparently Plague Monks and Gutter Runners are disappearing.

    It does'nt make any sense though at least for the plague monks.
    "Basic units" for the 4 main clans can't be eliminated like that imho....i could see a sort of renewal for Gutter runners (maybe even a name change) but monks are also in the underworld warband....it makes little sense considering Pestilens was also his own battletome in the first edition.

  2. 1 minute ago, Captaniser said:

    Reads like the best option for expanding the denizens of the mortal realms without having to make a too large up-front investment. 

    I could totally see Kurnothi, Silent People, Ogor subcultures, and other displaced races fighting under the Cities of Sigmar banner as a warcry warband that may or may not be expanded on a few years down the line. Just the added versatility and world-building this would bring would be realm-shaking.

    Kurnothi and firebellies could be at least handful of units for existing armies though (with allegiance like troggoths) if we think about Sylvaneth and Ogors.
    Silent people seems "too alien" to have something to ally with even in a "tau auxiliaries" style.

  3. I remember clearly that one of previous gw designers (Cavatore iirc?) said that before making ogre kingdoms one of the other "ideas" was a humanoid insectoid army crossed with japanese elements so it's not the first time gw is thinking for the fantasy system a new insectoid race.
    TBH i don't like much the silent people skull....doesn't feel very bug-like but more vertebrate.
    I want something more bug looking.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

    Valaya never was a pro-active god. Last time she comunicate with dawi was in End Times, after that we only knows that some portion of her powers was absorbed by Nagash and that her cults still exist in AgeofSigmar and folowers of that cult known as healers in dispossessed clans. Also there is some hints that Grombrindal right now reopening Duardin underworlds in attempt to find her in one of them. 
    I feel like she will be Order god for Realm of death as Duardin underworlds guardian and opposition for Nagash.

    Duardin god of death is Gazul though...already eaten by Nagash but dwarves still follow him (there's a story about the Gazul zagaz clans in Shyish that have runesinger that can summon dead spirits).

  5. It does'nt make sense  saleswise reissuing old metal kits that were remade in aos.
    Until i see any older model reissued i will think models that got new version in aos will be used for both.
    Tow squig hoppers rules(from the new ravening hordes) have even the lances, making boingrot bounderz legal in tow even....so why in Grungni's name they should reissue old metal squig hoppers that don't have any lance?

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Maybe they go into the Persian style but reimagined? I mean, their flavour is quite unique and recognisable, so why not keep it?

    Persian+ancient middle east style is already hinted in the warcry warband imho.
    They could add a bit of india\central asia to the side if they want to change something for aos....Persian empire stretched till there so i'd say it would make senses to take inspirations from all the cultures the empire had.
    Hobgoblins units of Chorfs were clearly Scythian and less mongolian than previous models.

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  7. 4 hours ago, mawhis117 said:

    The Honest Wargamer is Streaming at the moment with AOS predictions for 2024. 

    He's just said that he's been told that Chaos Dwarves will be coming in AOS 4, which is why they weren't included with The Old World

    Please be true.

    It wiuld make senses as they had an outpost in Ulgu and probably 4th edition will see that realm in focus imho.

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  8. 18 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    I'm going with a "think it is" as I think the head of the beast is actually turned to it's right so it's hard to make out the kroot-ness in its biology. 

    We'll see eventually. 

    Can be easily justified in lore as Pech ecosystem is full of divergent kroot subspecies.

    Hoping for the krootox return also.

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  9. 56 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Skaven. I'll bet good money now that half of these rumor engine pics are clans skryre/eshin/pestilens kits, since they're canonically the three biggest factions within the AOS Skaven lore.

    Please give something to Moulder GW...Eshin and them are the most in need of a rework(rat ogors,gutter runners and so on).

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  10. 6 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Also about the King. Brets by that time weren't together, were they? So the figure of a King makes no sense if that's the case. I guess that' why the focused so much in Baronies.

    They were already unified in tow tineline.

    Gilles unification is much earlier.

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  11. Holy Nagash i'd never thought they could do this great range ideas for Fec,they are absolutely gorgeous.

    Ushoran is great but i love other pieces also.

    I like the new the cardinal that enables Blisterkin court lore friendly lists.

  12. 35 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

    Do we know what size the non-deified Drogrukhs were?  

    IIRC Kragnos got that huge cause he was on a Ghur realmstone diet...but considering they battled the Draconith maybe they are at least monstrous in size (like dragon ogors?).

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