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Snorri Nelriksson

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Posts posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. Some tidbits about the ruination seems to imply there's more.
    Other than "thunderstrike paladins" what could we expect for the stormcasts other than the box new minis?
    Skaven seems already known by the rumor already posted and proved "right" about what's to come but i feel  difficult to imagine what stormcasts could get ?
    Considering the various squatting of their ranges other than thunderstrike old units i can't see much.
    Hoping for some "extreme" ideas for "un-reforgable" stormcasts like lightning geists\dreddy styled golems.

    • Like 1
  2. I was worried when people talked about scenery that the units would be less,i'm glad it's not the same.

    Probably going to take it for the Ruination chamber but keeping the rats also(as a dawi player i need to mantain enemies closer than friends ahaha).

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    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Luperci said:

    something inbetween the baby droth and full size droths would be great. Or something even bigger than the full size droths, a named demigod offspring of vulcatrix

    I'm hoping to see those volcanic pterosaurs in an old (1st or 2 ed) fyreslayer fortress artwork.
    A Dawi can dream though...

  4. 33 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    What could Death even have? Soulblight cannibalized Halloween Skeletons, Werecritters, and Vampirates are too similar a concept to not just end up under Gravelords. Maybe mummies? 

    Deadwalkers flesh construct army (not just zombies but amalgams,frankenstein electrical powered monsters and so on).


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  5. 1 hour ago, Warboss Gorbolg said:

    If Gitmob is really going to be expanded, and the Snarlfang Riders are indicative of the future, they could draw some inspiration from this bit of 8th edition WHFB. This always captured my imagination and is my favorite bit from that Army Book.

    “Other well known goblin tribes include nomadic traders that travel the wilderness in ramshackle, fortress-like caravans. They trade with all kinds of unsavory types and, unsurprisingly, are known for their thievery and swindling skills.”

    Would be great for Back Library stories as well!

    Them combined with Grotbag scuttlers should focus as a sunworshipping-fast moving grot army.

    The ramshackle goblin part wiould be ramped up to eleven possibly drawing cues from old O&G siege weapons and the 40k grot committee that had similar vehicles:

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  6. 27 minutes ago, HCMistborn said:

    Did the murder the plague priest in the model cleansing? Maybe a grey seer that can be built as a plague priest, like in Total Warhammer? I seem to remember them being the same model with a different staff and stink lines floating around the plague priest.

    Heads should be very different though, plague priests are'nt horned as grey seers.

    • Like 1
  7. Partial OT:female custodes were never implied to be impossible save for a line about "taken fron nobility of terra Sons".

    Custodes creation is not extremely detailed as SM so there was room for details and innovation.

    But in the HH Sanguinius mention women and men clad in gold as bodyguard of his father(people thought about sisters of silence but they're not his bodyguard,they're the astra telephatica chamber militant).

    It's different from introducing female sm (that need the geneseed of their primarch)...maybe the lazyness of the introduction about them is "bad" (but they did the same with primaris to some extent)but they were never mentioned as "impossible to have".

    • Like 6
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    • Confused 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    Valrak was talking about Fimirs on his stream recently, but he said for Kill Team? He himself seemed unfamiliar with Fimirs - I personally can’t see them return, but then 10 years ago if you told Me Nagash would get a big plastic kit and the Primarchs would be returning to 40k I’d have poured all the Salt out of my cupboard to have that conversation. 

    Fimirs in 40k KT does'nt make senses though...maybe he misheard the rumor(Fimir for warcry?for aos?).

  9. But Ogors aren't a core faction in Tow.
    The whole "different sales data" would be meaningless here as they are supported only in aos so there would'nt be any problem.
    Considering destruction has very few armies it would be madness...

    • Like 2
  10. 7 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    The new Warlock Engineer is more AoSified, isn't it? GW is giving a bit of love to both sides of the preferences.

    Nope,the crazy warp lightning thingy would have been considered normal in whfb too...

    It's stil classic skryre all the way.

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  11. Halfling don't need to be cannibals to be paired with ogors though...they were made by the old ones to complement each other so they could be just assistants to butchers as "cooking helpers" and just eat the various beasts they hunt.

    They could even be made more technilogically advanced as sort of "civilized servants" to "homage" the whole khanates using subjected nations craftsmen and scholars for their empires.

    I'd love to see gutbuster having a more asian aesthetic while the beastclaw retain the cavemen/hunters things.

    Or just make firebellies more civilized with bronze,forges and so on (perhaps mimicking early shang and Zhou bronze iconography) with their halflings as assistants.

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  12. Gitmob should be expanded and merged with grotbag to make a sun-Mork orshipping themed/frazzlegit army,to complement gloomspite with their Moon theme(as they have spiderfang and moonclan).

    Throw in some big dumb muscle thing like the troggoth as a bonus.

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  13. It's a good day to be a dwarfchad.

    Imho the warcry bonereapers needed a different loadout to get proper unit (more creatures and maybe doing 3 centaurs beastmaster) but not a bad group of models.

    Underworld cult is soo weird but  good.

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