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Snorri Nelriksson

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Posts posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. 1 hour ago, Blueraven84 said:

    I really hope that showing cad pictures now doesn't mean they are 2 years away...or even one...

    Rumors talks about end of the year\next year iirc, as they talked about Bretonnians vs Khemri starter set i think this article is a "sort of" hint to those rumors being true (at least partially).

    • Like 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Would be funny if Skaven saw a update for Fantasy before AoS.

    Doubt, after TK and Brets they will focus on some other armies surely like Imperial civil war factions,O&G,elves and dwarves imho.
    Still considering the lizard wave in Aos i could see the 4th edition having a renewal for skaven like the Seraphon are getting.

    • Like 2
  3. Were'nt Gholemkind described as "mechanical like"?
    Or i'm confusing them with cogmen or those strange "automaton" in one of the stormvault?
    Imho they could be the perfect idea to give the Duardin factions a monster sized infantry without much problem (or at least for KO and dispossesed).
    Who knows but i hope Aos will delve more in these different races.
    But considering how we've alrady got lore blurbs about possible new armies that got nowhere i'm not that hopeful (like you know...Grotbag scuttlers).

    • Like 2
  4. Considering they revealed bith chaos tomes and KO got a single hero i'm still getting hope that the death battletome is the only army getting something more of the hero...maybe a pair of units?

    Not bad the chaos heros still i prefer the lord of Hybris,khorne priest seems a bit boring...Valkia imho could have been better.

    • Like 6
  5. 22 minutes ago, RileyArlic said:

    We already know about the Vashtorr vs Azrael box, it's just a matter of release. I imagine we might finally see Farsight or Snikrot (or maybe both!) along with the reveal of the 4th book title. 

    If we get that, alongside a reveal for a hero or two for the next upcoming AoS tomes and maybe confirmation of a Seraphon Launch Box, I'd be pretty content, especially since Adepticon is later in the week and will likely be where we get more significant reveals.

    So definitely check your hype for this weekend, they'll save their bangers for Adepticon. 

    Imho Adepticon will be used for that "big comeback" rumored for the 40k....
    Aos wise probably they will bring up the first proper Cities reveal.

    • Like 2
  6. Considering the article mentioning tgat seraphon are coming late spring with other "redacted" battletome...could it be they botched the roadmap image saying they are coming summer?

    Considering the reveals it makes more sense to them coming before may....

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Out of interest, what are the gaps in the KO range people would like to see filled? It’s certainly small but feels more rounded than one-note jobs like Fyreslayers or Ironjaws.

    I think at least some close combat specialist like a "power armor" heavy infantry or a dreadnought styled monstrous infantry.
    Considering the ship part i'd love something akin to the Yamato 2199 "dimensional submarine" also .

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  8. I love it.
    It embodies perfectly the legalistic way of the KO (i'd also would have loved a Grudgekeeper but ths fits more the idea behind their culture) and the models is showing some things i'd love to see for their new models like the unmasked face and the "power steam armor".
    I'm still bummed about the "no other models for you"though...

    • Like 3
  9. 11 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    I wonder how the reception from the old guard fanbase affects GW's decisions regarding TOW. The response to this new article seems to be overwhelmingly negative, and the new fanbase aren't exactly the type to invest in a TTG. The way GW is going about it seems to just make nobody happy.

    To me seems just that people are annoyed by the lack of "substance" regarding these articles.
    The timeline is a cornerstone of the setting and many would love to see models for Asavar Kul,Magnus the Pious and so on...i just think many are angry the lack of models preview or a "confirmed" release date to the new game.

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  10. By Grungni and Grimnir bearded stern faces and Valaya motherly smile!
    I love those two models!!!!!
    Now i'm getting some hope about a second wave for both the armies (Votann imho already "almost confirmed" considering the rumor engine).
    If it's a sign for the things to come i'm ready!!! :D

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  11. 6 hours ago, EonChao said:

    Remember the Arbites are not the police for specific worlds but rather enforce Imperial law across the Imperium. This can give them jurisdiction over multiple planets and their orbits. In fact Arbites officers do engage in boarding actions and have access to their own cruisers in the lore. It's possibly that Gallowdark has emerged into an Imperial held system or a criminal they're pursing has fled into there. Or maybe the Dark Eldar trapped them there to hunt. It also fits the theme of the previous expansions with Imperial groups (Imperial Breachers and Kasrkin) venturing into the Gallowdark and fighting Xenos.

    Ok,i missed the lore blurb about the penal ship being part of the space hulk of Gallowdark.
    It does makes sense them getting "trapped" in the space hulk.

  12. 12 hours ago, EonChao said:

    I believe the current set of rumours that are leaning towards being correct has Arbites (new kit) vs Dark Eldar (Kabalite upgarde sprue) as the next Kill Team box with two of the silhouettes being from it and they've proven accurate so far. So I think it's no unreasonable to expect one or both of the Khorne and Slaanesh models to be for Warcry.

    IIRC this kill team season is focused on ships boarding actions and Arbites does not seems right.
    The preview article,referring to the dark eldar image, talks about a space hulk so it does not fit quite right Arbites fighting them in such location.

    • Like 1
  13. The last shadow of the trailer seems an elf...but "spiky and pointy".

    Malerion incoming?(or maybe the warband already teased).

    Also:i'm really pleased for the lizardmem teaser,hoping we'll see many things redone and updated.

  14. 22 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    What are everyones realistic hopes and dreams for Sundays Sneak Peek!?

    My only hope and cope is that "at least" we'll see equally sneak peeks for bor both system....
    wh40k:some other Votann things

    Aos:cities and perhaps something for the native aos armies like Kharadron..

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